War of Kings (Wolf Pack vs. The Hidden Lotus)

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The Hunter


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#1  Edited By The Hunter
  • OOC Thread Here
  • This RPG is for Wolf Pack and The Hidden Lotus members ONLY.
  • Standard RPG Rules / Rates apply.

New Orleans, Louisiana

Lightning pierced the sky and thunder rumbled in the distance.  At that moment, it began to rain in downtown New Orleans.  The rain came in a calming manner, balancing out the chaos that had stricken the area.  Downtown New Orleans had been ravaged during the epic battle of Jean-Luc LeBeau and William Greystoke.  The two had fought on a level equal to that of the great Achilles and Hector.  Multiple buildings had been devastated and there were several casualties.

Standing in front of the burning night club was the Hunter.  William Greystoke looked up into the rain and closed his eyes for a brief moment, taking it all in.  The calm serenity of nature relieved much of his tension.  Yet, the Greystoke Legend felt a great deal of frustration.  During the battle, the crafty Cajun had managed to elude the persistent lycan.  However, there was nothing he could do at the moment.

William's eyes shot open at the sound of approaching sirens which alerted him that it was time to leave the scene.  The Hunter and Gambler would meet again in combat.... someday, but not that day.  Racing up towards a fire escape, the lycan powerfully leaped up, grabbed onto it, then climbed to the top of the building.  Taking to the rooftops, William leaped from roof-to-roof.  As he raced through the rain, all he could think about was the new mission at hand: tracking down Gambler yet again.  In a few minutes, he would rendezvous with Talon and Sparda then head back to the team's base in New York.

When Greystoke arrived to the rendezvous point, an old boarding house in which he was staying, he noticed that Talon and Sparda were nowhere in sight.  However, he could identify the scent of Sparda in the immediate area.  Due to the rain, it was extremely difficult to track.  Greystoke had to go inside for a clearer scent.  Sparda's scent was extremely faded, meaning that he had been there hours ago.

The Hunter made his way up to the room where he had been staying.  Sparda's scent lingered there.  Yet, as William opened the door, Sparda was nowhere in sight.  Instead, a portable DVD player lay on the bed.  The entire situation was very intriguing.  Reaching up, the Hunter activated his earpiece and said, "Lone Wolf Alpha to Sparda, come in.  Over.....   Sparda, where are you?!"  There was nothing but silence over the frequency.

Greystoke looked down at the portable DVD player then slowly picked it up and examined it.  As he opened it, the device activated immediately.  On screen, a man appeared in the traditional yet dignified attire of an Eastern warlord.  "How did you enjoy our little decoy?" the man said with a smug look on his face.  "Perhaps you wonder why it was so easy to find Jean-Luc LeBeau, one of the most elusive criminal masterminds on the planet.  You see, it was all a ploy.  The bottom line is that.... you and your pathetic 'pack' are a thing of the past.  Prepare for your destruction, for the age of The Hidden Lotus has begun.... and just to prove how ruthless we are, I've taken the liberty of procuring something you hold very dear...."

William's heart sank at what his eyes beheld next.  The camera panned out then shifted to the left where it revealed a table.  Strapped to the table was none other than Talon.  Her body was covered entirely in blood, and the look on her face was that of pain and suffering.  Never before had Greystoke seen that look of desperation in her eyes.  At that moment, the Hunter's blood began to boil as his hands clenched tightly onto the device, nearly breaking it.  "Now," the man said.  "If you want her... Come and get her......"

The rage within William Greystoke was building.  Whoever these people were of the Hidden Lotus, they would pay.  Suddenly, numbers began flashing up on the device's screen: "3.....2......1...... "  The device then blew up in Greystoke's hands.  The explosion rocked the entire building and blasted the Hunter's body through the brick wall and out of the structure.  With a sharp impact, William's body slammed onto the roof of a car.  In pain, he rolled to the side and fell onto the ground.

The skin on the Hunter's hands, chest, and part of his face was burnt to a crisp.  However, he felt no pain.  The rage which filled him blocked out any room for physical pain.  Instead, he slowly stood to his feet, regained his composure, and began to heal.  Reaching up to his earpiece, William spoke into it saying, "Lone Wolf Alpha to Wolf Pack.  Assemble at the base in New York.  Sylver, lock onto me and teleport me to that location.  We have work to do...."  Greystoke then closed his eyes as he was teleported into the mansion which the team controlled outside of New York City.

Wolf Pack Base, New York

The look upon William's face was that of determination.  Quickly, the Hunter walked through the mansion assembling the team and heading towards the conference room.  From there, a meeting would be held, a strategy would be made, then there would be HELL to pay.  Talon was taken hostage and Sparda was M.I.A.  If he was involved, he would surely pay and answer to Greystoke for his actions someday.

Then there was this new and mysterious Hidden Lotus.  Whoever these people were, they took Talon.  To the Hunter, Talon was more than just a team mate.  He viewed her like the daughter he never had.  Truth be told, William was more protective of Laura than any other member of Wolf Pack.

First, he gathered Ruby Glassman (a.k.a. Risky) and Abam Sasaki (a.k.a. Lady Nightmare), his two lieutenants.  The entire team would have to come together.  Indeed, what began as a simple solo mission had escalated into something else.  The BATTLE had just turned into a WAR..... 
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Akira Overdrive


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#2  Edited By Akira Overdrive

 The Hidden Lotus Complex-Somewhere in Asia:

A pure white Lotus flower,fully blossomed was floating in a tranquil pond of water,the scene was the epitome of serenity.Above in the sky and heavens it was grey,clouds loomed over the pond and the surrounding complex of the clandestine yet illustrious society.The thunder crackled and lightning flashed,the two together synchronised harmoniously as the rain began to pour.If you were viewing from the outside,the contrast of  the lone flower and its peace, then the storm above,you realised the simple message and could make the connection right away.The chaste white flower had just blossomed,it was newly formed,and all it wished to do was show the world its beauty while engaging in no activity that would hurt its petals.The storm was violent,wiping everything from its path and making sure it's coming was known,it's aim was to strike fear,but at the same time replenish the earth,and purge out the weak.

That is what the Hidden Lotus is.There was no mistaking it,even a simple fool could take in the beauty of the scene and know it was a sign for the way of the Society.Observing this,was the Visionary,Akira Overdrive.He stared out of the glass like complex out to the pond where he broke off from the world to view a simple thing that most would overlook,but soon AO heard footsteps and immediately came back from his trance,down the long white hallway Akira was met with news of his plans going well,with that he walked to the huge debriefing room.It was a massive table,with seats for eight of the generals and a hologram projector in the middle for times when a visual was needed.He brought all his generals to the room,and asked that they all sat in their respective seats,which were marked with their clans symbol and hexagram.Each seat was also fixed for the General only,made to take the shape of there figure and made to fit there weight,height and all other factors so that they were as comfortable as possible.

Akira Overdrive sat at the head of the table and smiled as he viewed his team,his pride was immense,then with out further pause he began to address them.Simply looking at the holographic projector,activated and a globe appeared.

"Looks like we are all here.Good.Our plans have been set in motion and we are ready for the second stage.The Wolf Pack seem to believe we would actually stoop low enough to a basic criminal level and try to draw them out,but really we know its all routine.Sparda has several highly trained mercs with him from our splinter cell:Mercenaries, in the Canadian Rockies,so the Hunter will search there,following his scent."

The Ghost looked over to the hologram Sparda who smiled as he was proud of his job so far.AO continued.

"Darkchild and Graft.I'll need you to infiltrate and destroy their stronghold in Great Britain.Bullet,you and your clan have the task of shutting down there base in Germany.Leave nothing.Nightwolf and Gambler will head to the base in Japan and make it crumble to the ground,since we are so close in proximity I have already activated my sleeper cells in the bases.There security is compromised,and the smaller outhouses have been destroyed.Myself and Wrath will stay here to defend the compound,you'll have tech support from our crew,just radio in,if anything goes wrong will send out our splinter groups for reinforcements."

Darting his eyes back and forth between his generals and the massive holographic globe,Akira began to holster his two clear diamond desert eagles and white nunchuks,spiraled by a gold dragon.He could tell the spirit in the room was high,his clans were ready to battle,for they knew what was at risk.They seemed hungry for the first victory that would usher in a new era.....

"Generals,brothers.A gift from me,the weapons I have for you are all costumed for you and you only,I've done research and had them all made to be exactly what you look for in and instrument of death.Now let's take what belongs to us."

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#3  Edited By Sparda

Not too long ago

The sword and the claws clashed, sparks flying as a result of the collision. Each time, the blows grew in intensity, overcoming the roar of the downpour of rain. Sparda took a step back, boot landing in a puddle created from the uneven pavement. They were doing battle in the middle of the street, which was deserted as a result of the rain.

"You got some spunk, girl. I can see why Hunter took a liking to you!", he said to her over the storm. She remained silent, probably infuriated by now. Talon of the Wolf Pack was a dangerous foe, a powerful one. However, she was also once an ally to the demon hunter and mercenary, and that small fact made her just a bit less efficient. "My boots are getting sort of wet out here, so let's kick up the pace!"

He rushed forward, brandishing his large broadsword. She was ready and moved into a more defensive stance. Coming closer, he spun and delivering a rising one handed slash. The brunt of his sword collided with her claws and the force made her stumble back a bit. More sparks. He pressed the attack and spun again to create more momentum, tossed the sword to his other hand, and did a backhand with it. This knocked her around, making her back vulnerable. With his free hand, Sparda drew one of his pistols and fired repeatedly at Talon, who was only a few feet away.

She was quick, though, and ducked underneath the bullets. She fell off her feet and pushed off the ground, which sent her flying backwards feet first. Her heels collided with Sparda's chin, which sent him off his feet. He backflipped in midair and landed right side up, cradling his chin in a mocking gesture. She spun around to face him, and this time Talon was the one to rush. She came at him, thrusting her claws. He sidestepped to parry, but she clearly saw this coming and backhanded at him. Her blades cut across his cheek, spraying blood into the air, which was quickly brought down to the ground by the rain. She was relentless and sent a stab at his heart.

As fast as he could, Sparda grabbed her wrist, holding her back from impaling him. She was about to try with her other hand, but the demon hunter sent a thrust kick at her midsection which sent her flying off her feet and into the wall of a adjacent brick building. It buckled from the impact but she did not smash through it. Talon was clearly stunned and this was the time to end it. Sparda swung his sword, and a energy wave passed out from it, heading towards the girl.

She was just recuperating when it hit her, the blast exploding. Fire and air burst outwards radially, and for a brief time the force caused no rain to fall in the area. Just dust lazily gliding to the slick sidewalk. He walked forward slowly, passing through the space where a wall had been moments ago. In the middle of a office room lay the feral killer, facedown. She was bleeding from several areas and as a result was stained red. Her healing factor was working fast, however. She began to push herself up, looking at him with a glare.

It was all a well-constructed ruse, though. She was not as wounded as she seemed, and sprung up to attempt a killing strike, aiming at his throat. She was very fast, and nearly had him, but Sparda's own reflexes allowed him to move just enough so that it would miss his neck. Instead, her claws stabbed into his left shoulder. A spray of blood launched outwards, onto the carpet. He looked genuinely surprised, but could still do something about it. Her close proximity was her downfall in the fight. With all of his considerable super-strength, he slammed his fist into her stomach. Talon let out a stunned gasp and bent over. He reached up, and painfully ripped her claws out of his shoulder, which caused a rivet of red liquid to gush out. Sparda lifted Talon off the ground, and hurled her across the room. She smashed through a table and a desk housing a computer monitor, spreading debris everwhere, and slammed into the far wall. Once again, it held just enough. This time, he moved fast.

He dashed forward-a blur to most people, but the Wolf Pack member surely saw it coming. With a final reverse cut, he dug deep into her stomach and dragged the blade across her body, opening up her stomach. A blast of blood sprayed onto him, staining his white hair. Talon fell to her knees, holding the wound shut as much as she could.

Sparda reached behind his back, drew a pistol, and leveled it point blank with her head.

"Sweet dreams", he said, and fired.

The shell slammed into her forehead, whipping her head back and slamming her skull against the wall. She slumped back. Talon was out cold.

Sparda reached up to his shoulder, holding it gingerly. It was very painful, and the girl had come extremely close to winning the fight. "Damn", he muttered. He had gotten rusty.

It didn't matter, his job was completed. A squad of mercs were close behind and would contain the girl until she arrived at the facility. The level of blood and the state she was in right now would surely enrage Hunter if he saw it on the video footage. He walked out of the building and back to the street, returning to the storm.


The demon hunter and mercenary extraordinaire listened to the group's meeting. They were powerful indeed-several of the most renown and powerful individuals in the world were part of their order.

"Sparda has several highly trained mercs with him from our splinter cell:Mercenaries, in the Canadian Rockies,so the Hunter will search there,following his scent."

The Ghost Akira Overdrive said. Sparda looked into the viewing monitor for his communications and simply smiled, clearly fine with the idea. With that, he began to outline the rest of the plan to the other Generals, and Sparda listened until it was over. When it was finished, he turned off the monitor. He left the communications room into the rest of the base to address his staff-numerous vicious mercenaries under his command.

"Alright, gentlemen. We're going to have a very special guest coming to visit us soon-so let's prepare for one hell of a party", he grinned. Soon, the Hunter would come to claim his prize, and Sparda would be ready for him.
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Bullet Ride


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#4  Edited By Bullet Ride

The Hidden Lotus, An immutable faction enveloped malevolent elegance, and strict codes to oblige by. This formation is more than just a team, its a cluster of illustrious warriors who are relentless on the battlefield, but as calm flowing stream in there kin. They say, those who kill, those who show no mercy, do not have integrity.Everyone has there limits, this society's motives do not go without a motive, but we are conservative, so our motives will not be spoken of. Judgment in the lotus, radiates apathy instantly, just keep your mouth close, and let your eyes listen.this is what makes the Hidden lotus

Akira Overdrive, general of fire, merciless warrior on front line, and very honorable opponent. He is adroit with various types of  martial arts techniques, and his so adept with unarmed combat, he can take out a man with an m16 in an instant. Watching this man in combat, is like watching a cobra take out his prey. He is the heart of the kin, and shows homage , to the hard work of his clan generals

The Cajun Assassin, and the King Of Kings. Jean Luc Lebeau Jr, a weapon of vanity as well as stealth, he provides a hush, yet noxious element to the society. Position as a general, is comparable to his stealth, as silent as stagnant water.Akira Overdrive have been in many organizations together. So both their notions fused as one, would create one dexterous plot.

Dark Wrath, The Immortal Rampage, the night thrasher, no element could fit him better then earth. reks is a close friend of Bullet Ride, and bestail opponent. He is the tank of the society, and a savage beast when angered. Despite his apathy towards comedy, his seriousness could be hilarious at times, but if you dare laugh in his face , he will launch you like an expert quarterbacks hailmary

The hunter of the night, and the turbulent wind, Nighwolf a skilled tactician and a force to be reckoned with, with superior leadership skills , and infantry behind him,he could subdue any adversary he wanted without moving a muscle. As the Quantam Synidcate as one of the society's splinter cells, The Hidden Lotus would be a force to reckon with.

And Finally, The Master Of Disaster , The Feral Champion, Darkchild, the apathetic bold ruthless bad ass son of a b!tcth. His personality and actions coordinate as one. he is feared by all, but occasionally teased by Bullet Ride.Dc's will is as high as the mountains,eqaully dangerous. If you dare see this man on the battlefield, it would bewise to flee while you can.

The Lake , fronted by n one other than Graft, Ex nazi, and a decisive marksman. Gifted with the ability to accelerate and abate speeds, he is a diabolic opponent on the battlefield. Despite his constant violations of the sacred codes of The Hidden Lotus, Graft is still considered to be one of the most valuable members in the society, if it wasn't for his precise marksmanship, some people would be alive.

The 6 generals of the Hidden Lotus, all skillful warriors, and close friends despite there differences. each component the society's generals have, Benefits the augmentation of the team. We are all one , The hidden lotus will live in the hearts of those who've experinced our might forever. when our names spoken, it will not be in Vain

Jason sat in the conference room glaring at the projector that rested in the middle of the transparent glass table. Akira went off to pick up the rest of the generals, but Jason always liked to be a step ahead of everyone,Akira had much to discuss. Jason had just came back from a military job from Baghdad.so he really didn't no much about what was going on expect that The Lotus had a Wolpack member held hostage.He didn't understand why the hidden lotus decided to start a conflict with the wolpack, but it didn't hinder his mind at all.

Soon the room flooded with generals, along with Akira overdrive , they all took there seats quietly , Jason folded his hands onto the glass table surface, and nodded to his fellow generals. for once Jason felt honored about being apart of something that could a whole new legacy in this pathetic world. Jason could tell that most of the generals felt the same way as him, they looked powerful and confident, as they glared into their instructor. it didn't take long for things to get started, excitement pulsed in the stomach of Jason, as he watched everyone go into dead silence.

"Looks like we are all here.Good.Our plans have been set in motion and we are ready for the second stage.The Wolf Pack seem to believe we would actually stoop low enough to a basic criminal level and try to draw them out,but really we know its all routine.Sparda has several highly trained mercs with him from our splinter cell:Mercenaries, in the Canadian Rockies,so the Hunter will search there,following his scent."

"Sparda?" jason grunted as he heard them name, he didnt know what was going on exactly, but if we were at war with the wolfpack Sparda's name shouldn't have even came up in this conversation unless they were plotting his grave. It didnt take long for bullet to realize that sparda must have betrayed the wolfpack, it wasnt surprising considering that Akira and Sparda were mercenary partners.Thats when the mercenary himself popped up on the screen proving jasons theory" oh sh!t he said to himself as he at the gunman grimacing through the projector. Jason looked back at  Akira as  he looked at old Crutch up north.

