
    Justice League of America #7.1

    Justice League of America » Justice League of America #7.1 - Point and Shoot released by DC Comics on November 2013.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Point and Shoot last edited by deactivated-66295eae3a574 on 09/07/23 10:33AM View full history

    Is it a death wish that makes Floyd Lawton put on the mask of Deadshot? Or is something more sinister pulling at Floyd when he becomes a relentless assassin who feels nothing for his victims? Discover the truth behind Deadshot’s secret history in this issue!

    Note: Martian Manhunter, Catwoman, Green Arrow, Hawkman, Stargirl, and Katana only appear on the cover of this issue.


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    Average score of 6 user reviews

    Some of us are bullets 0

    Spoilers yo! Seriously I can't block them and I'm pretty bad about blurting them out as is. So I'm checking out the Villain month issues to give the new reader perspective and seeing if they really draw me in like they're suppose to. The Good:Man this issue was fantastic, while the change in origin seems a little cliched at first it takes a good turn to a more interesting set up. Floyd seems to fun off of a strange set of values and it keeps the issue quite interesting as he explains his person...

    5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

    The Cost of Bullets 0

    This is going to be a bit of a divisive issue I think. Some drastic changes are made to Deadshot's origins, and it creates a very delicate result. In some ways it appears they've made his origin more generic in some ways, but at the same time there's some little twists to it that make it very effective and definitely extremely fitting for the character. His personality is also probably the most accurate since the New 52 began.Maybe it's just how much I love Secret Six. I'm so attached to that b...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Magnificant 0

    Oh goodie, another villains month book. I've reviewed Joker & Darkseid, and they both were bad. So, I don't know as much about Deadshot as the others, so I probably wouldn't even like this one as much. I didn't have high expectations going in. I read it, and it was fantastic. It was just so well done. Let's just start the review so I can say why.The GoodDeadshot's Origin - I won't go into spoiler territory here, but I liked Deadshot's origin. I have no clue how accurate it is, but si...

    3 out of 5 found this review helpful.
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