
    The Flash #9

    The Flash » The Flash #9 - Case Two: The Road to Flashpoint, Part One released by DC Comics on April 1, 2011.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Case Two: The Road to Flashpoint, Part One last edited by KillerZ on 05/11/23 10:48AM View full history

    BRIGHTEST DAY rushes forward! Now, make way for Hot Pursuit – the latest speedster to come out of the Speed Force! He's here to make sure no one breaks the speed limit – hero or villain! And just wait until you see whose face is under Hot Pursuit's helmet…

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    Average score of 11 user reviews

    Flashpoint is Almost Upon Us 0

    Now that Barry Allen is back in town, investigating crime scenes just got a whole lot cooler. And Francis Manapul is back on art duties!  The Good We all know some crazy stuff is coming with Flashpoint. The tease of The Road To Flashpoint on the cover almost makes me a little nervous. Not nervous in a bad way but nervous because you know things are going to get crazy. Reading this issue I felt like some bad things were headed in Barry's direction.  While we all want to see Barry Allen as the Fla...

    17 out of 18 found this review helpful.

    CSI: Central City 0

    With the finish line of Flashpoint in sight, Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul get back on track and resume Barry Allen's story in a stronger issue than any in their first arc.  Johns is developing some strong stuff with Barry Allen, the crime scene investigator. This issue shows an emerging rift between him and the detectives whose cases he is complicating with his work on cold cases. It is making for a potentially interesting dynamic at Barry's workplace. Honestly, Barry in his day job really is...

    8 out of 8 found this review helpful.

    The Road to Flashpoint, Part One 0

    After treating fans with some stellar one-shots depicting Captain Boomerang and the Reverse Flash, Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul are back together again to lay down the groundwork for this summer's most ambitious event, Flashpoint. The first step they've taken, is making another must-read issue in The Flash #9.  Oh, and I'm finally back. Hi!  The Good  Enter... HOT PURSUIT. Right off the bat, we start off with an epic intro by this newest player in the Speed Force, Hot Pursuit. His motives, al...

    7 out of 7 found this review helpful.
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