Feral Nova

🌟Paladin of The Stars🌟

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✨The Paladin of the Stars ✨

The Nova Force

The Nova Force
The Nova Force

The Nova Force is a source of cosmic energy that travels through the multiverses, blessing it’s chosen one with its powers. In every multiverse, no matter how big or small, there is always the presence of The Nova Force, whether making a large impact on the universe or small, it is always there. No one knows where it came from or what created it. It just is. All that is known is that in every version of the universe it is there. It doesn’t always appear at the same time or in the same way. The only thing consistent is that it arrives when there is a struggle between darkness and light. Which side of this struggle it takes depends on the individual.

When given it’s abilities the wielder of The Nova Force is always given the name of “Feral Nova”. The Nova Force doesn’t just give it’s abilities to anyone and cannot be forced to be given to another specific individual. If the user of Feral Nova passes it will travel to the next vessel it sees fit to take over. There cannot be two Feral Nova’s in one universe as there is only one Nova Force. If another person with the powers of The Nova Force attempts to cross into another universe where there is another Feral Nova, the powers of that individual will slowly transfer to the Feral Nova of that Universe (takes a total of three Earth years). This is the law of The Nova Force.

All Feral Nova’s receive the same powers but not all reach their full potential. How strong these abilities grow with each Feral Nova depends on how much training and discipline each of them have. Some Feral Nova’s have been known to have the power to destroy planets while others struggle generating a single flame. Each of them have the same potential but not all are able to reach it.

Feral Nova of CV22

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Name: Stephanie Ardor

Age: 26 (appears) 49 (Actual)

Birthday: 08/08/1974

Date of “Death”: 05/30/1999

Hair: Brown/White

Eyes: Green/White


  • Former Astronaut
  • Current: NASA-SHD (SuperHero Division)

The Nova Force is an entity that travels through the Multiverse to make sure there is a Feral Nova in each universe. Stephanie of CV22 is no exception. Since she was a child, Stephanie has always been fascinated by space. The stars, planets, asteroids, possibility of aliens, she wanted to know all of it. She grew up reading all the books she could find. In high school she joined The Space club and after graduation she managed to get into NASA Pathways Programs which led her into becoming an astronaut. Her first mission was STS-96 on 05/30/1999. It was supposed to be a simple mission. Though there was a warning that a wave of space radiation would be approaching near the moon around that time, but that it wouldn’t affect their mission.

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The STS-96 was a space shuttle mission to the International Space Station (ISS) flown by space shuttle Discovery. This was going to be the first shuttle flight to dock at the ISS. The shuttle was to bring the Spacehub module in the payload that was filled with cargo for the station. Stephanie, along with the rest of the crew, had gotten to the station with no problem, and space was everything that she dreamed of. Seeing Earth for the first time in space overwhelmed her with emotions and while she was doing a space walk with her friend, Julie Payette, something happened.

Commander Rominger radioed her that a wave of space radiation was about to collide with the space station and that both needed to come back in for protection. Turns out the radiation that was coming towards the moon in fact wasn’t radiation and was an unidentified space energy coming towards the space station. In the rush, Julie’s and Stephanies’ tether became tangled together on hook on the space station. The two Astronauts attempted to detangle but without success. Stephanie unclipped her and Julie’s tether, but there was no way she would be able to pull the two of them to the safety of the space station in time. Instead she pushed herself against the station towards the entrance and pushed Julie, as hard as she could, towards the station. This caused Stephanie to be pushed in the opposite direction of the station, drifting out further into space. Stephanie’s eyes widen as she could see the golden space energy rushing towards them at an alarming rate. She saw, was Julie landing inside the station and the doors closing behind her. Rominger was yelling at her, but at this point, he was just a nagging voice in the back of her mind.


Stephanie closed her eyes, waiting for the cosmic energy to evaporate her body into nothingness. But instead, the energy engulfed the astronaut and the moment impact was made… it vanished and Stephanie with it.

Forward 23 years later and a UFO came crashing into the Atlantic Ocean, when NASA went to investigate, it was none other than Stephanie Ardor, only her hair was now platinum white and she was in a strange uniform. But even more strange… it appeared she hadn’t aged a day. Stephanie revealed that upon vanishing, she was transported to an entirely different universe and crash landed on Slyronia, where it’s race was made up of what appeared to be different colors of living gelentan slime. It was a very difficult beginning, the two beings unable to communicate and Stephanie being transported onto an alien planet. The creatures themselves were rather intelligent and peaceful creatures who were stuck in a 59 year war (59 earth years but 93 years on Slyronia) against a race called Recknoids who were bringing the Slytorians to extinction.


Finding out that she had somehow obtained powers after being transported, she used her abilities to help the war against the Recknoids and after 10 years of learning how to use her powers and fighting on the side of the Slytorians, she won the war for them, being named “Feral Nova” by the Rocknoids for her unforgiving ways on the battle field. After the war was won, the Slytorian leader (Blup’Vin) said to try to give her whatever it is she wanted. It was then that she wished to return home. So Blup’Vin got the most brilliant scientists together and worked on something to get her back to Earth. But it still took 13 years to build it. During that time Stephanie traveled across space, offering her help to those in need.

