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Respect Switch (Complete Respect Thread) (what he switching tho?)

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could find no good quality picture of him so deal with this instead


"Switch" aka Devon Alomar is a very minor X-telepath that interestingly doesn't really have powers that actually make him a telepath by the strict definition of such. The issue in this case is that his abilities involve manipulating the brainwaves of an individual as opposed to the usual methods, making him able to "switch" (you get the name now etc) his mind with another person. This gives him a unique edge over typical mind-hax individuals that I hope to illustrate here.

Given his stats are irrelevant (he's just a normal dude who barely if ever physically fights someone) there is no need to cover stuff like speed, strength, etc. It never comes up. The only thing that really matters in this case is his brainwave antics etc

Mind Switching (Pre-Tumult)

Scan 1/2- Changes places with Domino for the whole issue, only being stopped by a sonic attack disrupting his focus on the switch (X-Force #88)

Scan 1/2- Swaps with some random bloke before then breaking the connection afterwards (X-Force #89)

After his very short stint in the New Hellions Switch basically disappears from comics for the next 20+ years before showing randomly back up during the Krakoa-era. While he is never overtly spelt out to have a amp (only that his faith to Tumult, a fake composite trickster god, was effecting him) his powers drastically increase in scope, potency, and effectiveness enough that we do need to spilt his feats up.

Mind Switching (Post-Tumult)

Scan 1/2- Randomly snaps up Spike's mind with himself for a extended period of time (Legion of X #1)

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Goes between hosts quick, going from Banshee to Juggernaut in one panel (Legion of X #2)

Scan 1/2/3- Quickly sneaks up on a decoy Strange while remaining undetected (Legion of X #3)

Scan 1/2- Terrorises the Astral Plane as Glob before quickly taking over Chamber's mind despite having Glob's body dissipated (Legion of X #4)

Scan 1/2- Controls a sleeping Xavier, making him shave a eyebrow and modifies his memories, these scans also show that there was at least a overt amp done to make Switch's powers much less detectable etc (Legion of X #4)

Scan 1/2- Snatches Legion's mind by using Nightcrawler's powers to get in close enough to do so (Legion of X #4)

Scan 3- Elaborated further, Switch could've done much more damage in Legion's form but is simply too dumb to do so

Scan 4- Is only defeated after Blindfold punches his astral form out of the guy

Scan 1/2- Takes over Tumult, albeit was forced to do so in order to kill him (Legion of X #5)

Telepathic Comparisons

Scan 1/2- Dust, typically anti-telepathic by nature, can't pin Switch down (Legion of X #4)

Scan 1/2- Hides his essence from Sage though can tell there's some sus stuff going on (Legion of X #2)

Scan 1/2- Overrides Pixie's soul dagger (albeit with Tumult assistance) (Legion of X #2)

Scan 3- Is jobbed out by it when his direct form is effected though (Legion of X #2)


Powers be goofy but Switch does legit have some strong enough feats to be considered a threat despite the wacky gimmick!


Respect Magneto, Master of Magnetism! (Complete Respect Thread)

From the individual that gave you Mysterio feats....

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Magneto is one of the most infamous villains of all time....being apart of the Awesome Threesome, appearing in only a single issue of Aquaman's dimeless Pre-Crisis run. His power over electromagnetism is super strong and detailed, so prepare for the onslaught of feats.


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Is only soloed by a bunch of fish (Aquaman #36)

Electromagnetic Blast

Scan 1/2/3/4- destroys a anti-gravity machine storing a alien prisoner

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Smashes through enforced glass

Scan 1/2- Solos Aquaman, big jobber

Electromagnetic Constructs

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creates a field of energy to zap Aquaman and co, blocking them from advancing

Magnetic Fields

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Blasts and hurts Galactus (real)

