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I Have All That I Need (Well-Versed #9)

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DateWell-Versed #9:View:Attached to Forum:Previous:
05/09/24I Have All That I Need(Blog) (Forum) (Index).Chris Bishop..Well-Versed #8.
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I saw the NLT version on Facebook earlier today. What you hear most is obviously the King James Version. But seeing the NLT version made me really think about it for a minute. "I have all that I need." I like it, because it's present tense, rather than the future tense of the KJV.

I have all that I need.

That kind of punctuates every request we could ever make, doesn't it? Even if we are praying for something that we desperately need... do we?

I mean, I have to move by the 19th of May, and I don't know of any prospects. It has obviously been at the top of my prayer list (along with finding a job). But... right now... in the present tense... I have a roof over my head.

With the job search- yes, I definitely need a job, but right now... plasma donation, selling books, and other getting-by means are keeping me afloat on the three bills I absolutely have to pay.

Right now... in the present... I have all that I need. "Praise God through Whom all blessings flow!"

I added the NIV and the Amplified there, because I liked the way they said it as well:

NIV: I lack nothing.

Amplified: The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, to guide and to shield me]

"To feed, to guide and to shield me." More than just the picture of a gentle shepherd with a crook in his hand, standing among the sheep. He's there to feed them, guide them, and shield them. That's pretty cool to me.

"But... moving day is only a week away," right? Sure, and I'd like to know where I'm moving to sooner rather than later, but in the meantime, it's about entrusting it to Father.

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He's got this.

Don't get me wrong- entrusting is no small thing.

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One of the most important moments of my life came when I entrusted something to Father- My dad's life. He went into the hospital for something that should have been in-and-out. Next thing we know, he's in the ICU on a ventilator with pneumonia and something doctors couldn't identify. He was awake at times at first. Then he went to sleep for several days. Looking back at the timing of it, I personally think he had COVID before they had started calling it that.

Regardless, I was up there every moment that I could be. I was up there every night after work at first, then I asked for time off, and a manager just told me to go be with my dad, and he'd cover the days. So, I was up there when I could be. I liked going during midnight shift hours, because it was quieter, and I could just sit with dad. It finally got to this point:

October 20, 2019, 6:52 AM:

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I wrote that on my phone while sitting next to my dad's bed in the ICU. In that moment, I came to the end of me, realizing that there was not a single thing I could do for him... except pray. So, I entrusted him to Father.

Before that prayer though? I was so scared of losing my dad, my knees buckled in the shower, and I bawled for a few minutes before I got up again. It's okay to be scared. Just don't lose faith.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019, 12:53 PM:

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This was the day dad woke up. Never thought about it before now, but maybe there's a spiritual significance to the fact that it was three days after my prayer? Significant or not, I like it.

I didn't put it all in this post, because I just didn't want to at the time. I wanted to think about it some more. But here's what happened:

When I say "ugly crying," it was definitely that. I got a call from my stepmother that morning. She wanted me and my stepbrothers (and sister-in-law) to meet her at the hospital. They were asking her to consider pulling the plug on dad, because he had been on a ventilator for days, and hadn't woken up. She wanted us to come discuss it.

We couldn't agree. I finally told them I was going to go see dad, then go downstairs to the Subway that was in the hospital to get something to eat, and come back. When I went to dad's room, I leaned on the rail of his bed, and said, "Father, this is too much. We can't make this decision. So, I'm asking again: heal him, or take him home. I'm saying again that I'm entrusting him to You. Thank You, Father. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen," and I went downstairs to eat. There may have been a little more reiteration in there- meaning that may not be verbatim, but that's basically what I prayed.

Came back from eating, and found everyone outside of dad's room, my stepmother talking with the doctor. He literally shrugged, and told her, "I don't know. I guess we'll wait 'til Friday, and see how it goes."

You see: dad had woken up! He wasn't just awake, he was cracking jokes!

Oct 23, 2019, 7:50 PM:

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I don't even know what made me go back up there that night. I think I just wanted to make sure he was still there, and doing okay. I certainly wanted to praise God, and let Father know how thankful I was. It was so good to hear that joke. You just don't know.

Two years later, the Oct 20, 2019 post popped up in my Facebook Memories. I reshared it, and added this to it that day:

October 20, 2021:

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I walked out of the building with my family, and I practically danced down the hall. I entrusted my dad to Father, and He came through!

So... this thing about finding a job and a place to live? Sure, it's urgent, but God kept my dad from dying when I asked. You think he's going to leave me hanging on these two things? No way! I have GOD, okay?! I have all that I need.

Next: .Broken Soul.