"Darkchild and Graft.I'll need you to infiltrate and destroy their stronghold in Great Britain.Bullet,you and your clan have the task of shutting down there base in Germany.Leave nothing.Nightwolf and Gambler will head to the base in Japan and make it crumble to the ground,since we are so close in proximity I have already activated my sleeper cells in the bases.There security is compromised,and the smaller outhouses have been destroyed.Myself and Wrath will stay here to defend the compound,you'll have tech support from our crew,just radio in,if anything goes wrong will send out our splinter groups for reinforcements."

an ice crystal formed in jason's stomach as he heard his orders" Germany? aww i havent been there since my mission to kill Diablo" The other generals seemed very satisfied with their orders too, especially Dc. Jason couldnt get over the Villains goatee, it was like a sitting duck waiting to be killed, but it was the wrong time to make fun of Dc and his gordons fisherman beard, so he diverted his attention back to akira

"Generals,brothers.A gift from me,the weapons I have for you are all costumed for you and you only,I've done research and had them all made to be exactly what you look for in and instrument of death.Now let's take what belongs to us."

and with that, the conference came to a close, tempted to walk towards Dc and aggravate the feral man with jokes about his beard, he just made his way towards Akira, he looked into a forest green canvas bag, it was a pretty horrible way to introduce a weapon, but once he took view into his gift, his eye's glowed with excitement" holy.....sh!t" a gauntlet, embedded with razor blades on the hind of the fore arm and up, was given to Jason, and with that he found a small card inside the canvas bag" a new edition to your suit , now you are a real warrior "

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#5  Edited By The_Ghostshell

Gambler stood in perfect tranquility with his hands pressed flat against one another at the bottom of a raging waterfall; submerged up to his waste. Even with the rapid falls crashing against the rocky base he remained focused. Blocking out the thunderous turmoil utilizing perfect control over mind and body. His muscles flexed to the limit in the freezing water, his body baring numerous battle scares from wars long past. Electrical burn patterns from his confrontations with Kurrent, perfectly aligned rows of cuts where Hunter's claws had laid claim to his flesh, and even the unmistakable slicing patterns of Akira's own blade were etched in his body. He wore each one like a badge of honor.

The Living Legend had found a new home in Japan, a fresh start. Away from the burdens of leadership and the responsibility of family. A self imposed exile so to speak. After nearly losing his life to the Wolf Pack Alpha Male, Hunter, Gambler had sworn revenge. So when his longtime friend and blood brother approached him with the means and opportunity, he accepted. Akira had gained control of an ancient empire cloaked in secrecy and forged in tradition. An illustrious group represented by a code, The Hidden Lotus Clan. A clandestine gathering of elite men and women with the soul purpose of establishing a dynasty.

"General LeBeau, your presence is requested in the main Shinto." said a humble servant dressed in traditional garb. Breaking his meditative state, the LeBeau Legacy toweled off before subtly twitching his fingers summoning his blade instantly into his grasp. The silver dragon motif's entwined underneath the silk grip sparkled as the setting sun gleamed off them. Artistically Gambler's katanna had no equal. A prize sought by bounty hunters and assassins the World over. Slowly he tucked the weapon under his arm allowing it to run vertically up the length of his forearm with the point showing just over the top of his back shoulder.

By the time Gambler had arrived indoors the meeting was already underway, with Akira systematically detailing every aspect of the missions. Taking his seat the King of Kings silently eyed the room as well as those in attendance. Each one a famed fighter with legendary exploits to their name. Yet as a collective unit they had spent little time together. With so many ego's and former leaders operating under one roof the potential for infighting was magnified. But the Cajun simply sat back and smirked at the idea of so many extraordinary warriors clashing in an epic battle. Barely catching what Akira had laid out up until the mention of his name. "Nightwolf and Gambler will head to the base in Japan and make it crumble to the ground,since we are so close in proximity I have already activated my sleeper cells in the bases."

Almost immediately the Cajun scoffed showing total derision for what he had just heard. Yet kept his resentment to himself as not to upset the delicate balance that held the Clan together. But underneath his skillfully crafted facade Gambler hated the idea of being sent on a simple seek and destroy mission. The one thing, the only thing, he wanted was revenge against the Lycan warrior who had left him beaten and broken. And he knew where ever they were holding Talon, would be exactly where the Hunter would surface. However Akira had one more surprise for his famed Generals before disbanding the meeting.

"Generals,brothers.A gift from me,the weapons I have for you are all costumed for you and you only,I've done research and had them all made to be exactly what you look for in and instrument of death.Now let's take what belongs to us."

Placed before the Master of Manipulation was a beautifully hand crafted shield forged out of pure Vibranium. Each specification mimicking that of one of Gambler's greatest rivals, Andfrene. The Cajun had copied many of the heroes moves but never had a shield of of this caliber in which to perfect the style. Its black metallic coat glistened and the silver embroidered old English style A overlapping the G stood for, Assassins Guild. A ceremonial tribute from one brother to the next. After taking time to carefully admire the weapon the King of King's nodded to Nightwolf that it was time to go. War was on the horizon and soon blood would flow like a river.

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#6  Edited By Graft
Two Weeks Ago in an Abandoned Armory.

The Czar's armory was something of legends, lined wall to wall with all kinds ofguns as well as chain weapons and the likes, from axes to whips decorated the metal walls but as comes with every treasure, there would be traps and as such a laser grid was put into place. Red beams criss crossed in every direction and at the door of this fine weaponry house stood tall the Military Darkhorse. Adorned with a black wife beater t-shirt with a white skull embroidered on it. Black tattered jeans and two dog tags wrapped around his neck. The Ex-Nazi wiped a small bead of sweat from his forehead, watching it fall off into one of the many lasers that laid ahead, smoke went up and even the tiny bead evaporated under the heat.

Crouching down, his stick like body moved forward, contorting it to dodge the ruby colored rays. Inching forward, his breath deepening with each movement before he finally reached the end after hours of constant pressure on the human body to dodge the booby trap. Sighing in relief, he spun around and stole everything he could fit into his hands, before disapearing into the night.



Sitting in his room, Graft would admire his extensive weapon collection knowing all the while he'd planted the seed of what would blossom from but a humble grain in the dirt to a beautiful lotus and today the Lotus would mean War. With the Wolf Pack's fellow Symarian Warsman robbed of his weapons and The Wolf Pack as a whole robbed of their team-mate, Talon...Hell would come. Entering his room was none other than his executive Assassin Day Hunter whom Graft viewed like a brother. The Fallen Hero clocked his shot gun and looked to Graft with a serious tone in his voice.

"Sir, Akira has called for you"

"Thank you" He replied making his way to the table."Darkchild and Graft.I'll need you to infiltrate and destroy their stronghold in Great Britain" Akira said, focusing entirely on Darkchild he sighed. Having never worked with someone made it difficult for him to immediatley click with someone enough to work with them but frankly he did'nt care. He only cared about the blood that would flow on his hands and with powerful hulking juggernaut of power that was Darkchild, this would happen all too quickly.

Ready to leave, Graft's ears perked as he exited his chair.

"Generals,brothers.A gift from me,the weapons I have for you are all costumed for you and you only,I've done research and had them all made to be exactly what you look for in and instrument of death.Now let's take what belongs to us."

"Nice" He smirked as he reached into the pile of weapons, pulling out a small black glove with a skull on it. Obviously stolen from Shield DATA Banks, the stylish weapon could fit any occasion. Be that a Sword or a shield, All made out of pink plasmic energy.Obviously made to fit in Graft's extensive armory, it was small, compact and possibly the most lethal out of the pile. Stretching out his fingers, the glove loosened up and with that he turned to Darkchild, nodding his head before walking off towards the team's personal jet.
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#7  Edited By Brute

His fingertips, slid slowly over the metallic surface of the four-foot titanium crowbar. An object with vast destructive potential, and one, which had taken many innocent lives. The weapon itself was deadly, but it had become even more fatal when in the hands of the “Brute.” Not only did government officials give the name to him, but also it was his personality. As of now, the day had come for him to replace his master. Long story short: Kado, the Titan of Quantum Syndicate, had found a way to fuse his genetic DNA with Brute’s blood. Not only enhancing Brute’s strength but he also altered his hGH. Human Growth Hormone. Within a few weeks he was already seven feet and four inches. It was amazing that his body could endure such a mutation. Now, word is, Kado had been captured by the Blue Lantern’s and shipped off to a maximum-security facility. He knew it was only a matter of time before the goliath had escaped.

For now he, needed to play a role as a substitution. Of course he’d never live up to be half as good as the Titan, but right now The Quantum Syndicate were probably in need of him. He pulled the pink face mask over his head and slipped into his green construction worker suit. This was the perfect disguise to avoid being questioned for his crowbar. Then again, how many crowbars were four feet long and nearly indestructible? Not many. He walked out into the crowd, some were amazed at his size but not many. There were many others, taller than him in this dysfunctional world. He effortlessly shoved his way through the Asians, resulting in many infuriated comments. All markets were open, which explained the business but still he needed to find out ho w to locate this “Quantum Syndicate.” He knew he was on the right track, he could smell innocent blood drift through the atmosphere.

After asking a few questions about Quantum Syndicate, he soon understood a quote he had been told once. “Keep knocking on the Devil’s Door long enough, somebody is going to answer.” Because moments later he had been shot with six tranquilizers, each one with the power to take down an elephant. He could feel his large body begin to numb, as he powerlessly fell to the ground….


He didn’t have to find Quantum Syndicate, they had found him, and apparently they weren’t alone neither. The room itself had become monstrous. It was packed with only the most deadly and the most lethal villains. These people were above the Italian Mafia. He found himself thrown onto the floor, with his crowbar beside him. His eyes were still adjusting to the light, as his mind was adjusting to the figures in the room. How could you even imagine being in the same room with these, lords? Lords of Crimes. He knew he’d fit in just perfectly. Splendid, he thought as he stood up casting an immense shadow over the room. He could see the future for these bloodthirsty villains, and their future was the world. Everybody who’s anybody knows that heroes never come out on top. This story didn’t have a happy ending.

"Looks like we are all here.Good.Our plans have been set in motion and we are ready for the second stage.The Wolf Pack seem to believe we would actually stoop low enough to a basic criminal level and try to draw them out,but really we know its all routine.Sparda has several highly trained mercs with him from our splinter cell:Mercenaries, in the Canadian Rockies,so the Hunter will search there,following his scent. Darkchild and Graft.I'll need you to infiltrate and destroy their stronghold in Great Britain.Bullet,you and your clan have the task of shutting down there base in Germany.Leave nothing.Nightwolf and Gambler will head to the base in Japan and make it crumble to the ground,since we are so close in proximity I have already activated my sleeper cells in the bases.There security is compromised, and the smaller outhouses have been destroyed.Myself and Wrath will stay here to defend the compound,you'll have tech support from our crew,just radio in,if anything goes wrong will send out our splinter groups for reinforcements. Generals,brothers.A gift from me,the weapons I have for you are all costumed for you and you only,I've done research and had them all made to be exactly what you look for in and instrument of death.Now let's take what belongs to us."

He watched as people began to exit the perimeter in different directions, grabbing numerous weapons as they did so. Something major was about to take place, and the Wolf Pack had something to do with it. Usually, in this moment he’d be prepared for action. But something hard, stung him. Not physically but emotionally. Something called fear. Would he be killed? Could he keep up? He was scared now, more scared than he had ever been before. He twisted his crowbar in the air in a spiral motion as he awaited instructions.

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The Hunter


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#8  Edited By The Hunter

Wolf Pack Base: New York

Standing at the head of a table in the conference room, William Greystoke had not slept or shaved in days.  Such deadly fighters as Tenjin and G'Bandit were among the ranks of the pack.  It was still unapparent who had joined the ranks of the Hidden Lotus.  By then, it had become apparent that Sparda had deserted the team.  Though he did not want to admit it at first, Greystoke came to realize that he had been betrayed.  All of the clues pointed to betrayal.  At times like that, the Hunter could rely upon one thing: his instincts.  Indeed, his instincts were telling him that betrayal was in the air.

Immediately, he ordered several members on different missions.  Whether it be securing the major bases of operation around the globe, gathering information about the history / members of the Hidden Lotus, or just preparing for an attack, each member of Wolf Pack had a job to do.  William Greystoke even stooped down to the level of beginning negotiations with Sector 13.  When Anderson realized what was going on, he immediately sent several detachments of his bio-genetically engineered super soldiers to aid the pack.  Each member of Wolf Pack would be placed in command of a unit of the unstoppable killing machines.  The Hunter hated having to negotiate with Sector 13 once again.  He and his team were independent of the organization; but they needed Anderson's help.

Over one hundred of the Sector 13 super soldiers were teleported into the base and were given their orders.  Despite the Hunter's pride, Wolf Pack needed the reinforcements.  However, there was one set of reinforcements which would always be at William Greystoke's disposal.... a set of reinforcements that he had put off using for so long..... a group of individuals who he was destined to lead....

Thus the Hunter, William Greystoke, gathered up his supplies and set out alone to rendezvous with his destiny.

Underground: New York City... One Day Later

Dawning a light beard from not shaving, his hooded Wolf Pack uniform, and his weapons, the Hunter made his way through the subway terminals underneath the streets of New York City.  Keeping in the shadows, Greystoke made his way down towards the tracks.  As he approached, he looked down the long dark tunnel ahead.  Sniffing the air, his gaze suddenly sharpened for he knew what he had to do.

Without hesitation, the Hunter leaped down onto the way of the tracks and began walking down one of the deep, dark tunnels.  The entire area was pitch black.  Therefore, Greystoke's heightened senses came into play.  His eyes quickly adjusted to the dark as his hearing and smell continued to guide him.  As he continued his way down the dark tunnel, William began to hear something.  It was the sound of men cheering, combined with that of loud, bellowing roars.  This was it for the Hunter.  William Greystoke knew what he had to do for Talon.  He loved her like a daughter.  That in itself gave him a firm resolve to stop at nothing to get her back.  His fear, humility, and apprehension were all cast aside as a new persona emerged from it all.

At last, William came to a large vent which went to the side.  Grabbing onto the metal grate with his bare hands, the Greystoke legend ripped it out of the wall and tossed it aside.  He then climbed inside the airway and made his way through even more darkness.  Finally, there seemed to be a light at the end of the tunnel as Greystoke went further underground.  The sounds of men cheering followed by a loud roaring sound could be heard more clearly.  William knew he was getting close.

Finally, William emerged from the vent and came into a wide open space underground.  A group of men men holding guns were guarding what appeared to be a large gate.  Instantly, William could tell that they were all lycans.  As they raised their M16 assault rifles, one of them approached William and sniffed him.  His eyes suddenly widened as he went back to the others and whispered something to them.  With that, the Hunter was told he could pass and the gate was opened.

In some ways, Greystoke thought that he was going into Hell.  The chances of this working would be highly unlikely.  There was even the possibility that he would be killed in the process.  Yet, something needed to be done.  William needed help and these individuals were just the ones he needed for what lay ahead.  Indeed, times for the lycans had changed drastically.  Lucian, the greatest alpha the lycan race had known for hundreds of years, was now dead.  That event left the Corvinus clan, one of the largest, alone and leaderless.  They were scattered and leaderless.  It was uncertain how they would view an outsider coming in and trying to lead them.  Lucian was an extraordinary leader.  Therefore trying to take his place would no doubt invoke a challenge for dominance.

When the Hunter entered the underground colony, he was not sure what to expect.  Never before had he seen so many of his own kind in one place.  They were so different now.  Some walked around in human form while others remained in their lycan state.  A couple beasts could be seen now and then fighting over scraps.  Overall, the atmosphere wreaked of anarchy and chaos.  The sound of the cheering was getting louder, along with the roaring.

In a clearing, two beasts in their lycan form were fighting.  Gnashing their teeth, raking their claws, and viciously attacking one another, they were acting like animals.  Indeed, Lucian's absence had taken its effect on the Corvinus clan.  Rushing toward the crowd, William suddenly leaped up over their heads then landed in the fray.  Looking around at each of them, he yelled out, "Enough!"  His eyes darted back and forth among the lycans as he let out a low growl.  "What the F#CK is wrong with you?!  You're acting like mindless beasts...."

"We ARE mindless beasts." one of the spectators chimed in.  "Now just who the Hell or you?"

Removing his hood and revealing his face, the Hunter replied by saying, "I am William Greystoke, born of Peter and Elizabeth Greystoke..... heir to the lycan throne......"  Several of the spectators laughed out loud at his statement.  Never before had William been faced by so many lycans, and never had he even attempted to use the power within him of dominance.  Like a rock, the Greystoke Legend stood firm.

"That line was broken!  Peter Greystoke died many years ago!" another spectator shouted out.

"I am the son of Peter Greystoke..... a direct descendant of Malcolm Greystoke!" William said in a more firm tone.

"You SAY you are a descendant of lycan nobility!" another voice thundered from the back.  ".....so PROVE it!"  At that moment, a large black man wearing a leather trench coat jumped down into the midst of the gathering.  He had a wild look in his eye.  No doubt, he was hundreds of years old and a seasoned warrior.  "If you think you can come in here and take Lucian's place, you will have to go through ME first!" he roared.

"Let me guess," the Hunter said with a raised eyebrow.  "You must be Raze....."
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#9  Edited By Darkchild
A Week Ago London

Drunk and full of frustration Darkchild left the local pub. His frustration built from the lack of local decent ladies at the bar that night, wanting a release he found none. But as he walked to his loft he caught glimpses of shadows above and all around him. Cracking his neck ignoring the shadows he made it to his apartment door on the top floor only for a footstep to irritate him further
"It would be best for the lot of you to vacate my vicinity for I havnt gotten laid in 36 hours and failed to find a suitable...suiter tonight so...please leave." From the shadows a lone man stepped out clad in various sigils and in a tight outfit he spoke "Hello, Darkchild is it?" Darkchild cocked his head an tried to focus on the mans face, not recognizing him he simply grunted "Depends on if I owe you money. And by depends I mean if I owe you money then you should already be dead, since I killed that lot a week ago. So?" The man chuckled "The names Akira, And I have come to...test you. Im in the need of someone of your skill for a...team you could say." Grunting to the man he opened his door putting his palm out stopping Akira "Piss off, Already on a "Team" although dont hear much from them. Now like I said piss off." Darkchild stepped a foot in only to feel the cold sensation of a blade resting against the back of his neck.

One of the half a dozen soldiers stood behind him with a sword against his neck. He tilted his head to Akira "What part of piss off dont you an your buddies understand. You really dont want me to release my frustration on these poor slobs." Akira smirked without saying a word nodding his head to the soldier and he lifted his blade back ready to slice Darkchilds head off only for his arms to stop as Darkchild raised his arm up. With a smile he snapped the mans arm in two and his arms fell as he screamed, spinning around he slammed a open palm to the mans chest sending him over the railing and to the ground. Before he hit the ground the rest of Akiras men came down onto Darkchild dog piling them. With a grunt of anger he lifted the whole 20 men with one hand an tossed them over onto the pavement. Looking to where Akira had been he was gone, shrugging he leaped down to the ground as the soldiers who hadnt been knocked out by the fall stood up. Lifting a car he smashed it down onto the remaining group ending the confrontation quickly, looking around and finding no one else he turned around to come face to face with Akira who just stared and he said "Want some too?" Akira again with a smirk handed him a piece of paper with a cell number and turned around saying "Call when your ready." Akira had made two steps before his cell rang and DC was on the other end "You got beer, and a decent amount of good looking ladies where this place is?"