Magnetic Power

couldn't find any feats


The problem with Derrida's concept of the apology-form is that it assumes (or at least suggests) that impossibility leads inherently to its opposite; in this case, being incapable of forgiving someone, having no power in relation to then to forgive, leads to then the only situation where one can forgive as it comes from a purely irrational motion. While this perhaps does have some sort of value in regards to establishing the paradoxical nature of our assumed power over others (in that we have none at all, yet at many times assume otherwise purely from a basis of ego) it doesn't seem to really deal with the fact that a apology nonetheless has to be rationally generated in the first place. If we are to assume a pre-ontological area of generation where the very idea of apology has to emerge (much like a Theory of Form, only not involving itself with purely physical shape like Plato) then we have to inherently reach a point where we rationally have to consider the very CONCEPT of apology as something capable rather than incapable.

Pikuach Nefesh is the Jewish concept that saving a life stands beyond all other values. This means that even to sin (and we're talking big boy sins here like stealing, suspending holy days, etc) is to be accepted if it means that a life is saved in the process. In this sense, is this not the same as what Derrida elaborates above? The idea of trespassing what is surely rationally impossible (to sin against your god knowingly) in order to achieve the required effect? Somewhat so, but it is different. Pikuach Nefesh involves a individual actively seeing that sin is capable of occurring and going with the sinful act anyway because it generates a outcome where a life is saved than taken. This is majorly different than having to reach a point of incapability to then be capable; when I can't actually forgive someone is exactly the point where they should be forgiven, or at least the only point where forgiveness is "real" and not something manufactured. In one I'm capable of being incapable of sinning, in the other I'm incapable to the point of being capable. In this case we have to combine the both in order to understand that forgiveness is surely something beyond reason, but not to the point where one goes beyond our own personal understanding. It isn't divine.

You got it? Cool. Mysterio solos btw


Magneto is a fearsome foe: I look forward to seeing him in future stories.


Disrespect Gladiator (Complete Anti-Feats Thread)

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no Lego this time, gotta switch things up


Gladiator is infamously known as a uber inconsistent character, but just how awful do his feats get? This thread attempts to detail that in full and then some in the usual comprehensive fashion as per past DT's.


Scan 1/2- Cannonball blocks and deflects Gladiator's strike that was specifically stated to supposedly bonk him to the sun (Uncanny X-Men #341)

Scan 3/4- Glad states that it was his "most powerful blow" before getting wrecked in one shot and buried under a building for a page or so

Scan 1/2/3- Gambit is able to stagger him with charged rocks that Glad is incapable of reacting to bar moving to protect the War Skrull Xavier (Uncanny X-Men #276)

Scan 1/2/3/4- Gets his ass kicked by Phoenix Five Namor/Colossus despite those two being the weakest of the Five. He did have a small brawl beforehand.....and did nothing there either (Wolverine & the X-Men #13)

Scan 5- Glad is so traumatised from the beatdown that he immediately decides to run away from Earth while he's still hobbling around (Wolverine & the X-Men #15)

Scan 1/2- Gets sent flying by Thing and forced into a brawl (Captain Universe- Invisible Woman)

Scan 1/2/3- Gets stomped by the gods of the Shi'ar (Mighty Thor #16)

Scan 4/5/6- Same gods then get their asses kicked by Jane Thor w/ Cul and a small Asgardian army, having their combined attacks shrugged off, getting sliced and cut by regular Asgardian spears etc etc (Mighty Thor #17)

Scan 7- The two are firmly beat down by the end and clearly struggling. Gladiator ONLY gets a punch in after Jane and co had done pretty much all of the heavy-lifting.

