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Spider-Man Enemies

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Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider as a teenager, granting him spider-like powers. After the death of his Uncle Ben, which he could have prevented, Peter learned that "with great power, comes great responsibility." Swearing to always protect the innocent from harm, Peter Parker became the Amazing Spider-Man!

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  • The Seekers are hired by the Secret Empire to assist Midnight against Moon Knight, Night Thrasher, Spider-Man and the Punisher.

  • Chakra works under Judas Traveller.

  • Dmitri Smerdyakov is actually the first supervillain ever faced by Spider-Man. In the '90s, Chameleon helped mastermind a plot that nearly broke Spider-Man's psyche the return of Peter Parker's parents, long presumed dead. In reality, the "parents" were actually robots, the kind of thing that happens in comic books more than you might guess. That revelation led to one of the darkest periods in Spider-Man's history, and the guy hasn't let up he recently impersonated Peter Parker, and is currently a member of the Sinister Six.

  • Chance was first hired by the Foreigner to kill a fence named Andre Boullion. Chance wagered his fee at double or nothing that he could kill Spider-Man, but Spider-Man instead defeated Chance and left him to the police, but Chance managed to avoid arrest. Chance was next hired by Mister Grouper to kill casino owner Raymond Trask, but was thwarted by Spider-Man.

  • Chaos is the Demon King of The Whirldemons and one of Prince Wayfinder's oldest foes. He recently returned to Earth in a bid to unleash his armies and conquer the planet once more.

  • Charlemagne was the codename of a skilled mercenary and assassin. She was one of Wolverine's best friends during his days in espionage. She was killed by Spider-Man accidentally.

  • Cyborg mercenary and a member of Warzone.

  • Charles Shaddock was a double agent working for the U.S. government and passing information on to the Red Skull for profit. His status went unknown for decades. Agents Richard and Mary Parker knew of his true allegiances, but they died in a plane crash, taking his secrets with them. When Richard and Mary Parker apparently turned up alive and well, Shaddock felt threatened. The Parkers appeared to have amnesia and didn't recognize him when he "accidentally" bumped into them, but Shaddock decided he couldn't take the chance and arranged to eliminate them. The Parkers' son Peter intervened on Shaddock's kidnapping, and Agent Shaddock's secrets were revealed to the authorities.

  • A victim of school bullying as a teenager, Charlie became the victim of his own scientific experiments as an adult and transformed into a psychotic killer.

  • Dr. Octopus transformed Charlotte Witter into his own Spider Woman. She had the ability to siphon powers from superhuman beings. Charlotte was able to siphon the powers of the original Spider Woman, Jessica Drew and Julia Carpenter. Charlotte sucked the power from Mattie Franklin for a moment but Mattie was able to take them back due to the mystical nature of her powers. Charlotte would eventually be defeated by Spider Man and became completely powerless. She was then being held by Madame Web who turned out to be Charlotte's grandmother. Sometime later, Charlotte would attack Peter Parker at home. She somehow regain some of her abilities and was after Spider Man. Mattie Franklin intervened and tried to help Spider Man. After he defeat, Madam Web removed the psi-connection between all the Spider-women to keep her from absorbing their powers again and was left in a coma state and was since turn into Ravencroft.

  • Charnel is Baron Strucker the fifth merged with the remains of the original Death's Head. He is one of Marvel's deadliest villains, having killed his reality's versions of Dr. Strange, Punisher, Spider-Man, Captain America, Daredevil, and Wolverine, to name just a few.

  • Curtis Carr a.k.a Chemistro was a chemist for Mainstream Motors when he created an "alchemy gun". This weapon can transfer matter from one form to another. He has used the weapon in battle against the likes of Luke Cage and Spiderman. He is now in jail and a crippled because he shot himself with the alchemy gun.

  • A magician of moderate ability and member of the Headmen.

  • One of Spider-Man's first fans, and an aspiring hero. Clash came into conflict with and was defeated by Spider-Man, and sent to juvie.