Darkchild laid in his room the batch of women he had claimed the night before all still groggy laid around his larger than life room, bottles strung around the room most all empty. Picking up a half filled bottle as he stood he downed it as a knock came to the door. Pulling on a shirt and pants he went to the door "Is it still the afternoon?" The man said "Yes?" Darkchild sighed "Then why the hell are you here?" The man almost surprised by the statement straightened himself out at finding Darkchilds size daunting said "Akira...he wishes to see you." With a sigh Darkchild flips the man off slamming the door in his face, walking around the room he slapped the girls asses telling them "Alright time to go. Time for daddy to get to work." one girl asked for money he simply laughed "The fact that your not dead is a blessing since you all suck at your night job, now piss off." They all grunted an left half naked out the back door as Darkchild pulled on a jacket an walking to the conference room.

Akira sat a large table and Darkchild chuckled seeing the man in lead of anything, he found his chair and its emblem of Mountain. Sitting the rest were all waiting on him as he plopped down and Akira started to speak showing a hologram an such Darkchild only listening to when his name came up. ""Darkchild and Graft.I'll need you to infiltrate and destroy their stronghold in Great Britain." Darkchild looked around mumbling to himself "Which one is Graft which one is Graft?" and finding Graft chuckling at him Darkchild let out a silent sigh "Great the little one, well least he isnt a woman."  After Akira had finished Darkchild attempted to step up only for Akira to speak up again "Generals,brothers.A gift from me,the weapons I have for you are all costumed for you and you only,I've done research and had them all made to be exactly what you look for in and instrument of death.Now let's take what belongs to us." With a smirk Darkchild stood turning to the place behind his seat a shotgun and a Battle Axe rested against the wall. Lifting the Axe he spun it around his fingers with a smile "Hmm adamantium hmmm, quite exquisite. And wow for 80 lbs I guess quite light." spinning it around he slipped the staff of it under the back of his coat and it sat their looking back to it he smiled "Nice fit too." picking the shotgun out a wide smile came to his face "Now this is what im talking about." The shotgun had patches mainly the handle of it wrapped in adamantium aswell, making it a hand held weapon besides a shotgun. Slamming it into the wall it left a large dent he smiled turning to Graft who was walking out "Alright little man, you do the sneaky work Ill do the...well I will do what I do best. Making a scene." And with that he followed after Graft.
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#10  Edited By talon_x23
“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever……...”

 It felt like just yesterday she was imprisoned at a SHIELD facility. Just the other day she was strapped to a wall and had 50,000 volts coerce through her body while being gruel by SHIELD operatives on the location of the resistance. That was one of the most painful moments of her life that she had to endure. Though her existence training via HYDRA came I'm handy. She was taught to resist and keep her mouth shut no matter how back the pain. But she had to admit she came close to telling. Her spirit had been tampered with many times battered torn but never broken and it never would be….or at least that is what she though. At this moment she did not even have the strength to bother debating this fact. Though she knew not the capability of herself but she would hold out as long as possible. Just long enough to gain a glimpse at the large picture at hand.

In a cold room with a bolted door laid a body. From a glace any one would say that the person was dead. It was motionless and did not appear to be breathing. It looked like a mess of blood and flesh ripped off and then just shoved back together. It looked like a pile of tissue and muscle on the hard metallic floor. But no the thing was alive not by much but holding on. Grasping on to any piece of hope that it could scrum for. The floor felt like ice like hydrogen that she was being forced to feel. Not a lot but enough to make her freeze and drop her body temperature dangerously low. The only thing sustain this little girl was not her strength she had non. She could barley breath let along move. It was the only thing she always had in these dark and painful times the fact that her death would bring safety to earth.

The room was not lit there by it would be pitch black all the time. After a few hours she was able to use what ever animal abilities that she had to adjust her eyes to the darkness. It was a holding cell. Her eyes had forgetting the light and now had a pail appearance. Just think what happens when you cage an animal for a long time….at first it fights bangs against the cage fights them it begins to slowly weaken and give up hope. That’s what had happened to this little girl. Though she’d never considered herself that she was in mind. Her eyes stared aimlessly at the black ceiling. Every few minuets she would loose consciousness only to awaken to the same tormenting darkness that surrounded her. Her eyes most likely would appear a pail color due to it not being use to light. Yes it had not been a long time since she had entered but they had certainly made it feel that way.

She was very cold and shivering most of the time. Her white teeth clashing against one another resonating sound and making it bounce of the empty walls. Her arms were rapped around herself as she quivered. Her skin was ghostly pale and the blood had slowed itself down. She could feel it. She could also feel the blood leave her body. Flow out like crimson water. When ever she coughed blood would spray out like rain from the clouds. Parts of her flesh barely clung to her body exposing the muscle and tissue that even was partly out in the open. Her breathing was coerced and slow. Each breath sending daggers into her chest and leaving them there.  There were times where she would get up and examine herself and she looked like well the best word that she could think of was shit. She would make no sounds at all her breathing was the loudest she’d get. She would not give the enemy the luxury of hearing her cry out in pain and agony. No she’d never give the enemy such an advantage on her. But as she laid there her mind drifted the events that got her in this dire situation. And they were almost as painful.

Two Days ago….

“I will speak with her I see no reason in stopping me Daken for the out come is fully know to both of us you are futile in this effort of attempting to stop me.” Talon said staring at her brother who looked at her with bile in his mouth. She could see him struggling not to attack her. The two hated each other the day he discovered that his father had a daughter. She did not like him either but when it came to Logan they were at each other’s throat for his attention. Though Daken would most of the time revert to hostility Talon would use logic and mess with his mind via words and deduction. She was always ahead of her grade. But never the less she did not need to speak to Logan her eyes were set on her sister who she needed to ask a few question and hopefully get answers.

10 Minuets Later

As usefully Talon had succeeded in her attempt to out smart her brother. She was probably the one most likely to go to university but she had already. Talon came to a dead halt at the door and sighed. Her sister was not the deepest person to talk to though she was there for her like XL was and he was not here. She calmly she pushed the door aside and blurted out with out any warning “Sabre what is your definition of Loyalty?”, Sabre caught aback by this got to her feet and looked to her sister puzzled. “Hay to you to Kinney”. A sigh escaped her but Talon replied “Yes hello now if you may answered the designated question. Sabre just kept staring at her. “You fail to comply to your specified designation at this moment.” Talon sadi closing the door with the pal of her hand. “Well sis ask the question again I was not paying attention” Sabre said as if trying to figure out what the hell Laura was doing.

“Then I ask again what..it Loyalty?” there was a slight pause but then Sabre said  “Why do you want to know?”. Rolling her eyes Talon remained standing up strait  “I would like you to answer the question, Loyalty what is it and……to consider leaving a team for a reason though hence you are still leaving no matter what that reason is even though it may be a good one would it still be considered as betray?” At this very moment Sabre was regretting that she did not answer the first question now she had to deal with two. “Well…uh…sis Loyalty is remaining true to someone and not leaving.” “SO if you do leave it was be betraly then.” “no….no…no I mean if you have good reasons then no it would not be,.” Talon considered this a moment then spoke “So you are saying that leaving a team even though you are suppose to remain with them is not dishonor or betrayal?” Bering her hands in her face Sabre made a small cry. “Sis why me?’”

Noticing her sisters grievance she approaching her ad sat beside her. “For you are the only one I have, when I have questions I ask you for you’re the closest thing to human and I want that, to be human so I do not want logical answers I want human ones and you give them”. Sabre looked at her sister with a warm smile “Well se it vary it some one needs to leave some one else for a reason like their family needs them or something like that I do not picture that as betrayal….but is someone leaves to got to another team that may be betray matters for what reasons he left. But to consider something like that I to not picture as betray you are only thinking but if you think enough you will eventually commit the deed.

Talon remained silent and Sabre could see that her words dug deep though they were not philosophy. “Sis what’s going on” “I have doubts,” was all she said before getting to her feet and about to exit the room. Sabre was not about to let that happen and grabbed her wrist “About what…sis talk to me!”. Pulling her hand away her emerald eyes stared at her older sister. She could ot get it how was Sabre so human and she not? They had gone through the same things in life. Yes Talon was much younger but still Sabre had changed so much but she was still the same girl she was back at HYDRA and it…it infuriated her! And she envied her siblings a lot.  “There is nothing more to talk about” Talon said pushing her feeling aside. But saber was determined and would not take no for an answer “What is it”. Giving up Talon walked out the room motioning for her sister to follow. “I don’t know any thing any more, I’m confused and lost and I…I don’t know what to think.”

That was not exactly the answer Sabre wanted but it was a start, “Why?” “There is so much Sabre, the word no longer has morals in what they do reasons, their logic is flauded and they are irrational. Or………..I am, maybe the problems lie with me. All of them do. My way of thinking things that I have built my life on come crumbling down I try to be good I try to be a..hero but if all fails. But loyalty and betray I have seen many times with many people. They leave no reason just…leave…” Sabre could see her sister though strong was shattered with all of this new ways of doing things. She was never good with change called OCD call her what ever you like she was different in ways of thinking. When Talon had an order she would do it no matter If is was a death trap. If some one who she put high above her said any thing she would hold fast to it and live her life by it.

Her and change never worked well. Just like adjusting to this world it all took time. “Sis what do you think loyalty is?” Talon stopped and looked back into the crystal eyes of her sister. “Loyalty is staying true to some one not leavening them. Weather you do not fully agree with every thing they do you still remain true. Weather they make mistakes weather they are going through hell loyalty is going with them and helping them through it. Loyalty is something when people don’t forsake one another and bond each other together that is what I think loyalty is.” Saber smiled “Then that is what it is.” Talon did not fully understand her sisters words but knew she meant them so with a nod Talon proceeded to her room. But was stopped in the middle of the hall by Daken. “Don’t bother going in there unless your packing you thinks Kinney.” “Please Daken refrain from calling me that and leave me to myself.” She was about to grab the handle before she felt Darkens hand in her stomach his claw tearing through her skin. She had, had enough with him and was going to take acting now.

In swift movement her claws unleashed and she flipped over Daken holding his hand that punctured her stomach. Then unleashing her foot claw she jabbed it into her back and used the wall to push herself away from his position. She glared at him and growled “Watch it any time I can go to HYDRA and tell’em where you are” Daken sneered at her with a devilish smile “I can give then the location to your friends, oh yah and the M.S.B.C.F are here to they came after yah so unless you want to deal with a group of level 12 telepaths I suspect you don’t push me.” Talon was startled as his words the M.S.B.C.F or for short MSB were not suppose to be here. Talon regained her composure and stood up wiping the blood from her stomach for the wound had already healed.

“Get out” a rough voice from behind her said. She looked at him not knowing how to react “Yah here me kid get the hell out or they’ll come lookin here for yer”. With out and words she lowered her head and entered her room She understood what he wanted her wanted her gone and he was never god at saying things nicely. “Sis don’t take it hard they’ll be here and gone..yo..” “Don’t you understand he wants me gone….I saw the look in his eyes it’s prominent this is just his excuse don’t you understand He and Daken both want me gone and that’ll be what they get”. Sabre could scene bile in her words but knew of no way to stop her. “Be safe sis” Talon swung a back pack around her and looked at her sister. “Be safe with that little squad of yours” Sabre looked at bit astonished “I’ll do so say hi to you little Pack for me and take care of em”. “How’d you know about them” “How did you know about my squad?” Talon smiled “touché sister touché”. “But remember” Sabre shouted “The greater the loyalty of a group toward the group, the greater is the motivation among the members to achieve the goals of the group, and the greater the probability that the group will achieve its goals............”

One Day later

Talon sat against a cold wall of NYC just sitting listening to people mumbling. Her black locks lay over her face and her eyes stare at the ground. Those emerald eyes had seen a lot gone through a lot. And now this rejection from the man she called father. No genetic donor more like it. She did not have a father any more.  She was X23 genetic clone of Weapon X. That was her title and that it would stay. The name said every thing X-23 a weapon, the twenty third try to create a weapon and succeeded. But since then things had changed she’d had evolved beyond her programming to kill. She had gained emotions there for was she still X23. Rain soon began to hammer down on her and streams of tears flowed with it. She was alone once more rejected by her family or what ever they were. “We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.” Was it all just an illusion or was it more? She could not tell. The rain soon came to a halt and the sun shone though the grey sky.  She looked up and remembered the words Sabre said “Take care of the Pack.” A sigh escaped her lips and she got to her feet “I’ll do so”. Though er cloths were wet she gone on a running pace toward the nearest Wolf Pack base. She was not X23 genetic clone of Weapon X. No more. She was Talon member of the Wolf Pack loyal ally to the Hunter…


She had gathered enough strength to push herself up against the wall. Though this action caused much more blood to come spilling out from her wounds that had just started to mended themselves. She pushed her back against the hard and icy wall and sighed. “Please Hunter...” she whispered “Don’t come after me” she knew what was happening she knew what Hunter was going to do. She was not blind he cared for her and ever time he showed her affection her heart would stop but not now. Now his emotions would lead him and the Wolf Pack to doom and their demise. Every time he would show her emotion the reason she would show non back was not because she did not want to ro even because she was  a weapon she did not need Hunter to be wreaked by them. To have emotions was to be weak especially for a person like her.

That was why they chose her because she had a link to the Hunter she could hurt him they could hurt him by hurting her. She knew he would come for her part of her wanted it. But she also knew that a trap was being set for him. And she played a vital role in it. She had started this thing and she dearly hoped that she would not be the one to end it……..
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#11  Edited By Akwa

The New York city streets were choked with traffic as people went along on their daily buisness. They were driving, they were walking, they were running, they were standing on top of tall buildings ready to jump...Wait, what?

There was a crowed clustering around a building. The reason came apparent. A man was standing on the very edge of rooftop, with his arms outspread. He had the look that many suiciders had. The look that said that they had had enough but had just realised how painful jumping off a building could be. The man had been standing there for several minutes now. A policeman stood at the front of the crowd with a megaphone.

"Come down from the rooftops!"

"No," screamed the man. " I've had enough! I'll jump! I really will!"

The crowd collectively held it's breath. The tension was shattered when someone in the back of the crowd cried out.

"If you're going to jump, then just bloody well jump! Don't keep us waiting! Some of us have places to be!"

Everyone in the crowed turned to see a masked man wearing a blue and black ninja costume. You couldn't really tell from the mask but it was clear that he was getting agitated.

"You're a coward!," the stranger called out. "You don't have the guts to jump!"

'Yes I do!," the man cried out.

"Then why aren't you jumping. Your life sucks! You have nothing to live for! Better that you end it in a horrible moment of falling and then painful death rather than live until you're eighty years old and die in a nice comfortable bed!"

Some people looked at the policeman. Surely he should be doing something about this masked man? But the policeman had taken one good look at the man and had then scarpered off.

The man looked uncertain.

"Are you sure falling to your death is painful?"

"Yes! It's even better if you don't die and end up completely paralysed! You have to eat and piss through a tube! You should jump!"

The man now clearly looked doubtful.

"You know, I'm having second thoughts..."


"I'm not really sure anymore," the man said. His already existing doubts had been amplified by the masked mans words. After a few moments of deep thought he looked back at the ground...to see that the masked man wasn't there anymore.

"Where did-"

He didn't finish his sentence as the masked man came up behind him and lifted him off his feet. The man must've got inside the building and climbed up to the rooftop. But how-

Akwa threw the man of the roof, where he impacted with a nice squishy sound.

'When I say jump, your only question should be how far!"

He turned to find the crowed staring at him, their mouths agape.

"Hey? What are you looking at? Go off and continue on your meaningless husks of emptiness that you call lives!'

He fired off a few water blasts into the crowd to get them moving.

He dusted his hands off. He was sure that the NYPD would list his death as a 'suicide' and close the case. They might make some sort of a pretense of coming after him but he knew that they'd given up some time ago. Hopefully, he might make the news with this. His general happiness and contentment was shattered when his Wolf Pack Communicator spoke up:

"Lone Wolf Alpha to Wolf Pack.  Assemble at the base in New York. "

Assembling, eh? What could this be about? Probably nothing good. The last time this had happened was during that 'robots from the future incident'. That incident always had been somewhat mysterious. As far as he could remember, it had had no satisfactory resolution at all...

Oh well. Might as well go over there and see. It might be something good for a change.


Akwa frowned as he listened to what Hunter had to say. Not only had Sparda defected to some previously unknown powerful organisation, but the organisation apparently wanted to destroy the Pack! Oh, and they had captured Talon too. That wasn't very nice of them.

But on the bright side...

They had government ninjas.

Well, they were actually bio-engineered super-soldiers from Section 13. Close enough.

Hunter had given each member a specific mission. He seemed to suspect that the Pack's main strongholds would come under attack. Akwa thought the strongholds were supposed to be secret, but it seemed that the Hidden Lotus was very well-informed and would no doubt be a most dangerous foe. Despite their gay name. Honestly, who names a gang of criminals after a flower? What's next? The Fluttering Butterflies?

He approached the large pinned up map of the globe that every team seemed to have in their HQ. He and a unit of government ninjas were to set up around...this base. He liked this base. It should give him an advantage over any particular attackers.

'Move out!'

He and the unit of soldiers walked out the door. Section 13 had been kind enough to grant several planes as well. He and his unit boarded one as it took off, heading for Scotland.

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#12  Edited By Nightwolf3

Nightwolf arrived in Japan in secrecy, as with most things he did, Nightwolf liked to move in the shadows. Even his team, did not know of his venture. However, the oppurtunity he had been offered was too great to pass up. He had been contacted in secret by Akira Overdrive, one of the greatest assassins in the world, to join a society of "clans" who like the elements, were balanced, and relied on eachother to force there will onto there enemies. Nightwolf arrived in Japan by way of private helicopter one flown by a no name pilot, who spoke no English. The key was to leave no trail, so as they landed Nightwolf ran the pilot through with his swords. "It's better this way" thought Nightwolf, he needed to make absolutely sure that no one would find out about this alliance until the time was right.

Striding into the room Nightwolf saw lavish preperations, possibly even more lavish then his own HQ back in the states. Nightwolf saw the seats carefully crafted to meet each Generals body specifications. Regardless of how badly he wanted to crack a joke, the setting was too serene for laughter. Nightwolf took his seat. As the other Generals filed in, Nightwolf saw some faces he knew and some he didn't. One particularly stood out to him, the Cajun King himself, Gambler, was in attendance. Nightwolf had so much history with this man, he had given him his start, his chance, and Nightwolf had worked with that and turned it into something. They had left on, at best, uncertain terms, and Nightwolf was curious to see where the Cajun felt there relationship was at.

All thoughts left his mind when Akira began to speak.

"Looks like we are all here.Good.Our plans have been set in motion and we are ready for the second stage.The Wolf Pack seem to believe we would actually stoop low enough to a basic criminal level and try to draw them out,but really we know its all routine.Sparda has several highly trained mercs with him from our splinter cell:Mercenaries, in the Canadian Rockies,so the Hunter will search there,following his scent."