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Gladiator is hurt/clearly distressed by some regular Samurai as apart of Immortus' Temporal Army (Annihilators #4)

Scan 1- Has his heat vision no-sold by tech fodder and is then defeated with literal shame (S.W.O.R.D. #9)

Scan 2- Gladiator despite no longer being effected is still too sad to do anything, stating that he would need extensive therapy before he could even start getting strong again (S.W.O.R.D. #11)

Scan 1/2- Is blooded by Drax, choses to BFR instead of attempting to kill him (Guardians of the Galaxy #17)

Scan 3- Is then also defeated by some crappy small device that messes him up and lets everyone escape

Scan 1/2- Is bonked by Throg before he can react and is seemingly out of it enough that the based frog can leave the planet without any trouble from him (Asgardians of the Galaxy #4)

Scan 1/2- Is one-shot by the Knowhere head (Guardians of the Galaxy #1)

Scan 1/2- Corsair one-shots him in his first appearance (Uncanny X-Men #107)

Scan 1/2- Gambit one-shots Glad with a pack of cards to the point where he vanishes from the rest of the issue while Gambit shows up fine later on (Uncanny X-Men #277)

Scan 1/2/3- Is ones-shot by Hela's Nightsword (Guardians of the Universe #5)

Scan 1/2/3/4- Is taken out by a off-screen Galactus fight before Star Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Nova etc. (Cosmo The Spacedog #6)

Scan 1/2- Jane Thor shakes off a uppercut from him and manages to draw blood from a hammer blow (which as we see from the third scan has him on his knees from such a thing) (Mighty Thor #15)

Scan 3- Is only stopped from advancing by a cheap shot from Kid Gladiator as the original BFR's her and everyone else away

Scan 1/2- Rom eats his strikes and laser beam with ease, later brawls with him until the fight is stopped (Rom Annual #4)

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Screams in pain after young Cyclops blasts him two times (All-New X-Men #25)

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Skrull imposter of Storm using tech to imitate her powers is able to hurt him badly with his goofy radiation weakness (Fantastic Four #250)

Scan 1/2- Stalemates with a tired Colossus before being KO'd by a building (Uncanny X-Men #137)

Scan 1/2- The Elder of the Scy'ar Tal easily breaks Gladiator's hand and bashes him away, said hand is still broken afterwards (Emperor Vulcan #2)

Scan 1- A weakened fragment of Cosmic Ghost Rider shakes off a haymaker to the head with relative ease (Cosmic Ghost Rider #5)

Scan 2/3/4- Two other fragments bully Glad for multiple pages, with him being shown afterwards on his knees and either about to get hit by Foster Valkyrie or having been hit; either outcome sucks here for him lol


Scan 1/2/3- Bleeding Edge Iron Man dodges his laser vision multiple times while flying in front of him, is then tagged and is incapable of taking down Wolverine after he manages to stab into his shoulder (Annihilators Earthfall #2)

Scan 1/2/3- Darkhawk dodges his bloodlusted bullrush despite having just broken extensive Talon brainwashing and being incredibly confused about what was going on, later being tagged by Havok despite being invisible (War of Kings- Ascension #4)

Scan 1/2- Gets dragged off-planet by Nova after seeing him as just a blur, his laser beams being easily absorbed as he does so (Nova #1)

Scan 1/2- Is incapable of stopping Wolverine killing War Skrull Xavier in the same room despite

A. Wolverine jumping in the air with uber telegraphed motions

B. Glad being in the centre of said room as shown in the first scan

C. Room being tiny

big fodder

(Uncanny X-Men #276)

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Is outpaced by Jane Thor's lightning mid-bullrush despite being uber motivated to save his son from death (Mighty Thor #15)

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Is reacted and staggered by Havok mid-bullrush (War of Kings #3)

Scan 1/2- Is statued by Quasar (Thanos Imperative- Ignition)

Scan 1/2- Is too slow for Phoenix Raptor Rachel (X-Men- Kingbreaker #2)

Scan 1/2- Is too slow to catch up with Nova breaking the sound barrier (Guardians of the Galaxy #3)

Scan 1/2- Spider-Man dodges his bullrush at point-blank range alongside his laser beam, Peter also stating that Gladiator is as strong as he is (Spider-Man When Heroes Clash)

Speaking of strength peers......


