
    New Avengers #8

    New Avengers » New Avengers #8 - Alien Agenda released by Marvel on August 1, 2005.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Alien Agenda last edited by KingBaozer on 02/20/23 09:27AM View full history

    The Avengers try to help the most powerful super hero in the world figure out who he is and where he came from! But will this knowledge destroy the man they are trying to help?

    Stan Lee Presents Sentry! Alien Agenda- A comic book story about the Sentry using his powers to defeat the Skull Invasion. Meeting Thor. And attempting to stop The Void.

    The Nevada Desert- The Sentry is reading the comic book by writer Paul Jenkins and is being told by Captain America and Iron Man that this comic book is the only refrence that anyone can find about The Sentry. They have Paul Jenkins and The Sentry's suppose to be dead wife, Linda Reynolds with them to try to talk it over, but The Sentry just stares off into space.

    One Week Earlier- After the events that happened in the Savage Lands, Iron Man tries to talk Wolverine into joining the New Avengers. Wolverine says he'll think it over.

    Present, Long Island- Wolverine who is now part of the New Avengers is being flung blocks away by The Wrecker, the latest villain the New Avengers are trying to recapture. Back at the battle, Spider-Woman is left to face an enraged Wrecker on her own,

    Arizona, Back in the cave- Linda tries to plead with her husband to come home and let the heroes help. The Sentry gets angry and in a flash of light disappears.

    Hartford, Connecticut- Robert Reynolds awakens, not aware of what happen in Arizona.

    Back in Long Island- Spider-Woman stalls The Wrecker long enough for her teammates to come together with a plan to take down The Wrecker. After Wolverine, Luke Cage and Spider-Man, using The Wrecker's crowbar against him, defeat the villain, Iron Man contacts the team. He orders them to Hartford Connecticut.

    Hartford, Connecticut- Robert is watching television when Emma Frost appears on the TV and asks him to come outside. There a group of heroes are on his front yard and Captain America says "We just want to help." Robert falls on his knees and starts crying and rants that their actions have cause The Void to come and there is nothing they can do about it.


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    Who is the sentry? 0

       This and other reviews can be found at my blog   Summary Sentry in the cave is reading the comicbook of the sentry. We then get a flashback explaining why Wolvie joined the team. Unlike everyone else Stark is paying him just incase things go south an a hard decision needs to be made. Back in reality Jessica manages to subdue the wrecker through Talking to him before the team get rallied and they beat him to a pulp and shield arrives to carry him off...

    15 out of 17 found this review helpful.
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