Case of the Forbidden Super-Powers! last edited by MickRory on 03/02/23 03:08PM View full history

    Headmaster Mind invents a device that creates natural disasters whenever the JLAers use their powers.

    A jet airliner, filled with wealthy passengers is robbed, in mid-air, by the Matter Master. Anticipating the crime, the Batman, and the Green Arrow, arrive on the scene to thwart it. Using his Wand of Mentachem, the Matter Master disables both the Batplane, and the Arrowplane, causing them both to crash. The Batman, and the Green Arrow, are forced to eject from their respective planes. With the two heroes disposed of, the Matter Master successfully completes his robbery. Watching the entire confrontation are the Top, and the Tattooed Man.

    In their civilian identities, the various members of the Justice League of America react to the news of the Matter Master's daring robbery. The Top, the Tattooed Man, and the Matter Master meet with the Headmaster Mind of the School For Criminal Deeds and Conduct. In exchange for a percentage of all of their ill-gotten earnings, the Headmaster Mind has neutralized the super-powered members of the Justice League of America. The Headmaster Mind reveals his masterstroke.

    The Headmaster Mind embarked on a series of ocean voyages, ones which passed by Paradise Island, in the hopes of catching Wonder Woman in action. While Wonder Woman showed off for the other passengers, the Headmaster Mind siphoned off her "Cardial Vibrations", the energy created by her heart during her super-powered exertions. The Headmaster Mind used this energy to, inexplicably, materialize an iceberg in the ship's path. Wonder Woman shatters the ice berg. The Headmaster Mind continues to use Wonder Woman's own Cardial Vibratory energy to escalate the threat.

    The iceberg generates a tidal wave. Wonder Woman signals for aid from the Justice League of America. As each member appears to offer assistance, the Headmaster Mind siphons off, and uses, their own Cardial Vibratory energy to make matters worse. Aquaman is the first to respond. His actions inadvertently strengthen the wave. In quick succession, Superman, the Green Lantern, and the Flash all elevate the crisis to epic proportions. When the Atom arrives, Superman tells him to stand down, having realized that the use of their super-powers is only worsening the situation.

    Only the non-super-powered members of the team, the Batman and the Green Arrow, are able to resolve the crisis. By the time the Justice League of America can assemble in their Secret Sanctuary, to discuss the situation, the United Nations has initiated an injunction, forbidding them from continuing to use their super-powers. Unbeknownst to the Justice League of America, the Headmaster Mind manipulated the representatives of the United Nation, to issue that injunction. The Top, the Tattooed Man, and the Matter Master agree to give over a percentage of their ill-gotten gains to the Headmaster Mind.

    The super-powered members, of the Justice League of America, protest their unfair treatment, by picketing outside the United Nations Building. This, too, is a result of the Headmaster Mind's manipulations. To add insult to injury, the Top, the Tattooed Man, and the Matter Master commit a crime in full view of the Justice League of America. Only the Batman, and the Green Arrow, step forward to engage the trio of criminals. The Batman, and the Green Arrow, however, are quickly defeated. The Batman, and the Green Arrow, mount an investigation into the situation.

    The rest of the Justice League of America resolve to bring in the criminals, without using their super-powers. Superman, and the Atom, bring the Matter Master to justice. Aquaman, and Wonder Woman, bring the Top to justice. The Green Lantern and the Flash bring the Tattooed Man to justice. The Batman, and the Green Arrow, are led to the Headmaster Mind, thanks to their successful detective work. The Batman, and the Green Arrow, take down the Headmaster Mind, before he can use the stored Cardial Vibratory energy, of the Justice League of America, against them. Batman speaks with the representatives of the United Nations. With the plot against them revealed, the injunction is lifted against the Justice League of America.


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