Scan 1/2- A bullrush done with explicit killing intent to a unbraced Eric Masterson Thor does virtually nothing as he immediately shakes it off to stick him in a headlock (Mighty Thor #445)

Scan 1/2- Wonder Man brushes off a explicit killing blow w/ momentum from Gladiator with a simple "ouch!" before going right into fighting (Mighty Thor #445)

Scan 3- Glad is forced to BFR Eric to the center of the planet to end the fight

Scan 1- Deathbird is a near match for Gladiator in sheer strength as per her own admission, drawing blood and holding him back (Uncanny X-Men #276)

Scan 2/3- One issue later has her be fodderized by a Skrull imitating Wolverine's powers

Scan 4- Deathbird is also successfully threatened into submission by Gambit holding a charged stick (???) consistency established I guess (Mr and Mrs X #3)

Scan 1/2/3- Despite having extensive Imperial Guard backup against a group of X-Men/Starjammers with zero powerhouses he still gets defeated easily in the space of a page or so (Uncanny X-Men #275)

For comparison the first scan has a splash page of every character involved in the with impressive physical stats in comparison to even the worst high tiers whatsoever. Unless Gambit/Storm/Forge/Jubilee are all teambusters now? I doubt that though.

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Gets a arm held by Sunspot and hurt by a charging Cannonball (New Mutants #7)

Scan 1/2/3- Gets bitched out by Gorgon and a tired Black Bolt that had just right after had to strain immensely to break out of his personal force field prison (Inhumans #4)

Scan 1/2- Gets his ass kicked by Black Cloak despite Rachel Grey easily beating him with TK (War of Kings #5)

Scan 1/2- Gets overpowered by Brood Thor (Avengers #30)

Scan 1/2- Is defeated by a inexperienced Eric Masterson Thor after Living Lightning is able to massively stagger him, with Eric almost beating Glad to death after nine shots with his hammer (Mighty Thor #445)

Scan 1/2/3- Is incapable of dealing with Merged Hulk with all of his offence, being overpowered at every turn (Incredible Hulk Annual 1997)

Scan 4/5- Gladiator is so badly hurt that Merged can take all the time needed to drag him to a nuclear reactor core to do even more damage before almost beating him to death....again

Now you sitting there might think "hey that's not THAT bad, Hulk is fairly strong" but you'd be quite wrong in this regard given how awful this specific version of Hulk was at the time as fellow based evidence user @ghostravage detailed in his Context Files a while back where Apoc/random dinosaurs could be a serious threat to him.

Scan 1/2- Professor Hulk easily catches his punch and throws him away (Hulk Pantheon Raid)

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Strains holding a chunk of building (Last Annihilation Wakanda)

Scan 1/2- Struggles to lift a building sized chunk of a power plant (War of Kings- Who Will Rule)

Scan 1/2/3- Takes a few pages to put down Heimdall, is visually shown to be damaged as per the cuts on his costume and shoulder (Mighty Thor #15)


Gladiator has been shown to be definitely very inconsistent all things considered. His scope of feats is wild and he generally seems to get the worst of it as time goes forward. I hope that this serves as a valuable resource to show how much he does in fact suck most of the time, even if he will get the occasional bone here and there.


Respect Timespinner Spider-Man (Complete Respect Thread)

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high quality pictures only


Timespinner is the name given to the robotic version of Spider-Man that was built specifically by Kang to defeat the Avengers way back in the 60's. The L O R E of the character basically had it show up for a one-shot issue before then randomly being brought back in the late 90's after recent goofy time antics with Kang in particular had reactivated the robotic being to once again try to cause chaos. It has both times almost defeated the Avengers singlehandedly; only losing both times thanks to real Spider-Men (originally Peter, also Ben Reilly in the 90's) showing up.

I (slightly) covered Timespinner in Kang's own based RT, but this is the more detailed version as we are only covering Timespinner in detail here.