"Darkchild and Graft.I'll need you to infiltrate and destroy their stronghold in Great Britain.Bullet,you and your clan have the task of shutting down there base in Germany.Leave nothing.Nightwolf and Gambler will head to the base in Japan and make it crumble to the ground,since we are so close in proximity I have already activated my sleeper cells in the bases.There security is compromised,and the smaller outhouses have been destroyed.Myself and Wrath will stay here to defend the compound,you'll have tech support from our crew,just radio in,if anything goes wrong will send out our splinter groups for reinforcements."

It was at this that Nightwolf became distracted. He would be working with Gambler, this was going to be interesting. Alot had gone unsaid between them, but there had always been a mutual respect of sorts. Something of a student-mentor relationship. Nightwolf knew this would all have to be dealt with later as he snapped his attention back to Akira

"Generals,brothers.A gift from me,the weapons I have for you are all costumed for you and you only,I've done research and had them all made to be exactly what you look for in and instrument of death.Now let's take what belongs to us."

Nightwolf looked onto the weapon racks and saw the weapons that must be his. Two katanas, in the exact same build as the two he was wearing on his back. The hilts were crafted of diamond, The diamond was dyed blue and black, the colors that Nightwolf wore. The blade itself was pure adamantium, it would be able to slice  through litereally any substance that was known to man. Nightwolf cherished these two new swords, they were easily the most beautiful in his collection.

Nightwolf looked at Akira and nodded in thanks. The master assassin seemed to smirk in recognition. Then Gambler caught Nightwolf's eye, he nodded at him, signaling he was ready to begin there mission. But, Nightwolf noticed something in Gamblers eye, a sadness, as if this was not the mission he would choose if he could. Nightwolf shook it off, it could've been nothing, but he would talk to his mentor later, make sure everything was all right. Beneath that cocky exterior there was a man, just like everyone else, and that man had been through a lot, Nightwolf needed to make sure that Gambler would be fit for this mission.

The two stood side by side, ready to face anything that might get in there way.

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#13  Edited By G'bandit

Japan: Before

 The mercenary king had been assign a stealth mission to eliminate one of the competition’s tool Making use of his great abilities the sexy merc had infiltrated a building and was looking through the scope of his sniper riffle aiming it straight to the target’s head. But before he could pulled the trigger the mercenary notice that the target was suddenly looking right at him, but was not alarmed. “Awkward much?” said Bandit without pulling the trigger as he wonders why the man didn‘t move. With curiosity in the head the mercenary keeps looking through the scope and notice that the man was waving some sort of a envelope before he places it in a trashcan. The man then looking at Bandit he points at the trashcan almost as if he knew that Bandit would hesitate in shooting.  

Taking his sight off the scope for a second to rub his eyes when the king of mercs looks again through the scope the man was gone. “Hum.. One escapes.. Great! Just, great. Now he’ll be bragging that he escapes the aim of the Bandit.” sighed the mercenary of greatness. “Well. Since he’ll brag about it, I might as well see what was that all about.” groaned the sighing merc.

Reaching into the trash can the mercenary opened the envelope which read <G'bandit, the self proclaimed king of mercenaries, your reign as kill supreme has brought you an invitation into the society hidden to the public eye. As we make our transition from the underworld, we hope you will join us. If you accept and wish to know more reply, if not...burn this message.> The Bandit afterwards he looks at the detailed envelope which had a lotus image on the back, but he was thinking it was just another invitation like the thousand he has daily received. “Well, sorry, but you didn’t say please.” lilt the king of mercenaries as he burned the letter right beside the trashcan.

{End flashback}

Wolf Pack HQ:

The place was warm and homey, although it smelled like wet dog some of the times, but it was the sexy mercenary’s new home for as long as he works for the Wolf Pack. The missions were dictated to each member of the team in a conference room in the headquarter of new York city. The lead wolf-man was a great leader and although he tried to hold his emotions it could be tell from his eyes that he felt terrible for what have been happening lately in his organization. A betrayer among his family had bitten the hand that fed him and made way with who Hunter saw as a daughter.

The mercenary was laying against a wall as the underdog of the group with his arm crossed while he listen to the leader’s commands, the team united were speculating over the situation in which they were in but the Bandit could do nothing but to sigh as he lower his head. While on the background the voice of Akwa filled the room the mercenary of greatness secretly received second hand information through his communicator.

“Band, the symbol that you described that was on the letter matches the one these lotus people represent. They are one of the kind, we got the perfect alibi for an infiltration.” informed P. Rain to the bandit. The mercenary secretly knocks on his ear piece once as a signal confirming the information he just received.

 After hearing enough from the group’s speculations the mercenary just stands firmly and turns around to the door; then looking over his shoulder to the Wolf Pack the mercenary said crooned “You people do your thing, I’ll do mine, but my way. I really don’t recommend anyone to tag along unless this one is ready to accept consequences. I’m an assassin. I know I wont be around forever, but while I am, I like playing things close to the mat. So, stick to your ways, I’ll stick to mine. Later Wolf people.” The merc then phases through the wall and jets off running a few steps at super speed and crosses a second wall as he is launched into a long range leap from building to building. The mercenary landed on a rooftop rolling on its surface, standing up he reach his ear piece and request what he needs for the job to his sister. “I need a copy of that invitation P. Rain, also, how long would it take for you to prep up and hustle to their base? I’m ready to renegotiate my contract.”

The voice of Rain over the communicator rejoined “Immediately, boss” 

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#14  Edited By ThisIsGonnaHurt

Another neck snapped under his wrinkled hand. His flesh was strong, strong enough to make bullets literally veer into directions unheard of when a gun is aimed and the trigger pulled at someone. His body was old, but his inner workings were new, better than ever. His exposure to yellow sunlight had only bolstered his power. From all those years in a prison, he was glad to be outside. But he had to focus.

"Where's the little freak who stole my tech? I want names, people."

Their answer was a hailstorm of bullets, like it was for the last twenty-or-so minutes. He wasn't satisfied with their idiotic pattern. But he expected just as much. They were humans. They feared what they couldn't control. Some people thought they could control everything, but end up being the emptiest on the inside. It was kind of humorous to the Symaarian. He never really understood what humans thought of to be "good" or "bad." He just thought that helping one side more than another was wrong. That's why he joined in with Hunter and the Wolf Pack.

"Do you want to continue this charade?" he asked, sweeping the crushed shells of expended metal to the floor with a motion of his hand.

"Or do you want to talk?"

They were short on bullets, their clips empty and their hands frantic to reload. He suddenly appeared in front of their triangular formation, lunging with an imposing hand to their leader's throat. The man's feet dangled in the air, panicking and kicking at his enemy's stomach only to be met with sharp pains and future bruises. The Czar admired his bravery, but he was wasting time. With a wink a father would give to his son at the preliminaries of a soccer tournament, he carved the man's face in two, the perfectly vertical line of black ash slumping to either side of the canvass the Symaarian worked with like an artisan to a block of marble; he was working art into intimidation, something that worked for him in the past.

"Look, I'm going to check what was stolen so I can spare about five more seconds playing. While I'm still here, give me names!"

He ripped ahead into the block, knocking soldiers over into unconscious heaps with his outstretched arms or trampling them under his golden boots. The others broke formation and ran, but not fast enough. Though his old exterior gave the illusion of a decrepit old bodybuilder, he caught each of them and wrote his name on their foreheads in hot ash. Lobbing the last man to the ground, rain began to fall. The gutters hummed with the monotonous sound of floodwater. Warsman smiled as he watched a shadow twitch into the distance. He contemplated throwing the nearby truck at it, but ignored the urge and went to inspect the damage in his pocket from the robbery.


Two weeks passed since the theft. In Wolf Pack's base in New York, Warsman arrived to find Hunter talking about finding Talon. What happened? He didn't bother to explain. The only reason behind the search-and-rescue operation Warsman was in time to hear was that Talon was in the hands of a foreign, lethal, and secretive organization that had no limits. The Symaarian heard "no limits" and thought Hunter was going overboard. What was the value of this "Talon" girl compared to what the Wolf Pack was protecting? Shouldn't the team be more worried with keeping villains and heroes in check? But his choice was clear. Warsman left the same way he came and disappeared into the sky.

He arrived near the Appalachian Mountains, touching down near a river. It glistened in the noonday sunlight as he knelt for a drink. His ears perked. He was being watched. The rustle of a gun barrel parting the leaves of underbrush became apparent and Warsman grasped the metal in his hand, twisting it to the point of uselessness. The rifleman had no idea what was happening until the Symaarian's imposing frame suddenly blocked the sun. He tried to scurry away like some kind of immense, bipedal squirrel. But Warsman was faster. He burnt a hole through the man's leg and stood over him as he grunted in agony, the shade of the trees adding to his red-hot eyes.

"You have the same scent as the guys who were standing outside my warehouse,"

"I-I can explain!"

"Who do you work for?"

"N-No one! Honestly!"

"B*llshi*t," Warsman grasped the man's throat and dragged him to the river as he kicked and ranted. Ducking his nose and mouth just under the surface, he sputtered as the Symaarian brought him up to breathe.


"I-I work," a pause for breath.


"It's a guy named Graft! I was paid a bonus to track you and shoot you with these," he held up a metal case, which Warsman took in his hand and flipped open.

He took one of the objects inside and held it in front of the sun to identify the substance within it.

"This is a dart filled with mercury, and the tip is adamantium..."

"He thought it would kill you..." he was going into choking sensations from the panicked tears. "I just want to go home,"

"Where do you live?" Warsman asked.

"In Maine. Can you take me there?"

Warsman smiled. He must have thought that he was the hero. The Symaarian grabbed his wrist.

"No. But I can give you a ride there."

With a pulling motion, and by letting go of his wrist, Warsman sent the would-be assassin into the horizon.

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#15  Edited By D. Wrath
 "My name is Wrath..Some people call me The Riot Runner, others call me The Hell Breaker..I do what I do because I need to.My drive is myself.Get in my way and get ran the F#ck over or stay out of it and keep your life.The option's yours.Live Alone. Die Alone..."

Lets take it back a bit...

Killing, robbing, stealing and building an empire that would tower over even the most notorious crime bosses such as Al Capone himself. It was the life of the man behind the dark facade of Wrath, known as Angelo Vencario. Born and raised on the streets of New York City, he was forced to provide for himself and his sickly Grandmother who had taken him in when he was just an infant. Working his way up the ladder of organized crime, Angelo found himself doing the impossible, breaking the unbreakable and at the head of the criminal underworld heiarchy system. As a child he had always been known and feared for his tremendous size and matching temper. Utilizing his strong characteristics to their full potential, he began a life of crime at the mere age of 14 where he learned how to sell drugs from a man named Vinney. After working several years under Vinney's tutelage, Angelo was introduced to the uncle of vinney which had been the brother to the biggest Mafia Don New York had ever known, Senor Baptista. Becoming an employee favorite of Don Baptista's brother, he soon began working for the family as a hitman, taking out rival gang members and eliminating threats on the streets. Eventually, Angelo's excessive dilligence earned him a seating beside the Don himself as a personal guard.

As the two spent time together, Don Baptista grew fond of Angelo and his gentle yet ferocious spirit.On several occasions Angelo had placed his life in dire jeopardy for the Don, earning him an unwavering trust within the Big Boss.Soon enough, as in all organized crime syndicates, waves of contempt and betrayal began to flood the Baptista family as the Don's own brother, Michael began to make his own ideals and agenda's known and acknowledged.Believing his time would soon be at hand, the Don consoled Angelo one day with a father-son like reference."My boy, you've proved to me nothing but loyalty and sincerity.My time in this family, this world is near and I can feel it.Before that happens, I would like you to know, that you will be the successor to my Empire.You, Angelo Vencario, my dearest and closest confidon.Regardless of what they say, you have been like a son to me, even better than my own Gio.That boy has got alot of potential yet he doesn't understand what it means run a loyal and dedicated family.So when I leave this Earth, I want you to watch over him.Make him into the man that you would be."The words had almost struck the young Angelo to tears yet he remained strong looking onto the Don with discernment and understanding.

Although he had only spent 4 years with the Baptista family he grew fond of them as if they were of his own flesh and blood, which gave him the drive and devotion to remain loyal.The Don himself had become like the father Angelo never had, advising him, guiding him and showing him the path to nobility honor and respect.A code which he would soon have learned to live by.One fateful day, the Baptista family had a meeting that ended in tradgedy.Jealous and fearing the possible successing of the head of the family to Angelo left Michael, the Don's own blood brother enraged and filled with hatred.That was the day where life as Angelo ended and the exsistance of the beast known as Dark Wrath began.Relentless and unmerciful, Michael had set a coup d'état
that would leave Don Baptista dead and a vengeful Angelo on the brink of death.With bulletholes littered all over his body, the withering Angelo fled the burning chateau that had been home to the Baptista family for decades.Taken in by a stranger with no name and no face, Angelo was quickly nursed back to health in a high tech facility which location had remained uknown.Simpy by the name of Ghost, the stranger told Angelo that one day he would indeed need a favor in return, and with the honor he had retained from his late surrogate father figure, he agreed.


The gray skies clouded overhead like a quilt of sorrow as Angelo looked upon them with a deep intellectual gaze.The sound of thunder dancing across the heavens made itself established to the world with a loud blazing roar that shook the Earth.The Hidden Lotus.It was phenomenal how the clandestine different chapters were rooted by a distinguished element.Thunder.Earth.Heaven.Water. Only a few to name.It seemed almost ironic that the heavens rumbled, with bolts of celestial rage, and at the same time, somewhere, a man destined to lead the hidden Lotus clan of Thunder engaged in combat.His power was echoed and amplififed throughout the skies in order for all to bare witness to his might.The rain dazzled Angelo's face with tiny explosions of clear liquid as they crashed into the tanned skin of his cheeks and face.

"Mr.Wrath. The instructor has called a meeting and requests your presesnce at the commander's conference room.Please make haste, Sir Akira does not like to be kept--"

The lackey who spoke froze in his words as his eyes crossed ways with the gaze of a dark eye hidden beneath two wet strands of long flowing black hair."I don't think you wanna finish that sentence kid." Angelo's deep baritone voice struck and instant fear in the man's heart sending him into a frantic skipping manner back inside the corridors of the Lotus chambers.Making his way back to his personal quarters, Wrath made a quick change of his dampened apparel, and slipped into something more professional and presentable.Donning a black trench coat as he made his way down the dark halls of the Lotus encampment, his heavy footseps echoed through them as the heels of his shoes clicked against the marble floor.

Entering the meeting den, Angelo arrived fashionably late to see the Commander of the Heaven clan Bullet, Nitewolf leader of the wind clan, and Darkchild General of the Mountain clan, all listening closely to the words that slipped from the Instructors mouth with anticipation.Finding his chair with the insgnia of Earth embroidered in its upholstery he rested within its custom comfort.Wrath layed in the throne like chair deeply, putting his elbow on an armrest before cradling his chin inside the grip of his index finger and thumb.

"Darkchild and Graft.I'll need you to infiltrate and destroy their stronghold in Great Britain.Bullet,you and your clan have the task of shutting down there base in Germany.Leave nothing.Nightwolf and Gambler will head to the base in Japan and make it crumble to the ground,since we are so close in proximity I have already activated my sleeper cells in the bases.There security is compromised,and the smaller outhouses have been destroyed.Myself and Wrath will stay here to defend the compound,you'll have tech support from our crew,just radio in,if anything goes wrong will send out our splinter groups for reinforcements."

Taking the information all in, The Sandman sighed with ease gazing back and forth at his comrades and new brothers in arms.

Bullet Ride.A mercenary who wanted nothing more than to earn himself a good pay and crack a few jokes in the process.Annoyingly motor mouthed but skilled with the gun, he was a force to be reckoned despite his light and comical ambiance.Gambler.The King of Kings.A man who had been through more battles than a viking warlord.He was a man of Legendary status, known throughout the world for his notorious slyness and battle prowess.His intellect could be measured as the
equivalent of an Olympic-level gymnast performing a gold medal routine while simultaneously beating four chess computers in his head.

Graft, a former Nazi whose motifs and actual agenda remained unknown to Wrath as well as the man they called Nitewolf whom he was equally unfamilliar with.And then there was Darkchild.A menacing eqotistical behemoth of a maniac who loved nothing more than  good rubdown and a bottle of liqour.His cruelty knew no bounds, and his rage and raw destructive force, was something that could collapse armies of men alone by itself.There was a fine line that drew the difference between Wrath and Darkchild, and that line was Discipline of self, which Angelo had maintained to keep at a usual basis.If it were not for this one particular acute factor, Angelo would have been no different.An unstoppable machine made for death and slaughtering.

Turning to his general's once more, the The Ghost In The Shell, AO announced a suprise to his newfound commanders."Generals,brothers.A gift from me,the weapons I have for you are all costumed for you and you only,I've done research and had them all made to be exactly what you look for in and instrument of death.Now let's take what belongs to us." Each of the men gathered at a table which housed their precious and gratuitous gifts, taking their own.As the rest gathered themselves to deploy, Angelo remained seated, staring off into the distance, plotting, anticipating and psychologically working the depths of his mind to a place where none would understand.

"Well? Are you not going to take your gift Wrath? Heads up." Akira tossed over the weapon that had been crafted exactly for the use of Angelo and him only.Extending his arm, Wrath caught what appeared to be the scabbard of a sword mid air, halting its progression towards him.The weight of the weapon automatically spoke to him of its extraordinary power.A simple sleek adamantium alloy scabbard coated with black paint.Taking the hilt of its physique, Angelo unsheathed the blade slowly, exposing its vibranium surface to the light which reflected off its cold edge.Smooth.Simple.Deadly.A Katana, a real warriors weapon.It's design littered with the essence of Honor which spoke to Angelo almost in its own language.The blade would align smoothly with his dual vibranium cobat knives which he carried at all times.

