
    Spawn #5

    Spawn » Spawn #5 - Justice released by Image on October 1992.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Justice last edited by toxin45 on 04/02/24 07:26PM View full history


    Sometimes in our judicial system, bad men like Billy Kincaid slip through the cracks. Posing as an ice cream man, Kincaid lured children into his van and killed them. When Spawn learns that Kincaid has been set free, he remembers he once turned down a chance to kill the child molester. He does what the courts couldn't, passing his own death sentence on the pervert.



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    none of this issue.

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    Average score of 2 user reviews

    Depth Perception 0

    I've started rereading spawn from issue 1. I think I only made it to issue fourteen when I was younger, before I stopped collecting for awhile. I have to say this issue is really good, and really shows that Todd Mc Farlane can write great stories. I also have to point out the artwork of Todd is so awesome, it makes me angry that he's kind of just sticking to inking. Oh well. The story here is definitely a memorable one. It kind of makes you cringe inside with the subject matter, but it definitel...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Spawn #5 -Contains spoilers 0

    This is one of the darkest issues of Spawn, it is also one of the best because of how descriptive and captivating it is (though this makes it a lot more dark). It opens right away with Billy Kincaid (a pedophile) being released from prison, through a loophole in the system, and at the same time showing what he did to his victims. This adds to the dark and grotesque feeling that is built up through the entire issue. The story reaches it's climax when Kincaid tries to kidnap Cyan (Wanda and Te...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.
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