616 Scaling & Other Stuff

Scan 1/2- Kang specifically created Timespinner by feeding all past records (remember, he's from the future!) of Spider-Man's powers, fights and experience into building the robot before then also having the memories/knowledge/everything else added in. Kang specifically states that Timespinner has "every ability of the original" so the robot should by extension be just as capable as the original article and vice versa. (Avengers #13)

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All instances of Timespinner facing off with the Avengers within the issue I cited above are somewhat muddled due to Kang vaguely using "nerve gas" to make them somehow weaker/less capable? It both sounds and is a bit of a flimsy excuse to write off their showings here but regardless we'll keep that in mind when going through them.


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Eats a kick from Ben Reilly Spider-Man and responds in kind before he can dodge (Spider-Man Team-Up #4)

Scan 1- Tanks a aged Crystal blasting him with high winds (though by intent this was actually far stronger than average as she states due to Eternals growing more powerful with age) (Spider-Man Team-Up #4)

Scan 2- Timespinner recovers well enough to tackle down her right after alongside eating a repulsor blast from Teenage Iron Man right after

Scan 1- Tanks a flying charge from Wasp, responding with a webnet a panel later (Avengers #13)

Scan 2- Is able to also tank getting hit by Giant Man Hank Pym afterwards


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Bullrushes the real Spidey with a flying kick, is also able to dodge and use "lightning-fast reflexes" to grab his webbing mid-fire (Avengers #13)

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Closes distance with Cap by recovering mid-air to leap at the guy (Avengers #13)

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Dodges Thor charging at him, landing a backhand in response (this even a feat?) (Avengers #13)

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Dodges Thor's lightning (Spider-Man Team-Up #4)


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Backhands a aged Quicksliver (Spider-Man Team-Up #4)

Scan 1- Sends Giant-Man flying through the wall of a building with a punch, damaging him enough to daze (Spider-Man Team-Up #4)

Scan 2- Also kicks Thor in the face with dazzling speed and grace

Webbing (Normal)

Scan 1- Uses a elastic version of his webbing to trap Giant Man to a pillar; one shots Wasp to boot (Avengers #13)

Scan 2- Also uses them to delay Thor enough for his 60 second limit to hit, turning him into a normal dude

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Catches Thor's hammer and a granite block in webbing mid-throw, being strong enough to hold both without fail (Avengers #13)

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Constructs a pair of wings to glide mid-flight when thrown in the air by the real Spidey (Avengers #13)

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Covers Cap's head with webbing, defeating him with sheer skill (Avengers #13)

Webbing (Temporal)

After Timespinner was reawakened, he had a couple of...corruptions. The main one being that he thought he was legitimately the real Spider-Man (a delusion not shared by his first appearance) would throw out endless quips, and his webbing was altered to serve his main goal of returning to the future; it could manipulate time itself.

All appearances of this power happened in a singular issue (Spider-Man Team-Up #4). No need to cite that endlessly.

Scan 1/2- Ages a modern car hundreds of years just by having his webbing on it for a small length of time

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Ages Ben Reilly's webbing to make it turn to dust

Scan 1/2- Ages a lecture hall in seconds, turning everyone touched into husks. This was to build up his "Time Charges" we'll go into those in a second etc

Scan 1/2- Timespinner's webs can age whoever is touching them, typically destroying their physical bodies them quickly

Scan 3- It typically seems to do this by aging the physical body to the limits (80's/90's is the named physical age of the fodder killed so we'll assume that is the general limit it hits)

Scan 1/2/3- Uses said webs to overpower and defeat Captain America/Thor/Giant-Man/Wasp in seemingly quick fashion given Wasp was still alive and kicking despite everyone else of the squad being dead even by that point (Spider-Man Team-Up #4)

Scan 1/2- As per convolved twists in comics, the webbing ACTUALLY traps the people aged in past temporal loops, sucking the time they could have had right out of them and leaving the physical bodies as husks. They aren't actually dead, just trapped in older versions of themselves. (Spider-Man Team-Up #4)

Scan 3/4- When enough Time Charges (stolen time as per the above) are gathered through this process and funnelled into time tech it allows the time machine to work at the cost of aging the entire planet to death if brought to its conclusion.

