
    The Amazing Spider-Man #47

    The Amazing Spider-Man » The Amazing Spider-Man #47 - In the Hands of the Hunter released by Marvel on April 1, 1967.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    In the Hands of the Hunter last edited by Vlad3008 on 12/20/22 01:53PM View full history

    Kraven the Hunter wants money from Norman Osborn as a reward for attacking Spider-Man. Unfortunately, since Norman is out of town, Kraven decides to kidnap Norman's son, Harry, at a party which Peter Parker happens to part of. Spider-Man appears and the two fight, but when Norman finally turns up he can't remember who Kraven is, so doesn't pay him the money. Kraven escapes whilst Spidey is saving Norman, who almost falls from a construction site and dies.



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    That's so Kraven! 0

    Imagine your a hunter at the top of your game. There's no one better than you at what you do (bub). You can wrestle tigers to the ground with your bare hands and take down a charging elephant with a single punch. So, what do you do to improve yourself? How do you make yourself an even more imposing figure?Did you answer "nipple lasers"? If you did, please remain at least fifty feet away from me at all times, because you're more than a little strange. Don't worry, though. You're not the only one....

    4 out of 5 found this review helpful.
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