
    Justice League 3000 #4

    Justice League 3000 » Justice League 3000 #4 - The Terrible Truth released by DC Comics on May 2014.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    The Terrible Truth last edited by Thor_Ul on 03/12/23 10:52PM View full history

    The Justice League of the future learns the terrible truth behind their creation!



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    none of this issue.

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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    JL 3000 #4 (belated review) 0

    I know, I know I said when I reviewed the last issue that the estimated time that I'd review the next issue would be, "3/12/14", but at least I'm here right? Anyway, the JL of the future finally find out their origin stories! Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. Dematteis with artwork by Howard Porter. The GoodThe series is still very enjoyable. The JL of the future being cloned to work for Cadmus and fight their war is very interesting and has led to the heroes expressing hate towards one another. ...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.
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