
    X-Factor #107

    X-Factor » X-Factor #107 - Punch-O-Rama released by Marvel on October 1994.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Punch-O-Rama last edited by jsieczkar82 on 02/02/21 08:00PM View full history

    STRONG GUY versus BLOB in an absolute punch-a-rama!



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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    Comic Review -- X-Factor #107: Punch-O-Rama / Todd Dezago & Kerry 0

    Originally posted on my blog, The Comics Cove, not too long ago...You know this issue is going to be hilarious just from the cover alone. Never mind the conceptual image of Strong Guy and Blob knocking each other around like a pissed off pair of bop bags with arms. Just look at the artwork! They're so overly dramatic and ridiculously extended, flexed, and stretched, you can't help but giggle at the depiction.In this laugh-a-panel issue of an otherwise none too interesting series (to me, at least...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.
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