
    G.O.D.S. First Look Infinity Comic #1

    G.O.D.S. First Look Infinity Comic » G.O.D.S. First Look Infinity Comic #1 released by Marvel on October 2023.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    last edited by fesak on 04/13/24 08:39AM View full history

    JONATHAN HICKMAN RE-INVENTS THE COSMOLOGY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE-POWERS-THAT-BE MEET THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS? The infinite détente between THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS and THE-POWERS-THAT-BE nears an end. Old acquaintances are reunited during a Babylon Event. The Lion of Wolves throws the worst parties. Don't look under the table. There's a John Wilkes Booth penny on the ground. This ENORMOUS EXTRA-SIZED first issue features DOCTOR STRANGE, who, while not boring at all, is easily the most boring person in the book.


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