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    Dinner and a Catfight! Spider-Man and Black Cat take on the Hobgoblin. But is the Cat ready for major league crime fighting?

    The Hobgolin finally gives himself superstrength after recreating the original Green Goblin formula without the nasty side effects of insanity. Now that he is at Spider-Man's power level, the Hobgoblin goes to test out his new strength.

    On a some what happier note, Harry and Liz Osborn announce to their friends that Liz is pregnant. And though their friends are happy for the couple apparently something is wrong with Flash Thompson and his girlfriend Sha Shan. It also gives Peter Parker food for thought about how being Spider-Man affects his relationships with women.

    Peter as Spider-Man meets up later with the Black Cat for some alone time and she makes it quite clear that she is really only interested in his Spider-Man persona and not who he is under the mask. He then learns that the Black Cat has no super powers of her own and worries for her safety.

    Then as if on cue, the Hobgoblin attacks. Spider-Man is distracted during his fight with the Hobgoblin trying to protect a powerless girlfriend who is obviously outmtached in this fight. Though distracted, Spider-Man does manage to give the Hobgoblin a run for his money. And when Spider-Man, pretending to be injured, sets a trap for the Hobgoblin, the Black Cat, unaware of this, gets in the way, thus allowing the Hobgoblin to escape.



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    I Love the Hobgoblin 0

    The Story The Hobgoblin with a refined Green Goblin formula gives himself super strength and goes to test his new power against Spiderman.  Meanwhile Harry and Liz Osborn tell their friends of her pregancy giving them food for thought on their on relationships.  Later on Spiderman then goes to spend some time with his then current girlfriend the Black Cat.  Who makes it obvious she is only interested in Spiderman and not what is under the mask.  As Spidey and the Black Cat travel along the rooft...

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