Scan 5- Timespinner specifically states that the final stage would've reduced all possible futures to dust, only leaving a singular time (Kang's conquest) intact, so pretty big implications for fake Spidey etc


The Tangled Web of Spidey adds even more overpowered versions to the mix!!!


Disrespect King Hyperion, Fodder Supreme (Complete Anti-Feats Thread)

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King Hyperion was an infamously hyped up character on the CV forums I'd say around about 5/10 years ago; someone who you could legitimately see get paired up with Galactus-tier beings and beyond. Thankfully that hype has died as the user base has moved on to more modern (and relevant) characters instead.

Nevertheless, let's try to crack open why King Hyperion is so awful via his many feats suggesting as such and dig deeper into how this is the case. I will be including some additional resources to get the context on some feats here, so watch out for those.


Scan 1/2- Blue Marvel knocks him out clean after a small fight (Age of Heroes #3)

Scan 1/2- Cripples himself with his own atomic vision rebounded via Blink portal, is then mostly destroyed by Earth-371 Gambit (Exiles #45)

Scan 3- Hyperion was shown to be long dead afterwards, only being saved and restored by the Timekeepers preserving him (thus letting him regenerate) (Exiles #64)

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Dies to Man-Thing after getting beat down by others + nanites messing him up (Thunderbolts #153)

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Earth-3470 Sasquatch stuns him momentarily (Exiles #45)

Scan 1/2- Gets blooded by a weakened Juggernaut that had been further nerfed with his built-in nanite swarms within his body being activated repeatedly (Thunderbolts #153)

Scan 1/2- Gets defeated by a small mound of sand being teleported inside his body (Exiles #65)

Scan 1/2- Gets flattened by Earth-873 Hulk (Exiles #43)

Scan 1/2- Gets his neck broken by Earth-2189 Namora (Exiles #64)

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Gets smacked down by Earth-1917 Colossus (Russian Revolution reference? lol) (Exiles #40)

Scan 1/2- Gets wrecked by some generic Kaiju monsters, having his Atomic Vision no-sold and being literally swatted by a pair of them after screaming his head off when attacked with some sort of breath attack. (Thunderbolts #152)

Scan 3- By comparison, Songbird is able to easily block the same creature doing the same breath attack with her sonic barriers.

Scan 1- His home planet jobbed out to nuclear weapons, killing everyone there when used. Hyperion thinks this is impressive, proving his negative IQ (Exiles #45)

Scan 2- Handbook confirms Hyperion's recollection as accurate (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #5)

Scan 1- Is stunned and struggles with Earth-1081 Morph, having his punch no-sold and getting knocked over by Earth-12 Mimic flying at him with half of Cannonball's speed and half of Colossus' strength (Exiles #45)

Scan 2- Hyperion considers Earth-12 Mimic using half of Colossus/Wolverine's strength as "so strong" and "almost a challenge" for him


Scan 1/2- Gets statued by Exiles Blink mid-bullrush (Exiles #63)

Scan 3- Blink states that she can match Hyperion in speed, something he doesn't attempt to contest

Scan 1/2- Is blitzed by half lightspeed Earth-12 Mimic using half the power of Cannonball/Colossus, getting knocked out in the process. (Exiles #64)

Scan 3/4- This lasts long enough for Blink and co to recover and escape


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Blink isn't 100% confident he could defeat AoA Apocalypse (Exiles #63)

Scan 1/2- Earth-5764/Earth S Hyperion bullrush and overpower him, being able to knock him around and keep the guy distracted while not going 100% (Exiles #65)

Scan 3- After Blink does the sand trick (something that didn't do a whole lot bar hurt, mind) they have to be begged by Beak not to kill the guy right then and there

Scan 4- Earth-S Hyperion under oath states that he and the other one beat him (Exiles #78)

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Gets his Atomic Vision overpowered by Moonstone (Thunderbolts #153)

Scan 1/2- Gets rope-a-doped by a weakened Juggernaut who laughs at his punches, also hurts his own hand by Juggs letting him bonk the guy on the head over and over. (Thunderbolts #153)

Scan 1/2/3- Fails to stop an asteroid from hitting Earth even with assistance from Rogue copying his powers (Exiles #40)

Now, some may say this is more impressive than what is shown given what's going on here; the pretty visuals help with that confusion. I, however, will show the further context of such a failure, just to really nail in how sucky this is.