  • Claw is a superhuman cat-burglar who considers himself better than the Black Cat ever was.

  • A clay version of the Silver Surfer created by the Puppet Master. Clay Surfer removed the Silver Surfer's power and memories in order for him to live a peaceful life. But the Clay Surfer contained those awful memories and went on a rampage in New York City, unable to handle them. Daredevil and Spider-Man attempted to stop him but were no match for his power.

  • Cletus Kassady is a deranged and highly dangerous serial killer and long-time host to the Carnage symbiote

  • Coachwhip and the other criminals in attendance battled Spider-Man in the Bar With No Name.

  • Piet Voorhees is the Dutch nephew of the original Cobra, Klaus Voorhees. He would take on the same moniker of Cobra and come into conflict with Angela Del Toro, the White Tiger.

  • Coldheart believed costume heroes put innocent lives in danger when they sprung into action and had no consideration for the world around them. She had a personal vendetta against costume heroes after her son died. Coldheart intercepted a police transmission stating that Spider-Man entered a building where the Hobgoblin attempted to kidnap his own son from his ex-wife. Coldheart attacked Spider-Man during his rescue attempt which allowed the Hobgoblin to escape with his son. Spider-Man eventually saved the boy from a pumpkin bomb but Coldheart ambushed the web-head from behind and froze him in place with her swords. Coldheart let Spider-Man go when the boy told her that Spider-Man saved him.

  • Being an international jewel thief, Commanda once crossed Spider-Man when he was starting out in his super-hero career. She used her feminine wiles to defeat the young hero, who was still somewhat naïve. Later, in a hotel booked by the father of his friend Liz Allen , Spidey was able to defeat Commanda when she tried to rob the Scarlet Heart, a unique jewel that was on display in the hotel.

  • Commuter committed crimes in NYC, lived in the suburbs and was pursued by Spider-Man.

  • Conquest fought against Spider-Man in the Daily Bugle building when the Exemplars started working on their God Machine, a device for controlling minds.

  • Originally created to be the protector of Nu-Earth, Conserve and Protect or CAP went haywire after learning about Earth's weapons and set out on a mission to destroy them all along with those who wielded them.

  • A former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent sent undercover, Constrictor soon became what he was trying to stop. Since joining the Initiative he has lost his arms and had them replaced with cybernetic implants that incorporate his trademark weapon of electrified metal coil whips.

  • The Controller is former scientist who was crippled in a laboratory accident. He wears a powered exoskeleton to provide him movement and built slave discs to control the behavior of others.

  • Spider-Man fought Conundrum in his Prodigy identity.

  • The original was a fictional pulp magazine vigilante

  • A Spider-Man villain

  • Cotton Mather was a witch-Hunter of Salem, Massachusetts in the 17th century who had been given access to mystical power by the Dark Rider. He traveled to the future, captured the Scarlet Witch and returned her to the past with him. They were pursued by Spider-Man and the Vision who prevented her execution at the hands of Salem's villagers, but were captured by Mather and the villagers of Salem. He then contacted the Dark Rider, but their meeting was interrupted by Spider-Man and Vision who had escaped from prison as well as Doctor Doom who had traveled to the past as well. Mather believed him to be an angel, but was knocked away by a disgusted Doom.

  • Originally, Count Nefaria was just an ambitious Maggia Don who hired mad scientists and super-villains. Later, he became super-powered himself. He is one of the Avengers' most powerful enemies, although not one of their most recurring.

  • Peter Parker encountered Crazy Eight during an attempted escape at the courthouse. Thinking Parker was just a crippled bystander, he threw his eight balls at him, only to see the old man catch them before hurling them back at Eight, knocking him out cold. Later, Crazy Eight would encounter Gerald Drew, the new Spider-Man. Drew was present when Mr. Nobody shot at killed Eight.

