
    Suicide Squad #9

    Suicide Squad » Suicide Squad #9 - Dead Man Walking released by DC Comics on July 2012.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Part one of a crossover with RESURRECTION MAN!

    DEADSHOT, the marksman with a death wish, battles the unkillable RESURRECTION MAN… it's gonna get violent!

    Continued in this month's RESURRECTION MAN #9!



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    Average score of 3 user reviews

    The Deadshot Show! (With some guest stars or whatever) 0

    This cover just cracks me up every time. El Diablo's expression is a little too over the top, Deadshot's face isn't visible so he's just kind of 'there,' Light is freaking out (which makes sense for her) but King Shark is just like OHHHHHHMYGODWHATTHEFAQQQQQQQQQQ!?!?!!!! Ha ha, I love it.Fernando Dagnino's art has been AMAZING on a few issues of Resurrection Man, and bland on others. Not to mention that Federico Dallocchio's art has been a perfect fit on Suicide Squad (When they actually HAD him...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Disappointed 0

    THE GOOD: Fernando Dagnino art in this issue is fairly good. I really liked seeing the whole team together on the second page and I really though it showed that there was the hidden unity to the team. The rest of the issue, he shows off that he knows how to draw characters fighting and huge explosions. The story is still good. I really like seeing Harley Quinn in this issue and I think that will be a huge thing for her character. I don't believe it right now, but I like seeing that the writer is...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    The Deadshot Chainsaw Massacre 0

    Well there was a missed opportunity here. Deadshot grabs a chainsaw at the end and proceeds to hack Resurrection Man apart. My only question is, why can't that be the whole issue? There was some ridiculous balls being dropped here. There is a Suicide Squad member named Iceberg. Why? I mean there is already Icicle, Mr.Freeze, Captain Cold, Killer Frost, now you need to add a generic looking Big Guy rip-off named Iceberg? To make things worse, the doesn't do a damn thing. And is Light dead now? I...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.
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