

    Character » Gorgilla appears in 48 issues.

    A half-man/half-ape monster from Marvel's pre-Fantastic Four era.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    An expedition seeking the "missing link" between humans and apes arrived at the island of Borneo. The members of the expedition are attacked by a Tyrannosaurus Rex but are saved by Gorgilla, the name given to the 20 foot tall ape-man. The members of the expedition decide to leave Gorgilla in peace as thanks for his rescue. However, Gorgilla, becoming curious about humans, stowed away on the ship. In New York, the benevolent Gorgilla stopped an assassination attempt. However, the poor beast, in the confusion of his appearance, appeared to fall off the Statue of Liberty to his death.

    Mayor Story Arcs

    Doctor Druid

    In reality, Doctor Druid came and talked Gorgilla down off of Lady Liberty, implanting the false memory of Gorgilla's death in spectators' minds, so that he could return to his peaceful life in Borneo. Unfortunately, Yandroth the Magician used his powers to make Gorgilla attack the Defenders.

    Fing Fang Four

    Later, the Fantastic Four helped Gorgilla by taking him to live on Monster Isle. Eventually, Mr. Fantastic shrinks Gorgilla down to human size so that he can enter human society as a window cleaner at the Baxter Building. Gorgilla returned to heroics when he joined the Fin Fang Four in stopping the alien conqueror Tim Boo Baa.

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