
    Washington D.C.

    Location » Washington D.C. appears in 4366 issues.

    The capital of the United States.

    Short summary describing this location.

    Washington D.C. last edited by jazz1987 on 10/04/18 08:35AM View full history

    Washington D.C. (District of Columbia) is the capital of the United States. It is an independent territory located in-between Maryland and Virginia along the Potomac River. The city is named after the first President of the United States, George Washington. The word Columbia comes from a 18th century nickname for the United States.

    The three branches of the Federal Government meet here. The United States Congress, United States Supreme Court and the President all reside here.

    The Capitol building, also known as the hill, was purposely built on higher elevation than the White House to serve as a reminder that the presidency is not a kingship.


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