
    The Avengers #345

    The Avengers » The Avengers #345 - Storm Gatherings released by Marvel on March 1, 1992.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Operation Galactic Storm Part 5. As an intergalactic war flares up between the Kree and the Shi'Ar, the Avengers must split into three different groups to attempt to stem the tides of war.

    The Starcore space station has been destroyed by an intense solar flare, and a team of Avengers consisting of Quasar, Thor, Sersi and Vision respond. They succeed in finding the lifepod with stranded scientists only to be surprised by an armada of Shi'ar warships jumping in from hyperspace. A skirmish follows, and Sersi harshly brings it to an end by threatening the life of the Shi'ar praetor in charge.

    Back on Earth, Captain America invites the Avengers West Coast to Avengers Mansions, feeling that they are going to need all hands on deck for this crisis. The space team returns with confirmation that the Shi'ar and Kree are using their solar system as a hyperspace stop and having a dangerous effect on the sun. Captain America decides to split the Avengers into three teams to address the situation. One is remain on Earth, and the other two are envoys to the Kree and Shi'ar. Hawkeye, angry at being assigned to the Earth team, returns to his Goliath identity and gets himself reassigned to the Kree team.

    On the throneworld of the Shi'ar Empire, Deathbird appears before her sister Majestrix Lilandra to offer her support in the war against the Kree.


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    Against the Shi´ars 0

    Operation:Galactic Storm has hit the fan, meaning that Earth is endangered since the Shi´ars are using wormholes ports to reach their enemy (The Krees) faster - it´s a shortcut that provokes flares from the sun that could result in destroying all life in Earth. This arc story was probably one of the first crossovers I´ve read as a boy, so reading it again was very amusing and fun. The way Harras uses the character´s animosity (or bad blood) in order to make the dialogues sarcastic and fun is awe...

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    The Long and Winding Slippery, Muddy Road 0

    Some time passes: Rick Jones’s time on stage is complete (much to his relief), and Captain America returns him (behind the scenes) to the Hulk, presumably on his way back to Avengers Headquarters in New York (ahead of the West Coast Avengers who are still preparing to rally with the East Coasters). Additionally, enough time has passed for the Avengers to rendezvous with Quasar (leaving Starfox and the captive Kree tomb-raiding twosome at HQ) and send an away team to respond to the emergency broa...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.
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