
    Batman Returns

    Movie » Batman Returns released on June 19, 1992.

    Michael Keaton returns as Batman who must now contend with the Penguin and Catwoman.

    Short summary describing this movie.

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    Average score of 10 user reviews

    Batman Returns 0

      I wasn't overly crazy about Batman Returns,not just because I am not a big fan of the villains or Micheal Keaton's fighting dosn't seem worthy to be Batmans. It is entertaining but not very much so. Tell me why are the Penguin's goons clowns? The mayor shouldn't be able to almost kill Catwoman and make Batman out of action with a pistol. The fights in the movie arn't believeable. The best part of the movie is when Batman shots his grapple gun at the wall and gives it a tug and takes the wall w...

    5 out of 12 found this review helpful.

    Excesses of Successes 3

    Twelve years before Daniel Radcliffe unleashed the phenomrnon that became the Harry Potter franchise; and nineteen years before Twilight unleashed and empowered twelve-year old girls, Tim Burton's Batman starring Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson was a success at the box office. In spite of a few glaring missteps, both involving The Joker. If you've seen the movie, you might have an idea of what I'm referring to. If not, see the movie, and decide for yourself. Me, I'm not so sure it was a good i...

    8 out of 10 found this review helpful.

    Out of Focus 1

    Batman Returns is a classic. It was one of the first films I remember seeing when I was a kid, and even though most of it was lost on me back then, I still hold it in that special regard. Nonetheless, my review will touch on the quality of this mega-budget sequel, how it lost Batman, and how it has affected other films (and their sequels) of its genre.   The Premise When a corrupt energy tycoon's plans of expansion are challenged by the Mayor of Gotham City (Michael Murphy), Max Shreck (Christ...

    3 out of 5 found this review helpful.

    Should've been titled The Penguin Arrives and not Batman Returns 2

     In 1992 Tim Burton brought us Batman Returns a sequel to his 1989 film Batman.   Michael Keaton once again dons the cowl as Bruce Wayne/Batman and captures the essence of what makes Batman, Batman. Michael Keaton shows us a troubled Bruce Wayne struggling to get over the brutal death of his parents many years ago. I still can't decide whether or not Michael Keaton offers the best interpretation of the character. He meets his match though in Danny Devito as the tormented Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin...

    3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

    You Don't Really Think You'll Win Do You? 3

    By The Angry Comic Book Critic       Before I start I want to ask everyone out there were really so unhappy with Tim Burton's films that you wanted someone like Joel Schumacher to take the reigns of the franchise? I mean guy gave us a Dark Knight we could respect because before Tim Burton came along most non comic nerds when they thought of Batman they thought Bat Shark Repellent and really do you want to associate one of the greatest heroes of all time with Bat Shark repellent? I think not. Now...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Batman Returns is great!!!!!! 0

    The sequel Tim Burtons first Batman film is great and dark. Batman faces The Penguin and Catwoman in this film. I liked Danny Devito as The Penguin becasuse he played it well by being smart, cunning and very evil with his plan to be mayor of Gotham and Michelle Pfeiffer played very well and looked great in her costume. Michael Keton played Batman very well and the story was very good and dark because it fits Batman for who he is and shows he's Gotham hero. I'm going to give a 5/5 because the sto...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    More a Tim Burton movie than a proper Batman film. 0

    I have a real love/hate relationship going on with Batman Returns.After the release of the phenomenal The Dark Knight Rises I thought I'd watch Batman Returns once more to see if I liked it any better than when I first saw it.There's one thing I want to get out of the way right now before getting into anything, and that is that ultimately, I did enjoy this movie.But with everything I enjoyed, there was also a frustrating mistake, and this kind of thing just kept reminding me that while I love Ti...

    0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    Excellent Burtonized Batman 1

    This movie was my childhood, so perhaps I'm a little biased. I really do love the darkness that Burton was able to bring to the franchise, and Danny Elfman's music is so chilling it follows suit. However, there is one thing about this version of the Byronic hero that I don't like. Catwoman. I love Catwoman, and I love Michelle Pfeifer as Catwoman, but there was no acrobatic, kung-fu awesome to back any of her sexiness up. She was all talk. And while she had the talk down, she was just mildly mi...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Tim Burton continues the franchise with style 10

    I absolutely love this movie. Tim Burton was granted full control on this film to make his vision of the Batman mythos and thats what makes this film so great. His takes on Catwoman and Penguin, though very far from the source material, are terrific. The Penguin is turned into a tragic figure who was abandoned by his parents and raised by penguins. Now all he wants is to belong and will do whatever it takes to get it. Catwoman is a mousy secretary thrown from a window by her boss and later adopt...

    4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

    the darkest comic book film ever made 0

    i love this movie ever since i was a kid because it was batman being a badass kicking the shit outta criminals with all the brilliant action sequences then i watched this film recently as an adult and i didnt realize that they had 3 dimensional characters like catwoman played brilliantly by Michelle Pfeiffer who is basically a pushover all her life until she snaps when max shreck played creepily by christopher walken pushes her out of a 10 story window which had her resurrected by cats literall...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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