"Thank you my friend..Now, how about a game of chess for the wait?" Looking over to the Ace in the Hole himself, he squinted his gaze and tilted the muscle of his face to reveal a smooth smirk.
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#16  Edited By Sylver

Time:  Yesterday - 10:00pm
Place: Hellfire & Brimstone Bar & Club - New York City

     "Hey there, pretty baby.  Hey, where ya goin'? I don't bite."  He touches her shoulder; it's ice cold.  She stops walking and turns to face him.  Her irises are blood red.  
     *Crack!*  At the moment where shock and fear meet, she backhands him...and breaks his jaw.  The drunk's senseless body slumps to the ground in the alleyway he was standing in.  The young lady stops to check for bystandards.  A newspaper rolls across the street, and a single car passes by, too quickly to see her.  She smiles, revealing two sets of razor fangs.  Good, no one was watching. 
     She drags the man deeper into the dark alley and then leans over him, snickering.  "No...but I do."  She moves forward--
     *Snik*  As the girl's lips touch the man's neck, her head rolls over his shoulder, sliced off from a perfect cut.  The silent assassin stands over their motionless bodies.  Aside from the bloody long knives, her appearance is that of a hooker:  sleeveless spandex-like top that had a V down to her stomach, black short-shorts with a rhindstone studded belt, glittering high-heels and several pieces of jewelry; the exact same as those that the decaptiated girl is wearing.  She serches the dead vampire girl's clothes and finds a pass to the Hellfire & Brimstone Bar & Club.  She smiles.  Bingo.
     The assassin studies the I.D., and forms a mental picture in her mind.  Her black, shoulder-length hair melts into honey-blond curles, and her unnaturally-pale skin darkens a shade.  Now a perfect replica, she tosses her knives into the air, and they vanish in a flash of red light.
     Leaving the bodies in the dark alley to be found in the morning, the killer heads down the block to the bar.  She gets in easily, gaining a few stares and whistles upon entering.  The "social" room of the club was in the basement: the place where all the sick, business cockroaches of NYC spent their Fridays.  She goes down the staires, eyes blazing an icey-blue sheen, and focuses on finding her target. 
     Following the rogue vampire girl was easy considering that she always stopped for a "snack" before her trips to the club, but the next man on her hit list had eluded her for years.  Until tonight.  The trademark smirk appeared on her face.  Warlocks always messed up eventually.
     The social room's door was a thick slab of steel with four locks and was being guarded by a giant-wresler of a man.  She held up her I.D. pass; he smileed wickedly, and his eyes flash a glowing, neon-green.  She rolled her eyes as he unlocked the door.  Great...fairies were invited to the party.  This is gonna suck, She moaned mentally.
     The assassin walks into the scene of pounding rap music and flashing lights.  She looks around, observing.  Fey creatures swayed on the dancefloor in jerky motions, a group of gothic-looking vampires huddled in the corner, playfully biting at one another's necks, and several Siren strippers swung around on their poles, occationally leading unsuspecting victims back to the dark corners of the room where they would rip out the men's souls.
     The assassin crinkles her nose in disgust.  She hates these clubs; she spent much of her previous Elvin life killing these abominations in their sleep.  But now--
     She bites her tongue.  Focus.  Find Victor Fuego.  She takes a step forward onto the dancefloor, hopeing to see him. And everything stops.  The music, the lights flashing, the dancing...everyone freezes and stares at her, their glowing multi-colored eyes laughing at her about something she doesn't yet know.
     Crap... she realizes, as the crowd parts and a man dressed in black pants and a black silk shirt walks onto the dancefloor, his purple eyes and white hair catching her attention.  He stops and holds his hands out in a welcoming gesture.
     "Sylver darling! It's been too long!  Was it France in 1983?"  Silence.  He chuckles. "Ahhh...I see. Still as rude and stubborn as ever.  And now you're stealing people's identities...how pathetic."  Sylver shook her head.  
     "Well, it's certainly flattering to see that you remember me, Victor, but as I recall, we only met because you turned 301 people inside out for kicks."  She retorted.  The warlock shrugged carelessly.  
     "It seemed amusing at the time.  But I've got more important things to do now...like attend to my interrupted guests. Now please, go bother some other busy creature of the underworld." He said aggitated.  He turned his back on her.  Bad move.  Sylver lunged, pulling a silver stake out of her shorts and aiming it at the warlock's heart.  
     *Whack*  Sylver hit the floor after a crowbar bashed off of her face.  The split in her skin healed, and she barred her fangs, moving into a striking position. How the heck'd he get a crowbar? Sylver wondered. Victor's face was now covered in black veins, his eyes, colorless marbles.  A warlock was a half-demon with black magic and a bad attitude, which gave Sylver more than enough reasons to kill him.  She gripped the stake tighter and--
     *Beep, beep, beep*  Sylver felt like someone had just poured concrete over her; there was absolutly no way to ruin this moment any better than by her Wolf Pack communicator.  She stood up straight and pressed the device in her ear.  She glanced at Vicor.  
     "Ummm....Can I take this and then we can kill each other?"  Sylver asked.  Victor shrugged..again. 
     "Uhhh...sure.  Go ahead."
     * "Lone Wolf Alpha to Wolf Pack.  Assemble at the base in New York.  Sylver, lock onto me and teleport me to that location.  We have work to do..." *
     Sylver smacked her forehead in disbelief.  Her luck just couldn't get any better.  Victor was leaning on a table, arms crossed in bordum. 
     "Duende."  She summoned her Staff, pulling it out of her body.  That unnverved a few people.  Victor shouted at them to be quiet.
     "Just what are you doing?" He asked incredulously.
     "Taking care of my terriblely-timed team mates.  It's a downgrade from slowly tearing out your internal organs, but I suppose I'll deal with it."
     "Wow...that sucks.  I was kinda hopeing for an exciting evening.  Ya sure you won't stay?"  He asked, quite calmly.
     "Yeah...I'm sure.  The world's probably at stake, so I gotta fly.  Later, FUEGO."  Sylver said emphatically, walking out towards the door.  Victor waved. 
     "That's too bad.  Maybe we'll meet again some ti--"  His eyes froze open just before bursting into a pillar of spontaneous black flames.  The fire ceased, but Sylver was already out the door, laughing at the irony of how his last name meant "fire" and that he died in the Hellfire Bar.
      Sylver held up her Staff.  She sighed, "Well, Hunter, the world and all humanity had better be worth this aggrivation."
     Prying herself away from yet another fun filled evening, Sylver teleported both her and William to the New York City base.

Time: today - 3:00am
Place: Wolf Pack NYC Base

     Sylver was ticked, on account of many reasons, but three in particular.  One, Talon was missing, or rather, kidnapped by the Hidden Lotus.  Two, Sparda had betrayed them.  And three, they were making her work with robots.  Sylver didn't care if the hunks of metal were super-soldiers or able to toast bread; she hated robots.  Too unreliable and too stupid.  But, as usual, her personal war on overly-advanced tech couldn't be taken into consideration when an extreamist group of majorly-zelous world conquerers were at their doorstep.  Literally.
     Dressed in her usual black leather pants, one-shoulder cut-off top, and boots, Sylver yawned lazily as she was directed to the room where the super-robos were waiting.  Rolling her eyes, the vampire-Elf stood in front of the ten blue and steel-grey cyborgs, twirling her long knives in her hands before putting them back into their sheathes.  
     I could probably slice these buggers in three seconds. Tops, Sylver assumed confidently.  She didn't like working with things that she could kill herself.  Too low of a service level as far as she was concerned.  The rest of her concern was being saved for Talon.  She loved that girl like a sister, and knew that no matter what the Hidden Lotus was doing to her, she wouldn't give in.   Sylver summoned her Staff.
     But that didn't mean that they couldn't hurry a little faster.  The robots were human-like in shape, and their red glowing eyes followed Sylver's movement.  She pointed the Staff at them.
     "Ok, here's the plan.  We are going to Scotland, aka, the Great Britain base.  We will fortify it and keep everyone and anyone out.  And if ANYTHING goes wrong, I don't want none of this crap about statistics and most likely chances of survival.  So if you've got that programmed in your system, unplug it, or I'll rearrange you into a super-toaster-oven.  Get it? Got it? Good.  We're off.  *a transporta la Scotland Base* "

Time: today - 1:03am
Place: Wolf Pack Scotland Base

     A red flash exploded from in the middle of the room, and ten robots, one vampire, landed on the stone floor.  The light faded to pitch black, but Sylver turned around to see her accomplices. 
     "Everybody in one piece?" She asked, in a please-let-them-be-dead tone of sarcasm.
     "Yes, Agent Sylver, all ten titanium-alloy cyborgs of Sector 13 of the United States of--"
     "Never mind, Webster.  Now where are the darn lamps?"  Sylver cut in.  She'd been here several times before, but somehow, every time, someone rearranged the furniture.
     "I do not believe Webster is a suitable code for my description.  I am model 1389--"
     "Just shut up and look for the lamps.  Ah, wait, found 'em."  Sylver reached out her hand to touch its brass handle.  " *Fuego* "
     The room was illuminated immediatly, with several old-fashioned oil-lamps lining the grey stone walls.  They were in the main foyer of the mansion, just in front of the cherry-wood double doors.  Sylver breathed in the relaxing scent of pine and roses.  She had to admit, this was a nice place for a base.  She looked around at the many valuable swords and family-insigna shields that adorned the walls, and stained-glass windows placed at least fifteen feet above her.  At least the decor wasn't too boring.  
     Sylver clapped her hands together.  "Ok, let's get started."  Sylver pulled out one of her knives and made a long slit down her arm.  Her blackish-purple blood began to seep out as she smothered some on her hands and began walking over to the first corner of the house. 
     "Agent Sylver! Why are you causing self-inflicted damage to your arm?  The wound must be treated before--"
     "Webster, I'm dead. I don't care.  Read my lips. Don't. Care."  Sylver began drawing a large symbol on the stone wall, smearing it with her blood.  They probably gave me the one that talks the most on purpose, Sylver fumed.  "I'm putting symbols of protection on the four corners of the house.  Yes, William will probably kill me for ruining the masonry, but maybe the fact that it keeps out all and any forms of physical intruders, will hopefully spare my soul.  No teleporters or phasers will get through here, or ghosts.  But I doubt that the Hidden Lotus works with enraged spirits.  Now hush.  If I mess this up, it could open a portal to Hell or engulf the entire country in fire.  And we don't want that, do we, Webster?" She explained as if speaking to a three-year old.
     "My code is not We--"
     "Ok, glad you understand." 
     Fifteen minutes later, the symbols were painted, and Sylver sent the cyborgs to the basement so that she could contact everyone from the computer room.  From romantic medival to cold-steel walls, the appearance changed drastically as the descending stairs opened up at the bottom into a large, well-lit room, lined with high-tech computers.  Sylver slid into a swival chair and put on a head-set.  
     "Sylver to Wolf Pack, I am set up at the Scotland Base.  Everything is in place, and I am engaging outside and inside weapons systems to be on alert mode.  If anyone wants in, you'll have to contact me to teleport you.  Over and out."
     Sylver rubbed her eyes as a headache began to form.  The spell was definatly working, but it would drain her over a period of time.  She looked up at the clock.  1:18.  She would have to re-paint the symbols every twelve hours to keep them strong.  Sylver looked up at Webster.  
     "Send five of you outside to guard around the moat.  And please," She half-whined, half-begged, "be inconspicuous.  The rest of you, one to each floor.  Webster, you stay down here with me."
     "My code is not--"
     "Just shut up."

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#17  Edited By talon_x23
  “They can't hurt you unless you let them.”

Time seemed to stand still as she sat there in her cell. Her mind had become more active analyzing what was happening and gladly she was still sane for her condition. Though the pain was still there. The ever lingering essence of pain and agony that would come with each breath of air.  Her chest was tightly and she did her best to breath as little as possible for the only reason to conserve oxygen. Raising her eyes she looked at the bolted door it was locked form the outside and there was no way of unlocking it from where she was. But  in the darkness light was present. If she was to look up a beam of light most likely coming from a gap in the wall shone through the sunlight making her know what time it was. She leaned against the metallic wall which was made of a material that her claws could not penetrate. Her claws were Vibranium laced meaning that this was a metal that she had no come in contact with before.

Her scarred hands were placed on her knees as she pushed herself against the wall. It was the only source of support that she had in this place. She no longer felt cold actually she felt oddly war. Now there were two reasons either it was getting warmer or she was freezing and her body could no longer feel or tell the difference.  She suspected it to be option two meaning she would soon go into shock. But knowing if they wanted her dead they would have killed her along time ago that gave her some comfort but not much to deal with. Moving her right hand down the back of her head. “ouch!” Quickly she pulled it back. Looking at it she could feel the dark icky touch of blood on her hand. Obviously in the battle or tortured she had gotten hit. She could not tell weather it was a concussion or just a burse. She could not tell any more.

But as usually the bad was always the first in her mind. It this was so  and she did gain this wound in the battle against Sparada. It should have healed by now along time ago all of her wounds should have been gone. She should have been on her feet and ready to figure a way out of here. Leaving on think in her mind: Something was the matter with her healing factor and it was not working properly. Her physical strength was not the only thing failing her. Her mind as well as mentally she was loosing it. And doubted that any one would come for her. Why would they? She could not find a reason. Talon never could understand this world emotion all of it. It was a strange thing for people to risk their lives to save some one for no reason. Or at least a reason that she could not yet detect.

Biting her lip she hit her head against the wall to black out the pain hoping that maybe she’d nock herself out. Maybe then the pain would stop and she’d at least have a few moments of bliss. Her mind was drifting she needed to keep it active keep it sharp or else she’d go insane. It was times like these that she’d realize how weak she actually was. Yah she could be tough not show any emotion. She was X23 emotion was not what she was meant to do. Her only mission was to kill or she’d be killed. And at this moment not only her mind she was loosing but her memories as well. Most likely it was because of all the trauma that little bump was a bit more serious than she thought. “I swear if I get amnesia again! I’m gona kill some one and make em die nice and slowly” she growled.

Her eyes shifted to bright yellow as she reexamined the room every detail much more divers. The door was air tight meaning suffocation would happen soon. Gathering her strength she used her hands and crawled over toward the door. Placing her palm on it she could feel the heat from the other end of the room. Meaning that it must have been pretty cold where she was. “SNICKET” as she unleashed her claws she slid the tip of the blade resonating a screeching noise on the other end as well as in her cell. It was high pitched but gave her all she needed. The wall was dense probably four to six feet thick. Still the metal was of an unknown alloy that her claws were unable to penetrate. “Dang it! Hunter What the hell were yah thinking” she shouted. “Letting me join the team what could I do! Nothing that’s what. A whole bunch of Sh!t! That’s it! Nothing why do you care why does any one care!” she shouted.

Seemed like all the containment and pain was finally getting to her the torment the torture. She was in despair and had nothing else to do but talk to herself. That was the first step to loosing it. Calming herself down she sighed and slumped back down on the hard floor. Her eyes filled with tears as she desperately tried to hold on. But she couldn’t and fell apart in the cold and darkness of the cell she poured her heart out in tears. Though she was crying she remained silent only a slight whimper could be heard from the cell. She wondered if she was being watched it any one was watching her. Truthfully she did not care any way. She was going to die. Her healing factor was slowing down she had lost to much blood. Looking toward the corner where she once was she could see it with her bright yellow eyes. That puddle of dark red blood on the floor. Even where she was she could feel it. Blood every where all over her and it was not stopping.

As the pain and doubt descended she thought of Hunter. She wondered what he was doing what the team were doing. She wondered how long the Hidden Locust would keep her for Would they continued torturing her would they keep her until she could no longer remember who she was. Would they just kill her or did they have something else in mind. She did not know and did not care. All Talon wanted was to be back with the Wolf Pack back home. That was her home and he took her from it. Sparada took her from her home he did this to her. And she was not to happy about that. Time was ticking and one way or another he would die she would kill her she’d make him die. With all the power in her she wanted revenge. She knew it was not the right thing to do but what the hell she was not dumb hero she’d do what she wanted to do and if she wanted to kill some one she’d do it. No! She did not need a reason though she’d always muster up one.

30 Minuets Later

After a few more moments of fuming in anger she retained her composure and thought back. The effect of the hit was getting worse she actually for a moment had no idea why she was here. But gladly she remember and at the same time tried desperately not to forget it again. So in order to keep what needed to be know she talked to herself again. “I was captured by Sparada who betrayed the wolf Pack in order to join Hidden Locust. My name is X23 genetic clone of weapon X. Assassin and mercenary. Member of the Wolf Pack.” She paused a moment reconsidering her words then speaking again “I am Talon of the Wolf Pack, I have no father, I am a drifter, member of the Wolf Pack I wanted to find a place….a place to call my home…..I guess what I really wanted was a family….though I knew I’d never have one.”

Stopping again she turned herself to face the hard door and did what she did before. Unleashing her claws which caused her to loose more amounts of blood than she could have risked but right know her health did not matter to her at all. “All I wanted was to be a girl a normal girl, and what was she a weapon a monster. She was scarred in many ways her heart broken and her hope blown out like a candle. “To love is to die and to die is much better than to love.” Those were words she carried in her stone cold hart. She had not always been like cold and heartless she one along time ago embraced her emotions. Only to have them stripped from her. Love weather passionate, or of that they a daughter shares with a father she had, had once. Once Logan did care one she did have a father, and once there was a man whom she loved. Sabre and her would always discuss about him about love……but both love she could never have for she was a weapon a monster than no one no man should ever have any emotions or even wast caring about  her. 
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#18  Edited By The_Ghostshell

The meeting had concluded and the Hidden Lotus departed with their instructions. Akira had issued a standard two by two cover formation deployment along with state of the art PDA's with the mission parameters individually uploaded. Each detail was methodically laid out. Gambler's eyes briefly scrolled over the schematics as he exited the room. His partner for this assignment was none other then Nightwolf. A former LaS affiliate and current leader of the Quantum Syndicate. A true villain who had studied at the right hand of Esther Cotillard LeBeau. Taking the knowledge and prestige of such an honor and utilizing it to formulate his own, up and coming criminal enterprise. Gambler could tell his former teammate was looking for some sort of acknowledgment, a gesture or sign of respect. But the Cajun was noticeably distracted as he kept a constant visual on a small hand held device. "Come on, come on" he whispered to himself. Finally a small red flash resonated from the device which seemed to bring a devilish smile to the assassins face.

Nonchalantly he slid his hand into his cloak before addressing Nightwolf. "Tis good to see you again mon ami. Let us take dis opportunity to put any animosity between us aside. Tonight the Wolf's Lair shall burn." he smirked. "Why don't you run up ahead and get dee transport ready. We leave in 10." Turning around allowing the cape of his cloak to flow freely behind him as he headed in the opposite direction. Once out of the Quantum Syndicate leader's view he shot up grabbing the rafters of the Shinto and pulling himself up, making his way to the roof. With the stealth of a Mongoose and the speed of a Black Mamba he moved across the compound. Commandeering one of Akira's prized Kawasaki Ninja ZX -10R motorcycles. Spitting gravel and dirt as it spun around in a stylish 360 before speeding off into the night.

Several hours later the King of King's stood atop a peer overlooking a secret compound. Armed guards patrolled the outer parameter while snipers hid among the tree line and outlining area. It wasn't a massive show of force but skill over rides numbers anyday and no one understood this better then Akira. These men weren't there to keep something from getting in, but to keep whatever was inside from getting out. "Found you" Gambler said to himself before driving down to the front gate. Immediately the Cajun was surronded. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!?" barked one of the guards. With his hands already in the air, Gambler slowly peeled back his hood to reveal his face. "You recognize me no?" asked the LeBeau Legacy. "SIR YES SIR. We weren't expecting you sir. I should call Mr. Overdrive and get clearance sir."