She brought peace wherever she went and made friends on every planet she landed. Her high energy personality and willingness to help others made her an icon across the cosmos. While her hero name was “Feral Nova”, she was called other things, such as The Intergalactic Paragon, The Binary Knight and The Paladin of the Stars.

The Binary Knight, Feral Nova
The Binary Knight, Feral Nova

After NASA found out what Stephanie had been doing all this time, they began to quickly experiment on her and test to see if she was exposing Earth to any deadly space dust or radiation that she was exposed to. When she was in the clear, NASA offered her a job there once more, but instead of as an astronaut, as a member of the NASA-SHD, (National Aeronautics and Space Administration-SuperHero Division). Stephanie agreed, and now works around the clock to keep not just the world safe from itself, but from intergalactic threats as well. Because of this, she is not always on Earth.


Age Deceleration: While Stephanie ages, she ages at a much slower rate than humans. Upon study of her body’s cells, NASA has come to the conclusion that Stephanie can live up to 300 years.

Astro-Pyrokinesis: Stephanie can create, shape and manipulate cosmic fire from the depths of deep space, from celestial objects such as from meteors, stars, planets/planetoids, etc. These flames can burn in space, and thus, have no need of the consumption of oxygen. This takes training to be able to do.

Pyrokinesis:Just like prior Feral Nova's before, this is Stephanie’s main power. She is able to excite or speed up an object's atoms, increasing their thermal energy making it ignite spontaniously, not necessarily just objects, but air particles as well. She can control and move the flames, including the shape, heat and even color. Create, Absorb, Generate and Manipulate Fire of various intensities.

Plasmokinesis Stephanie can create, shape and manipulate plasma, a state of matter consisting of fully ionized gas of low density containing an approximately equal number of positive ions and electrons. It is important to note that although they are unbound, these particles are not ‘free’. When the charges move they generate electrical currents with magnetic fields, and as a result, they are affected by each other’s fields. On planet, plasma is relatively rare, but it is present in electricity (lightning, St. Elmo's fire, ball-lightning), extremely hot flames and polar aurora, or artificially in low energy lights, electric arcs of all kinds, etc.. In space, plasma is the most common state for ordinary matter, most of which is in stars such as the Sun.

Pyrokinetic/Thermal Immunity: Unable to be harmed by the effects of not only fire but of other high temperature elements. This is due to the fact that the Stephanie’s skin is able to absorb heat and actually convert it into more energy (See below).

Thermal energy absorption Is able to discharge and absorb high temperature elements, which allows Feral Nova to reabsorb some of their own energy/fire when activated if it is not used against someone/thing, this gives her a continuous flow of recycled energy. Stephanie is able to use the sun as a direct source of energy due to it's high thermal output. She can also take in body heat from others and use that to help power herself or even absorb heat from elevated temperature objects such as heat from motorized objects to electronic devices, and basically whatever gives off heat. This can also be energized attacks that individuals may use against her. Long story short, anything that has heat, can give her power. As a result of this, her absorbing the heat of individuals can actually cause them to go into hypothermia and freeze even if it’s a hot summer day.

High Thermal Output: Not only can Feral Nova absorb Thermal Energy, they can also distribute it as well. Able to overheat objects or melt them without the use of her fire. This can be to overheat an electronic device, motor in a vehicle or even overheat a person's body and cause hyperthermia.

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Thermokinetic Flight: Unlike most fire based powered beings, Feral Nova doesn't have to erupt in a firey explosion in order to take flight. They are able to heat up the atom's around them enough to sustain flight. However if she feels to make a dramatic entrance or exit, she will erupt into fire just to get the ‘oooos’ and ‘ahhhhhs’ from citizens. She can fly FTL (This dosn’t mean she can run this fast).

Thermodynamic: Like a living battery Feral Nova can not only absorb thermal energy but also store it for long periods of time and build it up. This helps her to be able to travel to dark, cold places that have no sunlight or heat and still be able to do her work.

Super Strength: It is unclear exactly how strong Stephanie is as she has been yet to be pushed to her limit.

Durability: Blades and bullets can pierce into her body… if they dont melt before contact. Her durability is more based on blunt and energy attacks.


Uniform: Armor created by the Slytorians of the planet Slyronia, where Stephanie was residing most of her time. This armor doesn’t so much to protect her but is more of a uniform. One that can be recognized throughout the galaxies.

Energy Blade: Created by the Slytorians, this allows Stephanie to focus her Plasmokinesis into the hilt of her blade and create an energy blade. Anyone who doesn’t have Plasmokinesis that attempts to use the blade would be rendered useless.

Universal Translator: Created by the Slytorians it was given to Stephanie as an early gift upon arrival on their planet to help with communication.