  • Betty Brant's older brother who got into gambling debt with a gangster named Blackie, and the third person to become the Crime-Master.

  • Nick Lewis's son became the new Crime-Master. Wanting revenge for his father's death which he held Spider-Man responsible for.

  • A gangster mob boss in New York City, Crime-Master is an old foe of Spider-Man.

  • Crimewave/Carl Wilkinson was a Manhattan crime lord and businessman, an enemy of Kingpin, Spider-Man and Sleepwalker. He should not be confused with Crime-Wave/Mason Hollis, a Daredevil foe.

  • The Crimson Commando appeared having been turned into a cyborg going by the name of Cyborg X. He had been rebuilt by CARE LABS but a testing accident had caused him to malfunction bringing him into a confrontation with Spider-Man and Ghost Rider.

  • The Crimson Dynamo is a power-wearing agent of the Russian or Soviet government. There have been at least nine individuals to wear this power-suit and use this identity.

  • Mutant, who can shoot blasts from his hands. Leader of evil mutants called Band of Baddies, Spider-Man actually knew him as a kid before they had their powers as a school bully.

  • A former CIA Agent who became a criminal and organized an army of mercenaries, Crossfire lost his left eye and left ear in an explosion, replacing them with cybernetic implants. He primarily antagonizes Hawkeye, and by extension Mockingbird and the Avengers. However, he ultimately goes where the money is.

  • A vampirelike being who has battled X-man Marrow and Spider-Man.

  • Arthur Blackwood heeds the call of his ancestors and becomes the Crusader. He has fought numerous heroes including Thor, Wolverine, Luke Cage and Nate Gray.

  • Wrestler from the Spider-Man comics.

  • Cutthroat was hired by Amos Jardine to kill the Spider-Man, in place of the eccentric assassin Arcade. Cutthroat battled the mutant hero Nightcrawler, who had discovered the plan, and Spider-Man, and the heroes defeated him with covert assistance from Arcade himself.

  • The first supervillian called Cyclone. He battled Spider-Man and Moon Knight but was later a victim to Scourge. Was momentarily revived by The Hood only to die again.

  • Cyttorak is an immensely powerful deity, ruler of the Crimson Cosmos and supplier of power to his avatar, the unstoppable Juggernaut.

  • Marvel villain who fights Spider-Man and Wolverine through time along side his associate Big Murder.

  • David Kalen was mutated into a giant goop like substance that can decay anything if he touches it. He is normally seen with/against Spider-Man.

  • D'Spayre is a 20,000 year old creation of the Fear Lord called Dweller in Darkness. Since then he has tortured Humanity, instilling fear and despair wherever he goes.

  • Daddy Longlegs employed a bunch of criminals to rob Dallas' Fair Park Music Hall. Unfortunately for him, Spider-Man, Iceman, and Firestar were present and planning attend the Nutcracker Suite performance. They defeated Longleg's men, after which he confronted them himself. He evaded their initial attacks, but then Firestar let him catch her, distracting him sufficiently for Spider-Man to web his feet together. After Firestar burned out of Kole's grasp, Iceman taunted him, and his effort to attacked caused him to trip and fall to the ground. Iceman made a large ice mound on which they placed Daddy until after the show when the police could take him.

  • A member of the Inheritors and a brother of Morlun.

  • Though they later became friends, Dagger fought with Spider-Man in her first appearance.

  • Daken and Spider-Man fought when the latter tried to break into Avengers Tower under the guise of Venom.

  • A member of the cult of Kali, a Nepalese cult that studied martial arts and mystical disciplines, Dansen Macabre hypnotized Spider-Man into battling the Shroud for her, hoping to kill him as punishment for running away from the cult temple and his devotion to fighting crime. The Shroud managed to shake Spider-Man from his trance, and they defeated Dansen together.

  • Last survivor of wizard race active many millennia ago, brought the Scarlet Witch into 1692 to absorb her powers. Spider-Man and others heroes followed her through time and defeated him.

