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Why I left and why I'm back (to those who wish to know)

Gonna try and keep this short and sweet, don't think many people will see this but it will serve as a reference on the off chance anyone has been wondering (kinda sorta talked to/was friendly with a few people I guess).

About 5-6 months ago, I had a lot of pressure looming over my head thanks to circumstances outside of comicvine, and it broke me to a point where I left not only an open CAV but this website in general. I needed my time to myself and I just kind of went dark on this place. I'm feeling a bit better now, kinda.

As it stands I am coming back simply because I miss this place despite its and my problems. Chances are I'll be a bit more casual about things. I work full time, I have deadlines for other projects and serious responsibilities, I have a girlfriend, etc... so unless its something extremely tempting and fun, I wont be participating in any CAV's or Tourney's (I'll still read and vote in some).

I just don't have the time otherwise for the more nerd intensive activities on here. For now I just wanna create fun battle threads and argue in others on my own time.

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