Gambler laughed and shook his head. "Yes my friend, you could do dat. And then you could explain to him why your bothering him with such a trivial matter while his on a mission." his words causing the mercenary to doubt himself. "No no, your right sir. Go on in." With a slight head nod the Cajun continued on. Entering the restricted zone, he made his way inside. Both walls were lined with manned surveillance stations while at the end of the hall sat a single armored door. "Is she in there?" Gambler asked. "Yes sir, you can see her right here" pointed one of the guards. "We're all taking bets on when she'll crack. She's already talking to herself and a little over an hour ago she slammed the back of her head against the wall." laughed another.

"Hm" smirked the deadly assassin. "And what are the odds on her escaping tonight?" he asked with his trademark Cheshire Cat grin. Then without warning Gambler twirled around while simultaneously unsheathing his blade. Dropping down into a crouching position as he sliced through the midsections of three guards. Instantly the others opened fire. But  the Living Legend mimicking the movements of Tenjin, launched himself into a spiraling corkscrew flip allowing the bullets to pass by underneath causing the guards to gun themselves down. As he landed the bullet ridden body of the last guard collapsed.

There was no time to waste. Any minute the compound would be on full alert and escape would be all but impossible. Overriding the auto locks the cell door cracked open. Gambler swung the giant metal door open to reveal the prisoner, Talon. Her hair was stringy and uncared for and her eyes squinted as if they hadn't been subjected to light in days. "Here, put dis on." he said as he threw his cloak inside the cell. "Come with me if you want to live chere."

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#19  Edited By talon_x23
"Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart.”

Constantly she asked herself how long she had been here. Hours? Days? She did not know any more. Time was irrelevant to her. She barely was able to understand who she was let alone how long she had been here. Yes her mind was getting worse. The wounds were no longer the problem.  It was her mine. She was loosing it not her sanity but her remembrance of past events were drifting away. Though the main things she had intact. She was Laura her last name she could not remember there were to many options “Kinney” “Howlett” “Dawn”. Finding out this she got the impression that she had a multiple personality complex.  And that did not aid her any. Looking at her hands she could see the scares on her knuckles where blood had poured out.

 She had claws they had been unleashed the whole time. She had not bothered to retract them. It was to painfully and when ever she did that lick a shock she saw something of her past. Terrible things horrible things that she did. Blood, pail hurt she felt it all over those memories. Though she had gained more than just an identity. There was a team the Wolf Pack. They were her team or a team some team. She was a member of it she knew she was. Looking from what she was dressed in it had the Wolf Pack emblem on it. Though who where her team mates she could not get all the names. She rubbed her head a moment with her bloody hand. She banged her head against the wall again. Banging it hard. Trying desperately to pull herself together.

Her eyes were blood shot red out of exhaustion. Her arms were filled with scars but not from her captors from herself. She had been cutting herself. Laura knew that it was a habit for the reason that if felt right. The sting of it. The enjoyment as the blood poured out like a leaping tape. She even went far enough to lick her claws for the fact of the blood. Since she had not eaten for who know how long. Which brought her back to time. How long had she been here? And how long would these people keep her. She knew that her rivals did not want her dead….not yet at least. They wanted something from her. Or some one wanted something from her. As she continued cutting her right arm she remembered something…Something that did not mach very well. But she could recall it. And through this she knew that she was not the best person in the world. By thing action she also knew something about the Wolf Pack and more about herself.

Flash Back

Talon sat in the corner of the Wolf Pack base located in NYC. She had just been wondering the streets and decided to go to where she knew she would not be turned away. Though when she arrived it was not empty. The knew member G’bandit was there along with his partner in training Akwa. Those two were impossible. They were immature though much older and so said much deadlier. Though she still could not understand which was the worst of the group. Akwa, or The Merc? Truthfully she did not want to waist her time debating it at all. G’bandit would most of the time ask her for stuff threaten her and so on. She got tired of it though she would comply. Like when he asked her to get the syrup for his…waffles. Though it was amazing how he got respect. His reputation had proceeded him. Her was the Merc of Merc’s and finding out that he had joined the team she was shocked until that faithfully day she heard a nock on the door and a voice saying “Huny I’m home!” Oh yes he was annoying though she would bear with him for the only reason that she trusted Hunter.]

And then there was Akwa. The annoying little boy. Who would never leave her alone and who she had an interest in. Though it was short lived she hated herself for it. He was child like and primitive. Also suffering from a multiple personality disorder though she dared not get so personal with the man. He would always make sure that she was every alert and always vigilant. As she leaned against the wall he entered the room looking around and spoke “Hello” then pausing he shouted “Constant vigilance” with out warning he pulled out a weapon and blatantly started firing at her for no reason. This child like battle continued until she was forced to stoop to his level of battling and started throwing furniture at each other. She threw a couch he threw it back she leaped through it he dogged. Though she enjoyed his little games they were actually quite fun.

The there was Warsman he was strange. Once villain she had gone against him but there was something different. The say that she met him he acted like she was his superior. He saluted at her and stood in attention! That shocked her how could he do that to her! How could he think that she was above him. Though she told him the face that she was worthless and was nothing compared to him though still he showed respect. Then there was the Vampire/elf Sylver. Talon had not much engaged into her. She was timid about her for the only reason that underworld creature mystical creature she did not get along with. Vampires that word if she heard it her skin would tingle there were things that was best left alone in this girl and Vampires were on of them or more specifically he was one of them.


Then there was a man. She did not know his name. He seemed a leader. A great man a…a Lycan Laura could not remember his name. He was the leader of the pack. Laura, biting her toung a moment banged her fist against the wall. He was a strong man a great man a legend in his own time. Though her memories of him were limited she had a remembrance of him. Though she could not understand his name….no she did understand she knew it him name it was Hunter! Her eyes turned back to Jade as she sighed. That was all her mind could muster at this point. But then something strange happened. There was a banging at the door. Her eye soon shifted as the door broke open and in the way stood a man. Tall his scent stood out. She did not know who he was but strangely enough she looked like that man…..Hunter.

She covered her eyes from the blinding light as she heard him speak "Here, put dis on." He said his voice loud. He then threw his clock that he was wearing toward her on the floor then spoke again. "Come with me if you want to live chere." She quickly put the thing on and stood to her feet. It took her a moment to gather her bearings as she exited the cell and looked around her She was in the wilderness though she did not know where then looking with her emerald eyes toward him she asked “Are…..Are…a….are..y…you…” she paused and swallowed the spoke again her voice  shaking as well as her body from the freezing temperature of her body “Are you Hu…un….Hunter?”……..
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#20  Edited By Graft

Throwing a black trench coat on, he turned to Darkchild, nodded his head and smirked a sh!t eating grin, only to be continued by saying "Lets kill some wolves". As the words befell his lips, he'd press a small button in the palm of his hand. Allowing a large bubble of pink energy to engulf his hand, which would then transform into a shield.  The hulking behemoth followed shortly behind the Military Darkhorse as they went to their vehicle of choice, Choosing a small black lean motorcycle, Graft sped off at the speed of thought into the darkness itself, his black trench flowing behind him.

Ring ring ring, Taking his hand off the steering handles for a moment, Ralph pulled out his cell-phone and answered quickly, his impious smile distorted as he switched to a more serious note. "What?" He snapped at the man on the other side. Obviously disapointed his joyride to Scotland had been interrupted by the bumbling guard.
"Warsman...he knows"
"One of us told him your name. Graft, he wants to kill you. Someone told him about the adamantium dart"
"You imbeciles" He retorted throwing the phone underneath the wheels of his motorbike before speeding off to the nearest air-port.



Speaking into his communicator ear-piece, specially crafted to fit his ear, made by the Hidden Lotus. Graft spoke to Darkchild whose weight was no doubt causing him to lag behind severely. "Darkchild, I'm infront of base.Now if The Lotus's plans are correct, their armory should have several bombs inside of it. Meaning if we can get those bombs, We can blow this sh!t to kingdom come and then move onto to next mission. In other words, I get the bombs, you take out the douchebags. Sound good?"

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#21  Edited By Revanche

Lotus petals littered the ground around Revan who sat indian style, hands folded around the jedi's most sacred weapon the lightsaber. The room held no furniture. Just a dark chamber with many columns surrounding a circular space in the center of the room. With great effort Revan used his amazing skill with the force to construct this mediatation chamber and from this chamber he could harness his senses to feel the actions going on throughout the base. The chamber also allowed him to channel his power and emotion through the force giving him the strength and will to draw from both the dark and the lightside when needed.  Inhaling deeply Revan began to meditate, the anger inside him slowly calming as the lotus petals began to rapidly change color. Slowly morphing to a vibrant red then following up with a light sky blue. The lotus petals rose and a blue fog filled the room as Revan fell deep in meditation. The sounds of footsteps was the first introduced until he dove deeper. The chatter of random meaningless chat followed and once again he delved deeper. Now the sounds of gushing water as it ran through the piping system was available to him.

The sight was next, peering into the debriefing room where the generals of the Hidden Lotus sat in discussion his view was cloudy giving him images of distorted shapes and blended colors. With a bit of focus the clouded view peeled back like a cutain revealing a pixel perfect picture of the men as they sat around the table discussing the mission.  "Looks like we are all here.Good.Our plans have been set in motion and we are ready for the second stage.The Wolf Pack seem to believe we would actually stoop low enough to a basic criminal level and try to draw them out,but really we know its all routine.Sparda has several highly trained mercs with him from our splinter cell:Mercenaries, in the Canadian Rockies,so the Hunter will search there,following his scent. Darkchild and Graft.I'll need you to infiltrate and destroy their stronghold in Great Britain. Bullet,you and your clan have the task of shutting down there base in Germany.Leave nothing.Nightwolf and Gambler will head to the base in Japan and make it crumble to the ground,since we are so close in proximity I have already activated my sleeper cells in the bases.There security is compromised,and the smaller outhouses have been destroyed.Myself and Wrath will stay here to defend the compound,you'll have tech support from our crew,just radio in,if anything goes wrong will send out our splinter groups for reinforcements. Generals,brothers.A gift from me,the weapons I have for you are all costumed for you and you only,I've done research and had them all made to be exactly what you look for in and instrument of death.Now let's take what belongs to us."

Revan scoffed at the idea. The technology used for the creation of a Lightsaber was beyond the best this galaxy had to offer and no weapon could match it in battle. His thoughts drifted away from the gift and to the place he was designated to lay siege too. He had little knowledge of Germany beyond the propaganda uttered through the land of this province. In a War amongst the population this province suffered a most gruesome defeat at the hands of "allied nations." In Revans eyes interpanetary conflict was w waste of sentient life and for ones sharing this single planet they should be more wary of the destruction they cause. But being shut out to the force as they are there blindness is to be expected. Exiting his meditative position he rised, placing his lightsaber on his belt next to the other one he carried. His cloak danced gracefully with each step he made as Revan walked towards the briefing room to speak to Bullet ride, his clans leader.

The guards gave him peculiar looks and as he entered there thoughts one dared to question whether the jedi could see through the mask. As he whispered something to another guard the two developed malicious smiles. as Revan glided past them the footsteps of one could be heard. Creeping up beside him he payed no mind until the guard waved there hand in front of his face. Without a single twich Revan used the force to squeeze his throat whilst suspending him high in the air. Turning to the man stared into his eye where great fear was present. Revan focused on the hand the guard had used to taunt the powerful jedi and forced it up until the fingers were inches away from the mettalic shield that covered his face. Slowly the finger moved back until you could hear the bones crack one by one. The man fought to let out screams but soon realized the lack of air prevent this. As the 5th figer succumbed to the power of the force the man dropped to the ground like a puppet unconscious. The othere guard shook violently, panicking in fear of what might happen to him. Revan looked to the frightened man and his pants suddenly darkened with liquid in the crotch area. Turning away Revan made his way down the corridor and through the archway. His leader held a guantlet with razor sharp blades attached to it in his hand. A most savage weapon in his opinion. walking up to the side of him he spoke with a warm, hushed tone. "When are we leaving?"

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#22  Edited By Akwa

Akwa sat with his unit of super-soldiers as they sat in the plane, waiting for it to reach it's destination. The soldiers were perfectly disciplined, sitting upright. All attempts made by Akwa for conversation had failed. So, he had settled to just listening to Wolf Pack communicator, to see if anything interesting was happening.

"Sylver to Wolf Pack, I am set up at the Scotland Base.  Everything is in place, and I am engaging outside and inside weapons systems to be on alert mode.  If anyone wants in, you'll have to contact me to teleport you.  Over and out."

What? Sylver was defending the Scotland Base as well? He hadn't known that. And she had not apparently known that Akwa was going to defend the base as well. And she had activated the weapon systems. This was going to be awkward. How was he and his men going to get in?

They were going to have to parachute jump out of the plane and land outside of the Base's Defence Perimeter. From there, he could radio Sylver to let them in. He didn't want her to try and teleport them while they were still in the plane. They were constanly moving at a high velocity and that could potentially screw up the teleport. It was better this way. He informed the pilot of the new plan and settled back to wait.

Within a few minutes, the alert sounded. Without a word, the soldiers got up and put on their parachute packs. With a grunt, one of them opened the hatch. One by one, they jumped out, engaging their parachutes on the way down.

It was Akwa's turn. He grabbed a parachute pack, strapped it onto his back and jumped off the plane, somehow doing a flip as he did so.


He pulled the cord and his parachute opened. Below him, he could see the super-soldiers and below him he could see the fort that was their Scottish Base. He angled himself down towards the nearby paddock that had been designated as the landing area.

After the landing, which went without incident, he pulled out his communicator as he and the soldiers began to walk towards the base.

"Sylver, this is Akwa. I need a teleport of myself and ten soldiers into Scot Base. We are approaching now."

He was about to emerge from the bushes and walk in front of the base when he saw something that shouldn't have been there. With frantic hand signals, he and the soldiers took cover.

There was a man standing in front of the base. He didn't know whether Sylver had seen him yet and he wasn't about to ask. At this distance, he couldn't make out the man's features but he could see that he was wearing a black trenchcoat.

"This guy looks like he gets his wardrobe straight from the Wachowski Brothers," he muttered under his breath.

Silently, the soldiers took out their rifles and aimed them at the man. The man probably had backup but it didn't matter. Not to Akwa. All that mattered at the moment was that this man was not going to see another tomorrow.


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#23  Edited By The Hunter

Lycan Underground Colony - New York City

Tilting his head to the side, the Hunter cracked his neck and raised an eyebrow.  Raze took the prospect of another lycan taking Lucian's place very seriously, reaching into his long trench coat and pulling out two small battle hatchets.  Raze then growled at Greystoke with a vicious ferocity.  At the time, Raze had taken Lucian's place as the alpha of the Corvinus clan of lycans and he was not going to give up his position any time soon.

In a calm yet firm tone, William said, "Look mate, I don't want to have to...."  However before he could finish, the mighty Raze leaped forward with both axes in a spinning pattern.  The fine blades sliced through the air towards Greystoke's throat.  With his amazing reflexes kicking in, the Hunter suddenly arched his body and leaned backwards.  The blade from one of the axes came within an inch of decapitating him, thus demonstrating the deadly speed of Raze.  As William rose up, he drew the Lycan Knight - his legendary two-handed sword.  Instantly, the battle axes of Raze clashed against Greystoke's sword.

The two lycans then proceeded to violently clash blades.  Raze's power and speed were remarkable.  The former beta to Lucian then began to increase his offensive efforts.  Meanwhile, the heir to the lycan throne was beginning to go on the defensive.  As Raze continued to attack, the Hunter began to move backwards and the two combatants began to ascend up the side of a building.  Just then, Raze managed to interlock his axes with William's sword.  After that, he spun around and delivered a devastating spin kick to the Hunter's temple.

Slightly bewildered by the attack, Greystoke rose up again to issue a counter-attack.  Yet, as the Hunter gained his footing, Raze spun around with an axe and sliced a massive gash deep into the side of William's face.  Crying out in pain, he then turned and attempted to thrust his blade into the heart of Raze, who quickly dodged the attack and responded with a powerful thrust kick to Greystoke's chest.  The blow sent the Greystoke Legend falling from the wall to the ground below.  His back slammed down upon the ground with a loud THUD.  As the Hunter rolled onto his stomach and attempted to get up, Raze then jumped down and buried both hatchets deep into his back.

Before William could even cry out in pain, Raze grabbed him by the back and flung his body like a rag doll into the wall.  As William's body slumped down to the ground after the impact, it appeared as if his attempt to gain dominance had failed.  Raze looked up and let out a loud roar of victory, the turned his eyes to the fallen Greystoke.  Letting out a laugh, Raze said, "And to think YOU wanted to take Lucian's place...  We don't NEED a king.... We don't WANT a king....."  With that, Raze turned his back on his fallen opponent and walked away, leaving him to lick his wounds in defeat.

Just then, a strange thing happened.  Oftentimes, when a man tries to achieve something thought impossible, he will fail.  However, when he is trying to achieve that same goal in order to help someone whom he loves, he may just succeed.  On such an occasion, the Hunter was about to experience this same thing.  For years, his humility had kept him from claiming his place as King of the Lycan Underworld.  However, the life of a girl whom he loved as a daughter hung in the balance.  Therefore, it pushed him to new limits and kept him going when most would have given up.

The Hunter's wounds suddenly began to heal and his eyes shot wide open.  He thought about Laura and about the peril which she was in.  He would need more fighters and the world's greatest trackers all at his disposal if he was going to save her.  It would take more than a beating to deter him.  Slowly, he rose to his feet, let out a savage growl, then called out to Raze, "HEY!  I'm not finished with you yet!"

With a look of disbelief, Raze turned around then replied saying, "Have you not had enough?  Perhaps you desire a more SAVAGE approach."

With that, Raze dropped his axes, shed his trench coat, then let out a roar as he began to transform into his lycan state.  William responded by throwing down his sword, shedding the top of his uniform, and transforming as well.  The Corvinus lycans and the Greystoke lycans both had their differences.  The Greystoke clan possessed a more canine appearance in the head and had a larger pectoral region.  Also, their talons were a signature bright silver color.  The Corvinus lycans on the other hand possessed a slightly less canine appearance in the head, had less fur, and looked more like a rottweiler than a wolf.

