
    Ku Klux Klan

    Team » Ku Klux Klan appears in 166 issues.

    Is an American white supremacist hate group established in 1865. They practice Anti-Semitism, Anti-Catholicism, Anti-Islam, Anti-LGBT and White Nationalism ideologies.

    Short summary describing this team.

    Ku Klux Klan last edited by aphillips17 on 05/25/21 11:17PM View full history

    The American white power movement that has fallen greatly out of favor in modern times. Stylized by the all white garb with pointed white complete face covering hood, to allow anonymity.

    Known for committing hate-driven crimes, primarily white on black crimes, in the form of burning a wooden cross at locations where targets dwell or pray as well as burning down of target groups buildings and even lynchings.

    The white hood allows anonymity for everyone at a meeting allowing those in positions of power, who's impartiality or public image would have been detrimentally damaged by the revealing of their sympathies would have precluded them from attending, to attend.

    Meetings are traditionally depicted as occurring in at twilight on the outskirts of towns, around a bonfire, in a wooded area, away from roads with a soapbox for addressing of issues. The ultimate form of justice for those as seen as transgressing their ideology is the lynching where a person is hung by the neck until dead from a tree limb.

    Anecdotally it was said that following a letter to the offices of the publishers of Superman, they were asked that if Superman can fight Hitler why not fight the KKK, and following the subsequent storyline membership of the KKK dropped massively and marked a turning point in the outmoding of the organization.


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