
    Venom #13.3

    Venom » Venom #13.3 - Circle of Four, Part 4 released by Marvel on April 1, 2012.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Hell is spreading across the Earth from out of Las Vegas. Ghost Rider is responsible but what price is she willing to pay to save mankind?! X-23, Venom & Hulk must defeat their worst enemies, buying Ghost Rider time to stop hell's march across the globe! As a clone, X-23 has often wondered if she has a soul. This is where she gets her answer! Who is Ichor and why has he targeted Venom for Death?!


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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    Oh, Hell... 0

    Recommended!I understand that this is a "Point" initiative mini-event, but it does feel that the "Venom" aspects of the story have all but left the story. I did manage to find one image to include with this review that doesn't spoil the story/premise and actually shows a bit of good ole Venom...That said, this book was all about the individual experience of the Circle of Four as they transcend their previous lots in life to where they are now. As of the last issue, they were already "In Hell", s...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.
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