100 Page Spectacular last edited by gravenraven on 05/30/23 12:22AM View full history

    Four of the industry's biggest stars take on John Constantine in two hard-to-find 2-part stories! First up reprints HELLBLAZER #57 and #58 – the long out-of-print tale from Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon's (PREACHER) character-defining as Constantine and Chas confront some very macabre tests on human cadavers. Next is a story from HELLBLAZER #245 and #246 by new superstars Jason Aaron (SCALPED) and Sean Murphy (JOE THE BARBARIAN) following a doomed documentary crew exploring the mystery behind what happened to Mucous Membrane – Constantine's former punk band.


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    The hard to find Ennis 2 part Hellblazer story is back in print. 0

    Hellblazer may just be the most poorly handled Vertigo title because it is older then the imprint it has seen the most evolution.  Younger series have been lucky to survive because they adapted well with the change in markets.  Preacher and Sandman survived to find their series collected in trade without numbers, then with number and now special hardcovers.  Preacher with its combined hardcovers and Sandman with its Absolutes.  Hellblazer on the other hand had the same problem as Swamp Thing or ...

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