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Average score of 13 user reviews

This Was An Origin 0

Linally got around to finishing Wonder WOman Earth One. Honestly, not as bad as I had expected. Grant Morrison came across very condescending during interviews about the book. but the book itself doesn't come of that way (well, not as much). It was an enjoyable read although nothing praise worthy. Let me break it down for youPROSThe main thing that keeps this book afloat is the dialogue and the art. Characters like Etta Candy were stand outs. I can see what Morrison was going for with this worl...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Mission Status- It's alright 2

The Squad that kills is finally here, and after a slaughtering on Rotten Tomatoes I finally got to see if it truly was as bad as they say. And I'm eager to report that it's way better than Batman V Superman as it didn't destroy me emotionally OR KILL MY BUZZ!..... but, I digress. As of now, it's 2nd in the DCCU rank for me, and I honestly don't get the hate for it. It's far from a perfect movie and it did very noticeable problems, much like their deadbeat brother BvS. But at the end of the day I...

3 out of 5 found this review helpful.

We Can't See 3

WARNING- This might have light spoilers. Truth was the the beginning of what was sure to be a rough road for Clark Kent. No Secret Identity+ Lower Power+ Racists= Bad Times. While the first issue was a solid enough start it wasn't really Pak's best start to an arc since he started writing for both Action COmics (or as I refer to them, Paktion Comics) and Batman/Superman. This issue wasn't just a slam dunk,hole in one,home run etc, but it felt like a giant comment on todays issues with the Law En...

6 out of 8 found this review helpful.

A Groovy Start to a Far Out Series 2

As someone who isn't really a hardcore Wonder Woman fan and never saw this show this series might be a bit odd for me to be getting. But the way this started was that the comics for the Flash, Arrow and Smallville shows were so good that with those favorable odds it made me take a chance on a series like Batman '66 (A character I'm not to fond of currently). It was there that the campy bug bit me and I craved it. So when I heard about this series being announced I knew I was gonna buy it.66 vs ...

6 out of 7 found this review helpful.

Welcome to Hellville 13

We continue our descent into one of Dantes Inferno. How does the Man of Steel get out of this jam?RecapDidn't do a review for the last issue but for a quick overview. It was pretty much a filler, but overall still a highly enjoyable issue. I'd say it was a strong 3/weak 4 star issue.GoodThe horror element in this book is so strong it's bizarre to see it in a Superman book. Clark has to face a beast that's out of his element and is not doing so well. The way Ultra Humanoid taunts Clark is twisted...

6 out of 8 found this review helpful.

Get the hell off my planet! 10

Not you Pak, you stay and keep writing.GoodIn this issue we get to find out a little big more about Superman's Joker. We find out what 2 of the victims had in common. The ultimate irony being that by having saved them he's caused them to be the target of this maniac. Most wouldn't blame themselves for what happened to them, not Clark. He takes into consideration the political repercussions when he helps out the deceased General's cause and stands by the mourning fans of the pop star. One guy onc...

7 out of 8 found this review helpful.

Queen and Leaguer and God! Oh My! 1

I'm honestly very ill equipped to do this because I'm barely on volume 3 of this title, I'm also very tired and know very little about Wonder Woman (but then again the WW fanbase isn't really clear on what Wonder Woman should be). I did however buy the issue before this to get the jist of this arc.GoodI'm enjoying the dueling of responsibilities and how much she's got on her plate. On the CV review they said they didn't like her lack of confidence, but I didn't see that in this issue (either I'm...

5 out of 8 found this review helpful.

Lobo+3 6

It hurts me to write this, not just cus I don't like being negative but because I was rooting for New Lobo. I love an underdog story. Good news first.GoodI'm digging the humor in this book and Lobo got to shine a bit more combat wise, against some mutant zombies. Some of the moments with his new sidekicks were good. I like seeing that Lobo's code is very important to him.BadThis issue was average at best. If it wasn't for the forced introduction of his sidekicks this issue would be filler. I un...

5 out of 6 found this review helpful.

He's a Hero 14

Well guys looks like Pak is two for two with his Superman work. He's also proved to me that he can write a more mature Superman twice this month. BM/SM has been a title that I myself haven't fully been able to recommend to people. Not because it's badly written (quite the contrary), it's just very out there and IMO dropped in quality after the first arc. But just like with Action Comics, I urge you to go out and buy this book now.GoodEVERYTHING! *clears throat* just can't contain myself over h...

8 out of 9 found this review helpful.

Date Night Over 15

It's finally here, the start of a a new creative team for DC's power couple. Peter J. Tomasi at the helm writing it with Doug Mahnke as the artist. And it seems like it's (literally) of with a bang!The GoodOne of the many complaints people have about this power couple is that the way the relationship started, is that it just kinda happened with no build up. It seems as if though Tomasi wants to revisit that and make it feel more natural. I think Tomasi has plans on rewriting these moments in fla...

11 out of 12 found this review helpful.

A great start to a spooky Arc 8

If your wanting to jump onto AC after Doomed or are barely getting into Superman comics, now is the time.Pak has completely won me over and IMO he's been the best Superman writer of the New 52 (slightly beating Grant Morrison). I've always thought Pak shined best writing young Clark, but this issue proves he can write him even in his more experience years. We see Clark (not Superman) help people rebuild their homes, he notices that they don't need Superman and feels that he doesn't want to take ...

6 out of 10 found this review helpful.

The L Word 5

Well folks, it's finally here. The last SM/WW issue before Soule joins the dark side (Marvel). Fitting considering this is the issue that wraps up what happened to our heroes post Doomed. A few months ago he promised that this would be a love letter to lover letters and damn did he deliver. It's got everything it needs: A heartfelt reunion, action, a lovers quarrel and a touching ending.The ReunionA heroes job is never done. So it's no surprise Clark would find Diana having just beaten Giganta, ...

10 out of 15 found this review helpful.

New Look, New Type of Bad Ass 13

As the New 52 has been famous for it's hit or miss recreations. It's either changing a sexual orientation or their race. For Lobo it was a complete re imagining from BAMF Biker to a more stealth based assassin. Before I answer the question if Cullen Bunn was able to make it work, I wanna say a little bit about where I stand with the character.FLASHBACK!!!When I was a kid I actually didn't watch superhero cartoons. It wasn't till I was in my teens that I actually saw the episode on Superman TAS ...

5 out of 7 found this review helpful.