
    Thunderbolts #23

    Thunderbolts » Thunderbolts #23 released by Marvel on May 2014.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    It’s Venom’s turn to set the Thunderbolts’ mission!

    So, why does he have them targeting…himself?

    That’s right – VENOM vs. THE THUNDERBOLTS!



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    Average score of 2 user reviews

    Again?! 0

    Ok, I'm getting tired of this, every time I feel as if the series has some shred of hope left for improvement it just falls slat on my face. Last weeks arc was pretty cool, it was fun, adventurous,funny, and the characters were for the most part well written, especially red hulk, which made me especially happy considering that he's one of my favorite characters. I can't really stand on a common ground with this series, Charles soule is a great writer in general but man can he screw up some time...

    4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

    Venom Leaves the Thunderbolts 0

    The Good The art is great and the story is basically, Venom decides to leave the team and goes up against the Thunderbolts. We get to see Venom taking them on one by one and I loved the interaction between Venom and Deadpool and i personally found his contingency plan to be absurd and hilarious. Ultimately it was a good read. The Bad There was a scene in which Venom and Ghost rider went at it, I get that the penance stare didn't work on him but why did he fall unconscious? Was it becaus...

    4 out of 5 found this review helpful.
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