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#1  Edited By Madros


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#2  Edited By Madros

A man's screams echoed off the walls of the small cave, a man sat in the middle tied to a chair, he struggled to get free, straining and straining, but the chains would not let him so. Eventually, for the fifth time this hour, he stopped his groans and slumped back in the chair, his body going limp with exhaustion. The left half of the man's face was tender, torn muscle and flesh which revealed a little bit of bone underneath, where merely an hour ago it had been burned to a cinder, showing this man for what he truly was, a two faced scoundrel. His name was Robert Andrews, a US secret agent, who had infiltrated the covenant of Madros and gained their trust, until on the night of initiation when his team busted the villain's hideout and killed everyone on sight, all to get to the elusive Madros, who managed to escape just in time. Robert went missing on the way to his own expensive wedding in Los Angeles with a hefty paycheck, three days ago. Madros does not tolerate betrayal, that is the first thing his henchman in the covenant learn, Mister Andrews should have really listened.
Robert sat in the chair, screwed to the ground, his face half blown to hell, his body weak and battered, his suit torn and ripped, a huge letter M burnt into his chest (Madros liked to sign his work) and two nails buried deep into his legs, attached to wires which lead to a car battery box, which was being fiddled with by Madros himself. "Lets put this up a notch," came Madros' calm and malevolent voice, making Robert squirm once more and scream, "No! No! No! Look I'm sorry, I was just doing my job!" the electricity sparked and Robert groaned once more, Madros stopped it again, "I'm not looking for apologies Robert, I want revenge, my men are dead because of you" spat Madros, anger in his eyes as he squared up with Robert, "I was just doing my job" Rob pleaded, "Oh, I know you were, I know and you got quite the reward for that little stunt, didn't you... but now, I'm going to do my job, and rid this world of betraying scum like you" memories of the past flooded into Madros' minded, his mother was betrayed when Mikael was only a child and she died because of it.
Rob was not going to give in just yet, "Please! I have a family!" he shouted as Madros turned his back and fiddled with the car battery once more, "Oh I know of your 'family' Mister Andrews, why in fact now, if I had not gotten in the way you would have a Misses Andrews and your daughter would not be a bastard child, but that will not stop me, revenge runs deep within my veins and you shall pay the price for your actions." Madros could see tears welling up in Andrews' eyes, it was only now he let the flood barriers break, he was strong, no doubt that was why he was picked for the job, he would have been a strong adversary, could have made it to the top, earned his keep and when the time was right, left the covenant and lived a happy life with his family, Madros does not hold a grudge for those who seek enlightenment, for that is what Madros does, in fact Mikael could have helped his fellow man, and he could see in Robert's eyes that he knew this now and has chosen the wrong path. Madros played for a few minutes with the car battery, on... and off... and on... and off, ignoring Robert's screams of pain.
Madros stood up, "I'm sure your family will be fine without you Robert, don't worry, I will make sure of that..." Mikael's face twisted into a smile, even his charred left side managed to raise a cheek, Robert steamed and shouted, "YOU'RE A MONSTER! A MONSTER! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY FAMILY!" Madros hushed him and stepped closer to his prey raising one iron fist he punched his foe around the face making him scream out in pain, "There Is nothing you can do I'm afraid Robert... You see I had a family once Mister Andrews, a long time ago, but they met rather cruel ends... I of course got my justice but this, what happens here, will not be justified." Then with a smile Madros stuffed cotton into Roberts mouth to stop his screams and then turned up the juice, his victim fidgeted more than ever, and before he turned to leave Mikael Andros said one last thing, "Now you see Robert, these caves, off the south shore of Singapore, are rather special, a natural wonder of the world, every two days they fill up, half way, with sea water whilst the sun manages to creep it's head round and bounce off the waves around the cave walls creating a dazzling sight, In an hour you shall see said sight, I have no doubt that the Car battery is not strong enough to kill you, but it may be enough to electrocute the water and fry you, of course if that doesn't happen you may drown, to a wonderful view no less... but if you survive that, the officials will not find you in time before you starve to death or drink enough see water to go insane, so I sincerely hope you can hold your breath for a long time. Now if you excuse me, there is a very important friend I have to see about ending this uncivilized attack against world threats, good day Mister Andrews" and with that Madros left the cave, and got on a private jet back to America.

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#3  Edited By Madros
@-Eclipse- said:
" @Madros: Kicks Madros in the head  "
grabs eclipse and dunks him in a pot of acid
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#4  Edited By Madros
@Percy Jackson said:
" @-Eclipse-: It´s all gonna be in the team RPG why he became evil. I just have a bad idea about Andy´s idea, no offense.  "
you could have said so in the pm is all
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#5  Edited By Madros
@-Eclipse- said:
" @Madros: Nice to see you FINALLY using him, lol "
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#6  Edited By Madros

Looking forward to this

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#7  Edited By Madros

Madros is in :D
almost forgot about this guy

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#8  Edited By Madros
@Final Arrow said:
" @~Constantine~ said:
" got diddly squat "
keep checking "
Can't think of anymore... you're just sending me on a wild goose hunt
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#9  Edited By Madros
@Darkchild said:
" @Madros said:
" how do you change passwords? "
settings...then..change password. Moron "
well mine doesn't have that, so F@ck you
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#10  Edited By Madros

how do you change passwords?