
    Batman Returns

    Movie » Batman Returns released on June 19, 1992.

    Michael Keaton returns as Batman who must now contend with the Penguin and Catwoman.

    lonewolf316's Batman Returns review

    Avatar image for lonewolf316

    the darkest comic book film ever made

    i love this movie ever since i was a kid because it was batman being a badass kicking the shit outta criminals with all the brilliant action sequences then i watched this film recently as an adult and i didnt realize that they had 3 dimensional characters like catwoman played brilliantly by Michelle Pfeiffer who is basically a pushover all her life until she snaps when max shreck played creepily by christopher walken pushes her out of a 10 story window which had her resurrected by cats literally giving her nine lives which i always loved and don't understand why it was never done in the comics because it makes for great story telling and the penguin was also brilliantly played by danny devito the makeup effects by stan winston were amazing still hold up till this day but they managed to make the penguin into an far more complex character then ever before he was pretty much a joke in the comics his first issue he ever appeared in he was riding a fucking ostrich but here theres an actual charcter who was abandoned by his parents and never received any kind of love of affection and has lived in the sewers all his life it makes him a tragic villain if his parents actually showed him any kindness instead of dumping him in the sewer maybe he would've turned out different that's the whole theme of this film tragedy catwomans penguins and batmans who once again is played brilliantly by keaton the whole romance in this film was far Superior then the 1st far more complex and this film has a great score by danny elfman which i still remember till this day this is my favorite batman film and its the darkest batman film ever made

    Other reviews for Batman Returns

      Tim Burton continues the franchise with style 0

      I absolutely love this movie. Tim Burton was granted full control on this film to make his vision of the Batman mythos and thats what makes this film so great. His takes on Catwoman and Penguin, though very far from the source material, are terrific. The Penguin is turned into a tragic figure who was abandoned by his parents and raised by penguins. Now all he wants is to belong and will do whatever it takes to get it. Catwoman is a mousy secretary thrown from a window by her boss and later adopt...

      4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

      Excellent Burtonized Batman 0

      This movie was my childhood, so perhaps I'm a little biased. I really do love the darkness that Burton was able to bring to the franchise, and Danny Elfman's music is so chilling it follows suit. However, there is one thing about this version of the Byronic hero that I don't like. Catwoman. I love Catwoman, and I love Michelle Pfeifer as Catwoman, but there was no acrobatic, kung-fu awesome to back any of her sexiness up. She was all talk. And while she had the talk down, she was just mildly mi...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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