

    Character » Terrier appears in 3 issues.

    Terrier was a former friend of Betty Brant. Later he became an enforcer for Nickholas Lewis aka Crime-Master who granted him superhuman powers and acting on Lewis' orders, threatened J. Jonah Jameson and tried to blackmail him into selling the Daily Bugle, but as a result was defeated by Spider-Man. Terrier was also responsible for the downfall of Bennett Brant.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Terrier last edited by PunchVsCroc on 08/14/23 06:38PM View full history


    Terrier was created by Kurt Busiek and Pat Olliffe, and first appeard in Untold Tales of Spider-Man #12.


    Gordan Savinski was a friend of Bennet Brant and the boyfriend of his sister Betty. Although he started off as a kind and considerate young man, he had a wild side, and he and Bennet began to go clubbing and gambling. Ultimately, they defaulted on a loan from Blackie Gaxton, but only Bennet's name was on the loan, so Gordan cut town and let his friend deal with the consequences. This led to Bennet and Betty's mother being attacled by an enforcer in a shake down and badly hurt.

    Gordon evnetually hooked up with the mob,who did experiements on him, giving him an array of super-powers. He also gained the nickname "The Terrier" because he had a reputation for never quitting until the job was done.

    Years later, Gordon returned and threatened Betty's mother in order to use her access to the Daily Bugle. On the orders of his bosses, Gordon planted evidence linking J. Jonah Jameson to criminal activity. Gordon also intimidated Betty and her new boyfriend Peter Parker, no knowing that Parker was the costumed vigilante Spider-Man, who was investiagating Jameson's framing. He tried to blackmail Jameson into selling the Bugle but Jameson refused. Before Gordon could hurt Jameson, Spider-Man intervened, and the two got into a knock-down, drag-out brawl in the Daily Bugle. During the fight, Spider-Man distracted Terrier by mocking his status as the mob's attack dog, before knocking over a heavy roll of neswprint, which pinned Terrier to the ground. Terrier was then taken into custody by the NYPD.

    Powers and Abilities

    Terrier was experimented on by the mob, giving him incredible strength, enhanced speed and durability, and heightened senses.


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