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i'll open this when Vulcan finishes the whole thing

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@professorrespect said:
@supremegeneration said:

The Death Seed was removed from Bobby by Mystique at the tail end of issue #64

There's no evidence that the amp disappeared immediately, however. We can very easily infer this by his power levels, whom have never been at the point of covering the planet in snow alongside other things. Issue #65 mentioned that his powers had been amplified but didn't mention it disappearing etc

From that point on, he doesn't have it. In issue #65, however, the planet is seemingly still covered in snow that Bobby controls

He could probably control it on a localized level but I doubt the amp isn't significant as you suggest from this post, anyone can read his appearances and figure that out fairly quickly.

Mystique had the Death Seed removed from her, and her amp was removed immediately

Comparing hosts is not a valid argument when they all manifest the Death Seed in different ways.

There's also character statements like Mystique saying his powers weren't actually amplified, only his morals being removed

Which is worthless because the story itself states otherwise + we know the Death Seed enhances the powers of the host pretty much universally. For all we know Mystique was just saying that as a deception, it's not like she's a expert with it or anything.

I don't generally disagree with the notion that Bobby's capabilities during this arc are something we haven't seen him replicate, but absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

Not exclusively, but considering Bobby has never reached this level again even in life/death situations wherein the need for someone who could control any part of snow across the planet or beating up Thor would've been very much useful. It's not like he's suddenly became a Wonder Man-tier pacifist or anything.

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The Death Seed was removed from Bobby by Mystique at the tail end of issue #64

There's no evidence that the amp disappeared immediately, however. We can very easily infer this by his power levels, whom have never been at the point of covering the planet in snow alongside other things. Issue #65 mentioned that his powers had been amplified but didn't mention it disappearing etc

From that point on, he doesn't have it. In issue #65, however, the planet is seemingly still covered in snow that Bobby controls

He could probably control it on a localised level but I doubt the amp isn't significant as you suggest from this post, anyone can read his appearances and figure that out fairly quickly.

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@professorrespect said:
@kasya_carey said:

@professorrespect: yeah but First Fallen made her into a chrome statue the same way Doom did

Wasn't on a physical realm though. The entire point of that sequence isn't just the visuals, it's what the two are saying as well.

Either way, Ewing played back into what happened instead of retconned the showing using a doombot

That supports the fact that it was a Doombot more than anything else if he's just calling back to it and not actually attempting to change it in any manner.

I believe First Fallen surpasses the physical realm

Not sure why that'd matter if it's supposed to be a visual representation of what they were discussing philosophically. I'm not sure it's supposed to be taken literally in this case.

Even then I believe it's been confirmed that anything from the astral plane can happen in the physical plane

I mean I haven't seen any instances of Shadow King turning into a psi-construct Samurai in the physical world so I kinda doubt that.

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@professorrespect: yeah but First Fallen made her into a chrome statue the same way Doom did

Wasn't on a physical realm though. The entire point of that sequence isn't just the visuals, it's what the two are saying as well.

Either way, Ewing played back into what happened instead of retconned the showing using a doombot

That supports the fact that it was a Doombot more than anything else if he's just calling back to it and not actually attempting to change it in any manner.

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@professorrespect said:

Doombot already did the deed, if I recall

Al Ewing rewrote it with First Fallen who represents the stagnation of existence

He didn't rewrite it, it's a callback relating to a allegorical device in the dialogue in reference to Storm's humanity. The Doombot just froze her.

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@bigbaby said:
@professorrespect said:

Doombot already did the deed, if I recall

What do you think about the recent writer's statement on Twitter calling them equals?

I'll wait until it's in print to care

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Exodus has been shown to be capable of stalemating Emma on-panel, Sinister is just the issue here because I don't buy him beating Betsy if it came down to it.

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Doombot already did the deed, if I recall