William let out a loud roar and leaped at Raze, who responded likewise.  As the two colossal beasts collided, William gained the upper hand.  Yet, it was not because of his Greystoke ancestry.  More so, it was his rage and determination.  For once, he felt a father's love and it drove him to new levels.  William bit down with his powerful jaws upon the neck of Raze and the fight went down to the ground.  As both creatures bit, clawed, and tore away at each other, it became apparent how different the Greystoke and Corvinus clans truly were.  While Raze fought as an animal, the Hunter maintained better control of his movements and fought more intelligently.  The Greystoke lycan began to make calculated strikes and utilize balance, all while maintaining his savage nature.

In the end, William finally began to overpower Raze.  Greystoke grabbed the lycan by the throat, held him up, then let out a deafening roar.  As he did so, the roar unleashed something within him.  Something in that roar triggered something within the other lycans around.  It appeared as if their eyes were suddenly opened, for they began to back down.  When William had transformed, all of their doubts began to fade away.  What was once thought to be an extinct race was not appearing manifest right before there very eyes.  It was as if they realized that this creature before them was not only one of them, but that he was so much more...

As William held him up by the neck, Raze transformed back into his human form.  He trembled and looked on wide-eyed as he beheld the majestic beast before him.  At last, he too began to realize that the Greystoke Legend was the savior that they were looking for.  In a miraculous display, William had finally managed to exert dominance over his lycan brethren.  In part, William Greystoke himself was a little unsure of what had just happened.  Slowly, he released Raze and then reverted back into his human form.  Stepping back away from Raze, the Hunter looked at the lycans around him.  With their eyes wide open, every lycan in the area knelt down on one knee and bowed their heads in reverence..... for their new king.

Suddenly, William Greystoke felt a new power come over him.  It was as if untold knowledge had flooded his mind and that even HIS eyes were opened.  Indeed, they were, for they suddenly began to glow a bright white color.  He then opened his mouth and let out a cry of victory, which then transitioned into a roar.  William then allowed himself the transform back into his lycan state.  This time, he stood tall, looked up and let out a loud howl.  As he did so, the other lycans, including Raze, transformed as well and lifted up their voices.  Literally thousands of lycans came together and lifted up their voices in a harmonious howl of unity.  From miles around, other lycans heard the call.  The Lycan Underworld now had its rightful king once again.  Various clans began to unite and an army was quickly being assembled.  Soon, detachments of lycans were being sent over the globe to help secure Wolf Pack's various safehouses and to assist the members in any way they needed.

At last, William Greystoke had the army he needed to rescue Talon and to make the Hidden Lotus truly pay for what they had done...
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#24  Edited By Bullet Ride

Jason could draw his attention of his gift,he ran his finger across each blade of the gauntlet, with a maniacal sparkle in his eye's like a jester gaze." god damn....the cold surface, the blades sharpness, its just to much for me to handle at once"he began to go crazy thinking about using his new weapon in battle, it was like opening a gift before Christmas.Soon the sounds of faint grunts muffled behind the automatic door. Jason pondered of he was the only one that heard it."When are we leaving?" Jason lept up into the air like a startled cat as he looked beside him.. That's when he noticed the  dark cloaked figure, it was nothing other then Revan.a skilled warrior foreign to this world, Jason never bothered to ask him about his place of origin, simply because he was a little frightened of the guy, he was simply to hollow. " dude you really have to work on making some type of noise before you actually say something to me, clap or something jesus.." Just by looking at Revans expression, it seemed he was apathetic to Jason's wants and needs." well....anyway...well be heading out asap, so get all of your sh!t ready, traveling with me is optional, i dont know how you feel about helicopter,by the way, have you heard anything from quality?"

Qaulity was the most recent addition to The Hidden Lotus, when  found he was nothing but a robot, capable of slaying a whole brigade without the assitance of humans, but now he has reached his limits, no longer a robot due to an exchange with gloom the wish maker. Qaulity made his debut with The Heavens Clan, a lethal weapon, feared by most who crossed paths with his deleterious technique. Even Bullet Ride had to stay in his place when it came down to combat with the illustrious combatant.Of all the clans Jason felt more comforatble with his , despite the cultural differences, they still had each others back no matter what. Jason wouldnt pick any other warriors to take their place as his Sky Guardians.

Jason left the room leaving Revan behind so he could prepare his pernicious weapons of death. He couldnt wait to see what trinity wolpack member he was going against.Sparda had told akira that each trinity member had there own base stationed far from the main facility.Jason knew who ever it was couldnt handle the might of The Hidden Lotus, they were full of to many legends that could inflict maignant tactics that could leave death creeping upon you.

after walking through the Asian cultural facility, he made hs way into a computer research room, were he usually searched for different types of solid material were he could create his weapons." now let me get more info about this little mission im heading off to, dont want to walk into something im not prepared for"Jason  removed a Usb like device from his neck and put it into one of the cpu driver ports. as he waited for the program from the device to upload,a us army lgo with the name "Black Label" was displayed as the loading screen" Hello Jason, what can i do for you today sir?" it was none other then his human like Technical data retriever " Gab/3xp", "Gab i need you to give me a summary on the wolpack Germany base " No problem Jason"The screen became pixelated and bright, the sound of a signal lost became discordant, as Jason covered his ears and banged on the keyboard madly" GOD DAMMIT STOP" Jason yelled loudly, silence creep over the room as his ears rang from the loud sound. The cpu monitor became black"fuk, what the hell am i going to do now? i think we can handle this mission, but it wouldnt hurt to be safe?"jason removed his device from the computer, and kicked the monitor with a forceful thrust." oh well, let me get ready for all of this bullsh!t to come..."

6 hours later

The Heavens Clan courtyard was filled with soldiers dressed in the traditional Heavens clan padded leather armor , with the structure similar to Shadow Storm. They stood robust by the hundreds, as hollow as a necromantic soul, each warrior identical to another 3 rows stood adjacent one another , as The Shadow Storm stood beside his well trusted Shadow executive Revan."  Today....is the day.....The dawn of a new Era" Fist thrust into the air in excitement, but quickly silenced by the raise of the hand from The Shadow General" The Wolpack,....our new adversary, threatens the progression to our new development, we shall not let them cross ours paths and live the day to tell it, all will die , no apologizes, no remorse, no excuses, no second thoughts, we will flood the vermin like the day of noahs arc. and lay down the hammer of victory amongst them as if they were small nails. We fight for glory, and what wee seek, will become reality , NOW  COME MY BROTHERS, GRAB YOUR WEAPON OF REGULATION, AS THIS TRIBULATION WILL BECOME A HISTORICAL FACTOR....for the hidden lotus...THANK YOU

Loud roars of adrenaline erupted in the courtyard, as mask are tossed up into the air. The birth of a new era is at hand , the fetus is being nurtured as we speak, the more hardships, the more we develop. Nothing can stand in the path of our 7 clans, lives will be taken, and forsaken from their false truth, their sevenfold will not be avenged , as the avengers, are here. So many times have these warriors tried to survive this harsh world through there complicated ay of living, now that the simplest way has been found , They shall not fall. All hail the hidden lotus......

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#25  Edited By Darkchild

Darkchilds ride was rather irritating as the bike of the choosing was a small motorcycle that Darkchild barely fit on. Yet the rum of the engine filled him with a certain joy and with a screech of the tires he sped out from the hanger door the bike leaping into the air before slamming hard onto the concrete. The airport was not far and he was more following and soon they had arrived at the airport. The security were frantic as he walked into the door ducking below so he could get in he stood behind Graft and soon without incident they were on the HLS charter plane and in hours they were at their destination

Scotland Base.

They had split up Graft heading along from and Darkchild taking a detour towards the side of the compound. He could hear the clatter of the soldiers footsteps running in a hurry to the front of the compound. His axe sat on his back latched on he was a hulking monstrocity as he stood in the midnight air with a glaring smile and soon Graft sounded in through the earpiece "Darkchild, I'm infront of base.Now if The Lotus's plans are correct, their armory should have several bombs inside of it. Meaning if we can get those bombs, We can blow this sh!t to kingdom come and then move onto to next mission. In other words, I get the bombs, you take out the douchebags. Sound good?" With a smile Darkchild tapped his earpiece "Sounds good to me. Been ready to use this baby since we got it ten hours ago, By the way their heading your direction. Rifles ready by the looks of it, But dont worry I wont give them time to focus squarly on you. Not that im all heroic i simply want to kill something." With that he tapped it again cutting it off switching the volume to Max he pulled out an ipod with a grin he starts tapping his feet as BODIES starts to play leaving one ear for his comlink an the other for the headset he walks up to the side door.

A guard sits trying to light his cig mumbling to himself " Whenever theirs something good Im always stuck out here. F@#king bastards get all the fun, damn f@#king lighter." Darkchild walks up the music can be heard as he walks up "Need a light?" the guard turns around "Oh thanks." then looking to the large hand holding a lighter he looks up." Dammit" The guard looks up at Darkchild who has a wide grin. Then grabbing the Axe he swiftly pulls it from behind him an slamming it down onto the guard, who for a moment twitches mouthing the word "F@#k" before falling in two. His walkie starts going off and Darkchild picks it up "This is your captain speaking, due to some unforseen events you are all about to die horrible and painful deaths." Then balling his fist it glows with energy an he slams it into the wall and it erupts in a loud echoing explosion, the explosion alerting the nearby guards an they all swarm the area and as Darkchild walks through the dust he smiles and starts into a run. Swinging left an right with the axe he cleaves through the guards cutting them in two an in pieces before slamming through a wall and skidding to a stop as guards surround him all their weapons cocked an ready the leader of the ground screams the order to fire and a hail of gunfire slams into Darkchild.

As the gunfire slowly stops they all stare in wonder as DC brushes himself off an looks to his jacket with an angry look on his face "Do you all realize how expensive and difficult it is to find a coat my size?!!" And he bolts forward spinning the Axe in front of him as they reload an fire again the bullets richocheting and slamming into the guards around him. Spinning around he pulls the shotgun out and using it as a bat in one hand he slams it into the gut of the lead guard who falls to the ground as all his ribs shatter as the butt of the gun slams itno him. Flipping the gun he puts it to the guards chin an pulls the trigger the guards head exploding, wiping the blood from his face he taps the comlink "I think Ive gotten their attention. Time for your show." and he swings as the music in his ear blasts leaping into another group of guards.

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#26  Edited By Sparda

Sparda was reclining in his chair, feet up on the desk in front of him. He looked quite content and not at all worried about the inevitable confrontation that was to come with the Wolf Pack. Suddenly, the phone on his desk began to ring. He raised up one of his booted feet and slammed it down on the desk. As a result, the receiver on the phone flew into the air, and fell back down into his hand. He brought it up to his ear.


On the other end was the voice of one of the men working at the containment facility.

"Sir, you'll want to see this. I'm bringing it up on your monitor now..."

Sparda lowered the receiver, but did not hang up. A small screen rose out of his desk, and on it was security footage from less than sixty seconds ago. In the black and white footage, the Cajun and Lotus general Gambler himself killed a small squad of men-the same men who were guarding Talon's cell. He raised the receiver back up to his ear.

"What should we do, sir?", the soldier asked.

"Hang back and relax. I'll call you if I need you". Before the man could say any more, Sparda hung the phone up and grabbed his jacket. With a swirl, he put it on, and grabbed his dual pistols. He walked out the automatic door, grabbing his sword off of the resting place on the wall while he was at it. He walked casually down two corridors, hanged a right, and entered the main entrance. The security checkpoints were manned, and the guards-who no doubt heard the combat-looked visibly anxious. Sparda mocked a salute going by, before turning down the hallway to Talon's cell.

At the end was the legend himself, Gambler, and the Wolf Pack member Talon. He called out.

"Hey, french fry! If I knew you were gonna show up, I would've prepared a better welcome party for you. As it is, it's just me.....and you. Girl doesn't count for much, I don't think, unless she can dance."

He reached behind his back and gripped the hilt of his sword, waiting for either to make a move.

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#27  Edited By ThisIsGonnaHurt

Sighing, he watched the misty cloud of vapor exit his respiratory tract. Just outside of Earth's atmosphere, he could literally just take a finger and map out the borders of cities, countries, and his eyes monitored the masses moving below him like ants. He peered into the face of the planet, focused more on twitching his attention to something regarding a "Graft" persona. His ears perked up to a cell phone being disconnected in Scotland. There was a brief moment of agitation and yelling from the clearer voice and from the opposite line, the name popped up. The Symaarian smiled slyly.

"My turn you lousy hippie,"

A gaseous bubble exploded as Warsman broke the sound barrier, carrying a faint crack and whistle as he crashed through the atmosphere. His heat-resistant clothes sparked and he mimicked the image of a comet coming to smack Earth in the face for being in the way. Warsman brought his arms from in front of him to his sides to decrease frictional drag and laughed. He laughed! Entombed in five-hundred degree flames and hurtling toward a rocky mass of soil and stone, he was laughing.

Graft stole from him. He stole very important things --- documents, weapons, jewels, anything shiny he could get his hands on --- and left without the alarm going off or the sentries realizing what happened. Graft literally signed his own death warrant. Warsman was just enforcing it like a lawyer would a will. It was the least the Wolf Pack member could do. It was justice. He was stopping a criminal from stealing again, even if he had to tear off his hands and feet to keep it that way. Landfall, and the ground split into an eruption of dirt and grass. The Symaarian emerged from a crater about fifteen feet deep, according to how little moonlight he could see. He leaped and floated in midair as he scanned the surrounding countryside. He sniffed. The smell from the other night was near, the smell of wet dirt scattered by a specific boot and the smell of sweat as it lingered in the warehouse and seemed to vanish, but only to human noses. He found where it stopped and he took off.

A few minutes later and he discovered Graft talking smugly into a communicator. Smiling, Warsman hovered for a few minutes to see if the theif would notice. If not, he would descend.

"You got yourself into trouble deeper than what you can imagine. Do you realize just who you stole from two weeks ago?"

Disappearing, he would reappear directly in front of Graft, lurching out while in mid-invisibility with an imposing hand to enclose Graft's chin like a pair of scissors to a folded sheet of paper.

"You steal from me, you get whipped like a mule. Start yelling."

Pulling back a fist, whether or not Graft would evade his initial grabbing motion, he would throw it at him with speed surpassing the fastest bullet.

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#28  Edited By Akira Overdrive

The giver of light,the sun began to retreat behind the mystic mountains in which the Hidden Lotus was wrapped.Its outter appearance began to fade,for it could only be seen in the sun's light.Akira paced back and forth trying to think about his next move,in the battle on two fronts.He was playing his General of the Earth Clan,D.wrath in a game of chess and had cornered the king,it almost seemed over,but the master strategist Wrath soon brought a new rising and moved the king from his position then captured the White King.

Akira,viewed the board and knocked over his king.He had been winning the battle,but lost the war and he pondered as the red alert insignia flashed on the massive screen which was the backdrop as AO played D.Wrath.The Ghost in the Machine stood up and looked at the screen as it began to pixilized into a larger view,zooming in on footage of his second in command,Gambler infiltrating the hidden complex where he hid Talon and Sparda watched over.The Visionary grimaced at the sight but kept his compsure,then looked back to D.wrath,giving the signal for his general to accompany Sparda in case there was any other suprises.Thinking to himself Akira paced the floor,until he spoke out to one of his majors to ready the complex for its secret weapon,a weapon that was almost premature in uncovering its power,but AO would take no chances.

As the unknown weapon was being prepared the General of Lotus watched on all screens his team and there progress.He still waited to be contested in his own court,but was ready for it regardless.

