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Average score of 2 user reviews

The Art Was Great... 21

I've always jokingly referred to Kory as "Slutfire" simply because I dislike the fact (and admit to needlessly hating on her) because of her relationship with Dick (insert penis jokes here).The fact that the nickname now actually applies doesn't really give me any joy. I was giddy for about fifteen minutes before it really sunk in what a low blow this was to the portrayal of women in comics. There's nothing wrong with a woman who's comfortable with her sexuality. There's nothing wrong with a wom...

20 out of 25 found this review helpful.

Something Wiccan This Way Comes 1

As a steadfast lover of Charmed and somebody who has seen every episode and owns most seasons of the show, I had very high expectations for this comic. I am happy to say that they were met and then some. I will admit that I was more than a little wary at first, the show ended on such a perfect note that I didn't think there was really any way to continue without reconning the happy ending, fortunately Paul Ruditis found a way around that. The issue picks up about fifteen months after the show le...

31 out of 37 found this review helpful.