Why the Asteroid Feat is WORSE Than You Thought

Scan 1- Earth-94831 Magneto is the one that brought the asteroid. He aims to use it to not destroy the Earth (or even do major damage to it) but to instead cause it to unleash deadly gases on the Earth, killing the population in weeks. This is very close to the extinction theory brought across to explain how the dinosaurs were wiped out, so we can measure this rather close to that by scope. (Exiles #38)

Scan 2- To further prove this we have overt references to such a thing by Quicksilver, who also invokes dinosaurs to this situation directly (as to even make it more obvious to the reader.)

Scan 3- Storm similarly states that this will be a "Extinction Level Event" (Exiles #40)

Scan 4- Handbook written after the fact similarly states as such with the same wording, stating this to be a "Extinction Level Event" in scope; clearly the editors agree with the writer here. (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe X-Men - Age of Apocalypse 2005).

We can safely assume with all of these references that the asteroid must have been of similar or lesser stature to Chicxulub, the actual asteroid that landed on Earth. That one was ten kilometres (six miles) in diameter. This asteroid seemed to be even smaller than that given it is shown to be not even bigger than Asteroid M (the main viewing window having all of it in view, for instance) which in past references has been mentioned to only be roughly the size of a single cubic mile (1 mile long, one mile wide, etc etc). That would be visualised as such for comparison.

So all in all, Hyperion was incapable of destroying something that was very likely not even a mile long.

It gets worse.

Scan 5- Henry Gyrich of that universe is confident that he can avert the asteroid (as in do what Hyperion was trying to do) with some Sentinels armed with nuclear warheads (Exiles #38) something that has been proposed to be potentially successful IRL to boot by major think tanks/scientific communities. This only failed because Master Mold was destroyed, preventing Gyrich from attempting his scheme with no Sentinels.

Scan 6- We only get a single look-in at this Earth after the asteroid at the same angle it hit and everything that was there before is intact bar the sky/ocean turning a darkish black (which is accurate given Magneto's scheme) so the asteroid didn't actually destroy anything major. If it did, it wasn't anything worth looking at.

All in all, this is a disastrously awful feat for a being presupposed to be Galactus-tier in strength.


when someone says King Hyperion is good

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Disrespect Lady Shiva (Complete Pre/Post Crisis Anti-Feats Thread)

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Lady Shiva is (still) super wanked, so we must continue our analysis of such false claims like her only being defeated by two martial artists (which this shows very much is incorrect) and whatnot, etc.

Such analysis will include some Pre-Crisis material that is very loosely adapted into her Post Crisis persona. By "very loosely" I mean barely given anything bar the smallest of references. This, however, does not impact the game-breaking research that I have done here. I have read every appearance of Shiva and have thus became a top expert in that field, allowing me to go through funny feats that expose the truth of this majorly hyped individual.


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Gets jobbed out to a bat thrown at her head (Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter #12)

Scan 1/2- Gets jobbed out to a rock (Richard Dragon- Kung-Fu Fighter #6)

Scan 1/2/3- Gets one-shot by Cassandra Cain's badly broken arm (showing a lack of bodily reflex/body reading that is not on par with her) (Batgirl #8)

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One shot by a chair being thrown at her by Talia Al Ghul, making her less durable than irl wrestlers (Batman #615)

Scan 1/2- Staggered and successfully stalemated by Connor Hawke (Green Arrow #135)

Scan 3- This is even backed up years afterwards in another run as Hawke "taking Shiva to a standstill once" (Richard Dragon #14)

Scan 1/2- While drugged, gets beat up by Cheshire (Birds of Prey #65)