  • Darter was henchman loyal to the original Carrion. Darter attacked Peter Parker, who was defended by White Tiger. Darter was betrayed by Carrion, who gave Spider-Man's powers to the Spider-Amoeba. In conflict Carrion used his deadly red dust to kill him.

  • David Richards, the son of Franklin Richards and Rachel Summers, is the most powerful being to have ever been born on Earth and is destined to plunge his world into a dark age.

  • Rogue Skrull agent and would-be assassin of the Skrull Emperor.

  • A member of 1400 club. He was ordered to new 1400 leader to kill his ex-lider Foreigner.

  • Gregori wanted to kill Peter Parker as a retribution.

  • Daniel Davis would wear the Macedonian Death-Mask to become Deathgrin and would come into conflict with Nightwatch.

  • Deathshield was trained by Taskmaster to become sort of a rival of Captain America.

  • Creatures that served Deathwatch

  • Terrorist for hire. ARES field leader. Fought Spider-Man and Solo several times.

  • Creator of the Deathspawn. Fought Spider-Man on a few occasions.

  • Decay's powers cause organic life around him to die and non-organic life to erode.

  • He was one of the two escapees who accompanied Dylon Cir to Earth, where they encountered Spider-Man. Dekker attempted to convince Spidey that handing them over to the pursuing Gladiator and Starbolt would result in their eventual deaths, and later stood by as Gladiator eventually tossed Spider-Man through a nearby building, and when Tazer immobilized Starbolt. When Spider-Man took out Tazer, Dekker and Dylon drew their guns, but surrendered when Spider-Man webbed the guns up so they couldn't be fired.

  • Delilah first came into conflict with Spider-Man when she attempted to assassinate the husband of his employer Shirley. Delilah and the Rose next sought to remove Spider-Man from interfering in their operations, and so undertook the project of repowering Electro, hoping he would eliminate Spider-Man. Electro failed, and so they devised a new plan. This time, they stole the corpse of Dr. Octopus and succeeded in restoring him to life.

  • The 2nd Hobgoblin (Jason Macendale) became possessed by a demon. When Jason rid himself of the demon, the demon became Demogoblin. Briefly allied with Carnage.

  • Bennett held a personal vendetta against the Spider-Man and his alter ego of Peter Parker.

  • Diablo vowed to get revenge against Spider-Man, when he foiled Diablo's plans.

  • Debbie Bertrand is a mercenary who took the code name of Diamondback and became a supervillain during the Secret War.

  • Digger is a villain who buries people alive. Also somewhat of a storyteller.

  • Digger is a gamma mutated monster made up of 13 dead gangsters.

  • Several Diggers confront Venom and Spider-Man when they infiltrate a construction site where Treece has some of his men plant explosives directed into the earth to destroy the underground city.

  • Discus and the other supervillains in attendance battled Spider-Man in the Bar With No Name.

  • Raleigh was a charismatic politician with ties to the underworld and possibly a criminal past. With the help of the Man-Monster, a creature created by Dr. Thaxton, he tried to get elected as Mayor of New York. He was defeated by Spider-Man and was killed when the Man-Monster took revenge on him.

  • Doctor Bong is a former journalist turned mad scientist with an unhealthy obession for Beverly Switzler, who he first met in a life-drawing class. He's primarily an enemy of Howard the Duck.

  • Doctor of Destruction has gone a few rounds with Spider-Man, and the webcrawler has done well to walk away unscathed. Whenever Spidey has had to face Doom, he survived by avoiding him as much as possible. He met the good Doctor very early in his crime fighting career, after Doom decided to use Spidey as an ally against the Fantastic Four. He promised Spider-Man that after they defeated the Fantastic Four, they would rule the world. Of course, he had no intention of keeping his end of the bargain, and Spidey realized it. His refusal to help made them enemies. Later they fought many times.

