
    Nega Bomb

    Object » Nega Bomb appears in 11 issues.

    A weapon of ultimate destruction, designed by the Shi'ar under coaxing from the Kree's Supreme Intelligence. Utilized for it's own meticulous purposes during Operation: Galactic Storm.

    Short summary describing this thing.

    Nega Bomb last edited by Symlen on 11/04/18 12:27AM View full history

    The Kree spawned Nega Bomb is a munition of unspeakable genocide fabricated by the Shi'ar's greatest minds. The deployment of which being ordered by princess Lilandra to end the war between her race and their aggressors, The Kree.

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    The Nega device utilizes many technologies belonging to their enemies harvested from various outposts on Earth; tapping into the limitless energy output of the Psyche-Magnetron's Universal Energy Core, while tacking the anti-material energies of The Negative Zone itself through use of the Nega-Bands once belonging to Captain Mar-Vell. During the final through's of the Kree/Shi'Ar War, when the heart of the apposing empire had been decimated by the bomb's detonation. It was later revealed to Captain America and Deathbird, two of the few survivors left alive within the Kree Capitol homeworld at the time.

    That the Kree's leader; The Supreme Intelligence, was actually behind the Shi'ar's devising of the Nega Bomb. He revealed that implementation of the anti-matter charge could jumpstart the Kree's long dormant evolution cycle.

    Using the negative energies of the Bomb would allow for the re-ignition of the Kree's progressive growth, a great many of whom finding great power within themselves after exposure to the anti-protopositronic radiation residue after it's discharge within the heart of their empire's galaxy. The Nega devices are sparse but incredibly potent in destructive capacity nonetheless. Depending on it's size these munitions are capable of eradicating island continents to galaxian expanses with a lethal Antimatter discharge. Implemented by a great many different species over the coarse of time, it is mainly used as a weapon of last resort both by it's creators, the Shi'ar and it's epiphany bearers the Kree.

    More than once was this killing device of such devastating magnitude been utilized by various radicalist groups hellbent on the destruction of their enemies. Most notably, the Lunatic Legion who'd purchased a smaller scale device off of Taneleer Tivan; The collector, in return for the capture of the Avengers after destroying their world.

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    Or one devised from scratch based upon lower scale Terran born technologies by an escapist pink skinned Kree splinter faction called the Underground Militia. Individuals whom were all once slaves of their blue skinned cousins, inevitably escaping to their believed world destroyers; The Avengers, home planet with plans to turn the local populace against it's transhuman protectorate, while also plotting to devastate Earth using their jury rigged Nega Reactor device to flood the planet with lethal Nega Radiation. During the War of Kings Emperor Gabriel Summers of the Shi'ar empire instigated the usage of such terrible WUD's during their war the new rulers of the Kree; The Inhuman royal family. The mad king finding they're devastating power of anti-thermal negative reaction's laying waste to whole worlds engulfed in an all-consuming blaze to be magnificent.


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