Scan 1/2- A dehydrated and weakened Richard Dragon (spending days trapped and forced to fight 12 other martial artists with barely any food and water) defeats her despite even giving her some mercy by extending the match beyond 1 round. He would have killed her with the Leopard Blow if it wasn't for interference preventing him from doing so (Richard Dragon #14)

Scan 1/2- A serious and motivated Batman one-shots her in a fight. The excuse for this one was always down to "mind control" which is true, mind, however it doesn't really seem to be a truly valid excuse given the context of the fight as a whole. Villains generally were fighting more smarter than usual (working as a team, using their powers in unusually effective ways, etc) and Shiva here is still able to tag and stagger Bruce with clearly impressive shots; there is no implication from both the narrative and Bruce himself that she's worse than what she usually is.

Regardless, the Dark Knight's clear anger over what she did to Catwoman makes his dominance very clear to anyone reading. (Superman-Batman #3)

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Archer Brawn (a low-rent Mister-X with mind-reading powers) easily parries her multiple times. (Birds of Prey- Manhunt #4)

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Jobs to net (Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter #8)

Scan 1/2- Gets jobbed out by Tim Drake Robin using low level super speed. This tangibly killed her as the next issue shows clearly as she stops breathing, forcing Tim to save her life with CPR/the drug in his body causing the speed to induce a reaction. (Robin #52)

This "low level" speed was so low level that a bunch of Russian thugs were able to tag someone using it with just bullets, making it essentially being like MCU Quicksilver only even less impressive.

Scan 1/2/3- Gets knocked out in three seconds by fake Prometheus, a student of the original that had a tremendously awful record in combat. Even Gail Simone mentions some of these (getting embarrassed by Hush/Catwoman, etc) so they clearly weren't hiding from it. (Birds of Prey #94)

Scan 4- The issue after mentions that he did it in only 3 seconds

Scan 5- Fake Pro eventually gets chased away by getting hit in the balls and then smashed with his own weapon, being forced to retreat due to the damage sustained.

Scan 1/2- Gets outclassed by Katana, being disarmed and knocked to the ground. Shiva has to rely on a cheap shot via grabbing another katana to stab her with instead when Katana offers mercy. (Outsiders #14)

Scan 3- When Katana (freshly brought back to life after a long spirit battle? Don't ask) tries to reengage with the fight Shiva instead decides to run away

Scan 1/2- Gets overpowered by Tim Drake Robin when she tries to assert physical dominance over him, having to rely on a cheap roll while he's trying to get info before running away (Robin #149)

Scan 1- Gets wrecked by Batman and Jason Todd Robin in one panel during a flashback (Batgirl #65)

Scan 2- The actual full fight in Death in the Family doesn't go on for much longer, with Batman specifically stating that he's ending this as quick as possible to do as little pain as he can (Batman #427)

Scan 1/2/3- Is jobbed out to Cassandra Cain fighting with nothing held back despite nearly dying just minutes earlier to sustained wounds given to her, being able to break Shiva's neck and leaving her to die. (Batgirl #73)

Scan 1/2- Loses to Sa'ar, a being fuelled by a few dozen average individuals and their life force (Justice League Task Force #4)

Scan 1-- Shiva was a major trainer to Tim Drake (52 #31)

2/3/4- Tim later jobs to a bootleg Azrael...who then easily loses to Batman treating him like a punk despite having the AsBat suit on (which Bruce couldn't physically overcome, having to force Jean-Paul into stripping the suit off) and literally selling his soul to the devil to give him enough power to beat the caped crusader in combat.


Scan 1/2- Gets blitzed by Black Canary mid-strike (Birds of Prey #64)

Scan 1/2- Gets blitzed by drink (Birds of Prey #6)

Scan 1/2- Gets blitzed mid-attack by blood being thrown into her eyes, allowing Huntress to land multiple shots to knock her over (Birds of Prey #6)


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Me reading through Shiva jobbing instances