  • Doctor Faustus once controlled Spider-Man's mind in plan to mesmerize nation.

  • Doctor Hope is a psychiatrist pretending to be insane, on that way he can continue with his experiments.

  • A former nuclear physicist and atomic researcher, Otto Octavius' life changed forever when one of his experiments went horribly wrong. From that day forward, he has set out to prove his superior intellect in a number of ways, but these plans are usually thwarted by Spider-Man.

  • A mob boss allied with Hydra and the Maggia

  • This donut-headed fiend is the enemy of Powdered Toast Man. He placed a mind control device on the "Man of Crust" and caused him to fight Spider-Man.

  • Доппельгангер - злой и безумный клон Человека-Паука, созданный Магусом (Magus) во время Бесконечной Войны (Infinity War). Это шестирукое чудовище было создано на основе генов Питера Паркера (Человека-Паука).

  • A skill molecule biologist working for Hydra

  • Carlton T. Hackmutter was once an ill-tempered janitor at Spider-Girl's high school who thought all the kids were punks. When his blood covered a ancient medallion in his dragon collection, he became a dragon himself.

  • Dragon Man is a synthetic lifeform and occasional enemy of The Avengers. He is currently a member of Future Foundation.

  • One of Nefaria's Ani-Men, originally just a costumed crook who was later mutated into a permanent form. Can mesmerize others into immobility with the hum from her wings.

  • Spider-Man helps Vengeance fight Dread after he escapes from a police station with the help of his friend, Rak.

  • A backwards-aging life energy predator who battled both Spider-Man and Iron Fist.

  • Eddie Brock bonded to the alien symbiote after it was discarded by Spider-Man, becoming the first Venom. Brock was later Anti-Venom, but the symbiote was lost during Spider-Island. He has recently been forcibly bonded to the Toxin symbiote by the Crime Master.

  • Eduardo can turn into a werewolf

  • Spider-Man encountered the second Eel (Edward Lavell), when he attacked Spidey, as part of the New Enforcers team.

  • Eel used his helicopter to break out of prison and sought out Electro (Max Dillon), thinking the two of them could form a partnership since they both had electric powers. They attacked the power company and demanded ten million dollars to stop them from crippling the city's electricity, then escaped in the helicopter. Back at their power station headquarters, Eel and Electro were attacked by Spider-Man and Bluebird, who tried unsuccessfully to apprehend Eel. Spider-Man used an anti-magnetic inverter on Eel, reversing the polarity of his costume, and caused him and Electro to stick together like magnets. Bluebird then kicked the villains into the water, defeating them when their systems were shorted out.

  • When El Dorado attempted to kill El Muerto, Spider-Man came to El Muerto's aid. He fought El Dorado and was eventually able to defeat him.

  • Mercenary participant in the Great Game and enemy of Spider-Man.

  • Assassin for Black Tarantula's crime organisation. Sent by the Black Tarantula to slaughter the Rose's men under the guise of an emerald smuggling deal, El Uno's plans were botched by the arrival of Spider-Man. The Rose's gang and Black Tarantula's opened fire on each other, while El Uno defeated The Rose's bodyguard, Delilah, with surprising ease. Finding that instead of money, Delilah had brought a bomb with her, El Uno wasn't the least bit worried. Spider-Man jumped to attack him, but El Uno gloated that pain was for lesser beings. Spider-Man, seeing no other option, poked El Uno in the eyes and webbed his face up. While El Uno was able to tear himself free, it was too late for him to stop the bomb from going off, as the factory exploded.

  • Spider-Man has quickly became Electro's main enemy. Constantly both Spider-Man and Electro battled numerous times and each battle found itself balancing the odds for both men. Most of the time, Spider-Man would find himself using his wits to defeat Electro.

  • Pagon is a Skrull who arrived on Earth and impersonated the assassin known as Elektra for a time. Pagon led The Hand and sowed anarchy and distrust to pave the way for the Skrull invasion of the planet.