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Legends of Tomorrow Review

Legends of Tomorrow is the 3rd CW produced DC hero show, and probably it's more underrated one as well. I want to throw a bit of love it's way by giving it a review praising what is a show that is way better than it had any right of being.

The History of Why

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So a long time ago rumors were circulating around that the Suicide Squad episode on Arrow was meant as a backdoor pilot for a potential Suicide Squad show. They had done this with the Barry Allen appearance episode, so it wasn't that much a leap. Sadly (or gladly depending on your point of view), the show got axed with the movie version being announced. With that off the table and the growing success of Arrow and Flash as their biggest shows, they desperately wanted an other Superhero show and quickly.

Cue the Legends! Unlike what happened with Suicide Squad (which I believe was backed up by the show runners) this is purely my speculation. After the death of Suicide Squad, the quickly scrambled to make an other show. They knew they had to use B or C list characters because WB wouldn't allow them to use any bigger characters. Only reason Flash happened is because he quickly he got in before they closed the doors on any potential movie character. Essentially the looked at all the characters they had that would just end up collecting dust and put them on their own show. This was a rushed product that feels like it lacked any clear vision.... and they made it work!

How It Stacks Up

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Legends has become easily my favorite DCTV show and probably in my personal top 5 CBTV show. It's a show that is way better than it has any right of being. The cast bounce really well of each other and any romance (outside of the Hawks) feel believable. That being said, the main draw for this show is just how bonkers and funny it can be. It's on the opposite side of shows like Black Lightning and Arrow, but it does it's cheesy aspects much better than the Flash.

The show isn't by no means perfect. Most of the problems however do stem from Season One's rough start, the Hawks and Vandal Savage. The show even acknowledges how bland and not scary he was in the George Lucas episode. As with anything that focuses on time travel to much, it can also become a bit chaotic since their will always be inconsistencies. Personally I don't mind, and it's not as bad as with Flash.

Once season 2 hits, it almost becomes a totally different shows. The series is more self aware and goes all out. It'll have episodes where they have to take on Zombies during the Civil War or where they take on Vikings who think a talking doll is a god of war.

The show has a way of making you care about characters you didn't think you would. Heatwave is a comedic MVP, since he acts almost as their aloof uncle who loves to drink. Ray Palmer's unwavering optimism is a great assert to the team. The one that I'm personally surprised I care about is Citizen Steel. The way he came to be on the group is a bit clunky, but for the most part he's a witty addition to the team. While they may be my favorites, everyone on the crew have their stand out moments and are used to their full potential.... unless you have budgetary issues which Firestorm seems to run into.

This show makes no qualms about showing their characters screw up and that certain changes to the time line have to be made. Either because it's necessary or because it's a patch to a screw up. It gives the show character by having their adventures not be so clean cut.

After Vandal Savage, the villains became much better written. In season 2 they were using Merlin, Reverse Flash and Past Darhk. I loved their dynamic and their goal, but then again I'm a sucker for anything that involves the Spear of Destiny.

Legends Never Die

Or at least I hope not. I have a nagging feeling in my stomach that this show may soon see the axe but I'm going to enjoy it till the end. I can't recommend this show enough, and I think if you're wanting to get into it, it's on Netflix and you should start on Season 2. Then one day if you're ready, go back and watch season 1. I think you'll fall in love with this group of lovable rogues by watching them get into all kinds of wacky time travel adventures.

Rating After Season One- 8.5/10