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#29  Edited By Sylver

Time: 4:55am
Place: Wolf Pack Scotland Base

     "I will remain calm...I will not get angry...calm...I am calm.  Perfectly cal--"
     "Agent Sylver, might I asky why you are sitting on the ceiling muttering to yourself?"
     "Because Webster, I'm a paranoid scitzaphrenic with absolutely no grasp of the thin parallel called reality."
     "I highly doubt that.  Your file has no recording of any mental dimentia--"
     Sylver glared down at the robot, eyes coal black.  "Then in that case, I wish I was suffering from an extreame delusion.  Perhaps in that reality, you do not exist and the world is not ending, and I am not really a creature of the underdark that would tear off your head and drink your blood if you had any to speak of!  Now please, leave me to my mutterings; they are far more relaxing than your presense."  She hissed, annoyed to the point of snapping.  She would definatly be speaking to Hunter about this.  Robots...the nerve!
     "Very well, Agent Sylver.  I will be waiting upstairs if you need me."  The cyborg answered, taking no affect from her sarcasm, and began walking up the metal stairs.  Sylver remained sitting cross-legged on the ceiling, rubbing her temples.
      "I swear, if these are what we call "super" soldiers; we're all gonna die." 
     *Beep, beep, beep*  Sylver moaned.  "And yet another poitless existance of technology come back to haunt me."  Letting gravity take control once again, Sylver flipped right-side-up and landed on her feet.  She picked up her communicator off of the black, metal desk.
     *Text message from Wolf Pack:  Sylver, you accidently took the guard robots instead of the soldiers.  Akwa should be arriving with his group shortly.  Good luck.*
     The computer room was silent for a moment.  Sylver tilted her head back, eyes closed.  "I must have commited some sort of heinous sin in the past hundred years to suffice for this judgement."  She chuckled, out of the irony of it all, and began to walk up the long stairwell to the upstairs mansion. 
     The stupid robot was in the living room, standing at the doorway like he would do some good if the Hidden Locus came crashing in.  Sylver snickered.  Yeah, maybe as a doorstop.
     Webster turned to face her.  "Is something the matter, Agent Sylver?" 
     Sylver slowly walked up to him and placed one of her gloved hands on his metal chest.  "Actually, Webster, there is.  Tell me, are you really the Super-soldiers of Sector 13?"
     "Well, no.  I am a guard."  Stupid, stupid, dang robot...
     "Really?"  A smile crept on her face.
     "Yes, in fact, I am of the manufacturing model 13--"
     *snik--thunk*  The robot's head rolled to the floor, red eyes dying out like a battery.  Sylver placed her titanium-Elvin metal fused long-knife back into its sheath and pushed the robot's body over with her pinkie.  It crashed to the floor; its neck sputtering with electrical sparks.  
     Sylver blew a long black strand of hair out of her face.  "Huh...I do feel better now.  Now, where is Akwa?  I need some sort of intelligent-based humanoid to speak with before I go insane.  And maybe a good excuse to make up before Hunter asks about the walking-talking freakshow on his mansion floor."  She turned to go back down to the basement, but stopped.  Her nose wrinkled and her pointed ears pricked up.  She could hear something....footsteps.  Her lip curled back revealing her fangs.  Footsteps outside!
     Sylver dropped to the floor in a low crouch.  Dangit! Why hadn't she heard them earlier?  She closed her eyes for a moment.  Leaves...crunching... They were...in the woods!  She crawled slowly over to the window and inched the curtain up.  Narrowing her vision, they came into focus.  Men.  On the right side of the forest, she could see Akwa and his men.  On the other side...was someone else.  She pressed her ear against the glass.  Someone was speaking to the man....calling him Darkchild.
     Under her breath, Sylver cursed in Elvish.  She knew nothing about him, other than the fact that he was a member of the Hidden Lotus.  And that was reason enough to kill him.  She took another glance out of the window.
     "Crap!" She seethed.  Akwa was approaching Darkchild; they were both nearing the wood's edge that lead into a wide, empty meadow just beyond the mansion.  There was no chance of hidding once they were in the open.  "And that is exactly why they put me here," Sylver groaned, "to take care of the big, tough men from hurting their sorry behinds."  
     Sylver jogged to the front door.  "Duende."  She pulled the Staff from inside of her and eyed each of the blood markings.  They glowed in responce.  Good, Sylver thought, at least they can't get in the mansion.
     *patta, patta, patta!*  A sputter of gunfire sent Sylver instantly teleporting out of the mansion and onto the field.  Just beyond the forest, Akwa and the soldier's were spraying this...Darkchild with their machine guns.  And failing.  He muttered something stupid about his coat and then lunged full-force into the group of guards.  They continued firing.
     "Goshdarnit, stop!"  Sylver yelled.  But they wouldn't.  And before she knew it, at least five were on the ground.  Dead.  Anger merged into her system, causing the Staff to glow a deep purple.  "Fine." She said in a low, yet frieghteningly unearthly voice, "Be that way."
     She took off of the ground, faster than she'd thoght possible, and rocketed towards Darkchild.  " *Foc al iad! * " She roared.  The Staff answered.  A ring of black fire encircled Darkchild, cutting him off from the rest of Akwa's men.  Sylver flew above it and twirled the Staff in her hands like a propeller.  Time seemed to freeze for that one moment: the moment before the kill, the moment before she released all her fury into that one blow, or several, that would steal the life from the one stupid enough to piss her off.  And that one, was staring at her from within the circle of hellfire, smirking as if he wasn't afaid.  
     Well, Sylver grinned, flashing her white fangs, he will be.  The moment ended, the blow was ready.  Time to play.  "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"  The Staff slammed into the ground; Sylver could feel the dark energy coursing through her, through the physical boundaries that she could pass as the earth shuttered from her blow.  " *Fulger* "  She whispered.  Instantly ,a lightning strike snaked through the ground and ripped through her opponent's body, burning the headphones around his neck, and tossing him to the ground.  
     Without hesitation, without even a second thought, Sylver sprung, like a cat, onto Darkchild.  Her grip fastened around his neck while her Staff remained pinned to his temple.  Her eyes glowed a fierce scarlet, flaming like the wall that surrounded them.
     "Well, jerk-off, what brings you to these parts, eh?" She said as she sqeezed his neck harder.  Sylver could feel the blood pulsing through his veins, and his spine starting to bend under her iron-grip.  "You couldn't possibly be looking for the Wolf Pack.  Because if you were, you're team forgot to mention something very important to you.  They have a vampire, one that doesn't like to leave anyone alive."  She sqeezed tighter, pulling his face up to hers.  "And guess what ,hon,"  Her eyes burned into his, "I am that one."
     Sylver felt one of the vertebrae in his neck crack.  Her smile widened, revealing more fangs.  "And ya know what else? After I suck you dry and go kill the rest of your team, and you go to that miserable pit of Hell, your friends will envy the fate I gave to you."  Her lips touched his neck.  "Bye bye, honey."  Sylver tore into his jugular. 

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#30  Edited By Quality

One Hour Before The Hidden Lotus Meeting

Paris, France

The crowd amassing around a simple stage was amazing as they turned rather too a mob as the music of a well, yet infamous singer began to play. People were screaming in joy and happiness as they heard the same songs they had heard over and over again on the radio this time live from the female singer they envied, all the while sweating from the amounting carbon dioxid being poured out of everyone's mouths heating the area as the different colored lights glazed the stage and the crowd. Yet, everyone was foaming with the excitment of anxiety to just get one good picture of their 'live' moment near a true, American star.

Two miles away, in a dark, musty room fifteen floors above the ground in a Hyatt hotel was one man, lone wolf in his silence and painful stilllness among the outside breeze of his room's large, spacious ledge. If you would of asked him his name, and if you could be trusted or his prey in a few seconds, he woud of told you Duvan DeFrunce just three week ago. Now though, after running into Gloom and her magical shop, he had been changed. Ever since his awakening, Duvan had felt as though pieces of his memory were wrong and out of context or either just didn't make sense in his continuim. Pockets of his memory were also blank, and inconcievably blurred. He couldn't figure out why he was always wearing a mask and a uniform, all he knew is that he was told to upon being 'reconstructed.'

He was a reconstructed RoboCop basically, just not as wickedly lame and much, much more expirienced in fighting and weapons handling. Part human, part complete robot he was the killing machine of France during it's run under the 5th Republic. Hidden, he was the secret political assassin of their nation. Part truly, not even Gambler or Babs had known of the secret operation that had plauged their opposition for so long. The only reason for his recreation was because of the war in Iraq, claiming Duvan's friends lives and leaving him in 'pieces.'- Literally.

Now though, with his memory fully intact, and his body restored, he knew who he really was. He used the alias Duvan DeFrunce, however inside he was the Mark1212 that everyone loved but thought had died. In truth, Mark had never died, he had only....slept while he was away from the superhumans he had gone around with. And amazingly enough, despite thinking himself about twenty one, only two years had passed. Mark was truly seventeen, young and ruthless to add. Headstrong, he had made his way onto The Hidden Lotus, and they treated him with respect and friendship that couldn't be rivaled.

As a trusted member of the Heavens Clan, Mark had made his way through it's ranks to be the small splinter cells Lethal Weapon. As of that, he was the dirty worker, and that was why he was in Paris at that moment. He was doing a job, plain and simple. Assassination was what he did, and so the seven billion dollars he would get for killing Brittney Spears woudl go towards The Hidden Lotus and it's various..investments.

Didn't know people liked this crackhead, hair cutting Brittney so damn much.

Mark was very much in the game, sitting on the long ledge in a lawn chair with his sniper rifile fixed on a table. The scope was his tool right now, and he was aiming directly for above Brittney's forhead. With the wind, the range, the bullet would hit the forhead directly. Fixing his finger over the trigger, Mark waited silently. Then, when she stopped dancing frantically he let out one straight bullet. Piercing through the air, the bullet spiraled like a falling barrel. Within a minute or two, it had hit the pop sensation through the head, splashing blood across some fans in the front row. As she slumped backwards, a few of the dancers she had paid to follow her moves tried to stop her fall. As she hit the ground lump, her body first slid a few feet back in the direction the bullet had come.

"Good riddance. She was sort of a bitch. That was a good seven billion dollars made though.... who the hell would want her dead anyways?" Mark muttered.

 That was true with all the News channels talking about her, only because she was the only News and the needed to capitalize on the situation, as they would with her death. Standing, Mark stretched his body to loosen it. He had been sitting in the chair for a long time, and had been frozen like a glass vase for that same amount of time. Now, with his job done, there was nothing to worry about. People wouldn't look two miles away, they would look half a mile. No one would have expected a well trained shooter to kill the singer with only bad mental problems. Those people had been wrong though.

Trip to Germany


The whole thing that had sparked Mark into going to Germany, orders from the big boss, Akira. And, as a loyal soldier would, Mark followed orders just like his Heaven Clan members. Now, in the air, he went through Akira's order. Knowing full well that his leader, Bullet Ride, and Bullet Ride's assisstant Revan, knew nothing of where he was. Mark had begun by informing Bullet Ride of his location, and why he had been missing. Then, from that moment, he had been given the order to proceed towards Germany. Flying in a private, Hidden Lotus owned jet, he was totally alone besides his pilot and a stewardess.

"Looks like we are all here.Good.Our plans have been set in motion and we are ready for the second stage.The Wolf Pack seem to believe we would actually stoop low enough to a basic criminal level and try to draw them out,but really we know its all routine.Sparda has several highly trained mercs with him from our splinter cell:Mercenaries, in the Canadian Rockies,so the Hunter will search there,following his scent."

"Darkchild and Graft.I'll need you to infiltrate and destroy their stronghold in Great Britain.Bullet,you and your clan have the task of shutting down there base in Germany.Leave nothing.Nightwolf and Gambler will head to the base in Japan and make it crumble to the ground,since we are so close in proximity I have already activated my sleeper cells in the bases.There security is compromised,and the smaller outhouses have been destroyed.Myself and Wrath will stay here to defend the compound,you'll have tech support from our crew,just radio in,if anything goes wrong will send out our splinter groups for reinforcements."

Darting his eyes back and forth between his generals and the massive holographic globe,Akira began to holster his two clear diamond desert eagles and white nunchuks,spiraled by a gold dragon.He could tell the spirit in the room was high,his clans were ready to battle,for they knew what was at risk.They seemed hungry for the first victory that would usher in a new era.....

"Generals,brothers.A gift from me,the weapons I have for you are all costumed for you and you only,I've done research and had them all made to be exactly what you look for in and instrument of death.Now let's take what belongs to us."
End Flashback

Of course he had gotten a replay of the message, as the jet had been on standby in the secret base during the briefing, it had come equipped with a hologram, and with Mark's valuable, priceless 'gifts'. They were actually quite a large package to be exact. Truly, it was more a total reawakening of Mark's old life. Firstly, the gift had come with a ninja-like suit in full black. It had an assorment of Adimantium plates in important places made in a silvery tone, along with the clothing already being made of fibered Vibranium of black with a piece. Truly, that was all he needed. But, Akira knew his people more than they knew themselves, so Akira knew Mark had come with no weapons as he had pawned them for his memory.

As of that, the suit had come with two adimantium malaysian Flamberge with diamond and gold encrusted hilts and sheaths. That was gracious enough, and Mark accepted his package with great enthusiasm. In the plane, he wore his Ninja ware from Akira, and near him were his Katanas glowing and gleaming expertly as the sun hit them through the windows thirty thousand feet in the air. With his twin old-time pistols strapped to his thighs, which Mark had recovered from an abandoned home owned by himself long ago as Mark1212, he was ready for destroying the Wolf Pack base in Germany along side with his good friends Bullet Ride and Revan.

Hopefully, and he knew he would, Mark would get the action he was due, just like everyone else on the team who starved for a good battle. He was ready.

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#31  Edited By Darkchild
Holding a dying man in his hands he squeezed tight, the patter of someone coming up from behind him brought a smile to his face "Well little toy soldier, guess I have another one to play with." Flexing his fingers he broke the mans neck as if it was a twig then dropped him to the ground standing only to find a woman in the air screaming a staff twirling around her. With a smile a circle of fire surrounded him, a glint of excitement came to his face as it crawled up his body. Spinning around the flames were blown away and his coat singed he grunted as it was nothing more than pieces of cloth now, an now came her large staff almost in fast forward it came down hard but Darkchild was quick an ready as the lightning and debris from the ground shot forward toward him. Spinning the Axe in front of him the debris shot at him breaking into pieces and shooting off around the room as it connected with the axe, and the lightning slamming into him pushing him back and to the ground. He marveled at her power with Magic, something he dispised with such a passion he would enjoy ripping this little thing into tiny pieces.

"Well well looks as if the kittens grown a nice pair of claws. Its a pity that I will have to declaw such a marvelous specimen of a female nature." His headphones turned to ash from the electric blast simply fell to his shoulders. Bringing an arm up to his shoulder he brushed it off and watched in amazement at her speed as she leaped onto him digging deep into his back an shoulders. Her staff to his temple he simply smiled as she tightened her grip with each word she spoke to him, her fangs wanting his blood he watched with quite a good deal of enjoyment as she spoke her saliva spatting onto his face as she barked at him before digging deep with her fangs into his neck. A normal man would scream from the pain but Darkchild enjoyed this kind of pain almost more than anything in his past. The pain of the bite brought a great deal of pleasure, he grabbed her by the neck "No biting on the first date love, makes you look like a tramp." Squeezing tight he tossed her as if she was a ragdoll across the room. As he stood up the blood poured from his neck and he made no attempt to stop it or wipe the blood away he was in pleasure from the bite. Showing off his own set of fangs as he watched her leap back to her feet from the toss she walked around him as if a wild animal would waiting for its pray to make a mistake "Well now, looks like the only hope the Cubs have are to send in their lady. And what a LADY you are, something I could bring home to mom....and watch as she would use you like a common tramp. Such as you are." He let out a bellowing laughter gripping his axe ready for her to leap at him.

He walked slowly towards her before disappearing and reappearing behind her with a whisper "Best watch closely love, you know nothing of magics. Until you have reached the class of Dark Arts." Spinning his axe into the air he slams it down to the ground and bringing it back up bringing up debris to distract the young one. His arm cracked with energy as he mumbled various incantations "Akuwasumba" and letting his arm thrust forward a portal opened from a ball of energy and tiny creatures spewed from the portal all shattering their teeth as they roared towards Sylver. "Call these little ones Death Adders. No real reason their just fun to watch." Then running behind the Death Adders his arm began to glow again with energy a bright red color formed around his arm as he leaped into the air doing a cartwheel before coming down with his fist into the ground, at first nothing happened then the ground began to shake and then soon it began to glow. The shaking turned into a full sized earthquake as the ground cracked an shattered as beams of bright red energy shot forth from the ground and with a sick and twisted smile the beams burst firing smaller beams all towards Sylver.
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#32  Edited By Bullet Ride

The B52 air craft was filled with chanting soldiers as they scud over the landscape like a flock of ducks.Jason was in his private jet looking at the refine view through his barely transparent filthy window"sh!t...what type of ..." he wiped his finger across the glass surface" come one.....disgusting ,when's the last time you guys washed these damn windows? it's f#cking disgusting ,give me a damn cloth!......wtf are you deaf up there, give me a F$cking cloth...christ!" a service woman came from behind the curtains of the pilot quarters with a disconsolate look on her face"what the hell is your problem?coming over here like your depressed or some sh!t get your self a ha[[y meal and put a smile on...i do...." the woman tossed the disgustingly gray cloth in jasons face with full force and walked away"

Jason removed the cloth off his face, with acrimony ready to slither itself from his lips, he rose from his chair , and paced quickly with rage trembling in his body and grabbed the woman's long blond ponytail" YOU B!TCH....how dare you disrespect me in my moment of prosperity!" Jason yanked her ponytail forcibly, she was helpless, she fell backwards to the floor on her shins" you see, i have the right to be pissed off lady, im given bad flight surfaces on they day when my name will reign upon this world" the woman gave out of few grunts, and spit onto Jason torso"thats it ...you son of a.."jason back smacked her across the face brutally, and dragged her down the long red suave carpet into the bath room.

He kicked upon the door , as her screams of dismay echoed hollowly in the confined space." You just lost your life b!tch, now im going to show you why the call me the Hollow Shadow" he lifted the woman by the ponytail up into his face, and head butt her so hard that she flew into the bathroom walls" Guagh...HELP ME PLEASE..S...!!!" she was silenced by a big boot to the face, as her cheek crashed into the cold metallic wall. He lifted her up by the back of her dress and shirt , and swung her into the sink, her temple hit off the edge of the metal enamel surface, and blood began to trickle down her face.

he pulled out his Lx17 and aimed the gun at the back of her head as she laid on he floor unconscious, and with no hesitation of remorse he fired the gun 7 times at her skull, leaving a bloody mess in the white surfaced bathroom." sorry, but those who oppose my order, dont live, woman, child,man, or animal.He wiped off his gun with brown hand paper , and made his way back to his seat, he picked up the cloth  and wiped the window in a circular motion, and continued glaring out the window enjoying his scenic view" oh snap, i forgot to whip the spit of my shirt......"

As they reached the German airline port, two national guard jeeps was parked close to our landing points, also with a group of soldiers that were armed and dangerous. Jason saw this coming, an unaddressed flight is illegal in any country, especially if they are armed and dangerous" Prepare the Gatling Turret, wipe that small infantry out on my signal he ordered through his walkie talkie ,Jason stood up from his seat and headed to the pilot quarters , and fixed his gaze upon the 3 Heavens Clan B52 air crafts ahead of his plane., the middle craft had the turret inside. They lost altitude gliding adjacent several few away from the guards" NOW!" for Jason ship you could see the curtain from the b52 get pulled into the craft, the bullets Rocked the small infantry like a meteor shower as the heavens clans warrior began to hop from the planes in large multitudes , gliding over there adversaries with their white blanket parachute

"Hell ,im going to miss all of the action, open the hind door, im going to get in on some action!"the pilot nodded , and Jason darted out of the quarters straight down the suave carpet path,  onto the tar flight path, he want to far from the action" oh yeah...time to shed some blood" jason ran into the group of battling combatants about 50 feet away from his, and pulled out a tactical gauge shot gun, and vaulted into a group of German soldiers stationed by a Jeep oh yeah"Its Roulette! get him!" they were familiar with Jason because of his Contention with Diablo.The foursome fired immediately  through the closing gap Jason decreasing. He rolled through the bullets with adept agility , and fired his first round from his shot gun, onto the a German soldier  diagonal from him's chest. a whole made its home on his torso, as he was lifted from the ground like a magician. another solider came at The Hollow Shadow attempting to carve his head of  with a bayonet. Jason ducked under the attack, while cocking his tactical gauge, and sent powerful left leg sweep to the soldiers shin , sending him crashing into one of the blades of his full arm guantlet. Afterwords, another solider came running at Jason, but was blown away by the might of Jason's shotgun, the whole front section of his head was removed, leaving a flap of scalp skin, dangling down his back,dripping blood hemically"whos up next?' jason asked cockily ,wipping the blood from his cheek, he glanced around to see a fleeing solider"hmmmm.......ill let him get more people"

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#33  Edited By Lady Nightmare

Her eyes were fixated on the ceiling. Its body conformed to her as she lay on the bed. The ceiling fan seemed to turn slowly each time it passed. The light peeked through the window and Lady Nightmare was just…Abam. Tired of the fan she turned her head to the side. Now a drawer stared back at her. She peered as her eyes traced the dust.”How long has it been since I’ve opened you?” she thought to herself. Her and rose and fell on to the knob and pried the mouth of the drawer opened. She lifted herself up and peeked inside only to find a small sliver bracelet. Her eyes widened at its significance. It was a replica of the one her mother had given her. The original had broken years ago. Abam had almost forgotten she had it made. The memories of her pass started to flash before her eyes.”I wonder how that place is doing. I should go... just for a day, just a day...” she thought.

Her mind began to picture that old place and with a thought she was there. As her head turned to take in the sight she whispered,” Nara may have you grown.” There stood before her an urbanized Nara. In fact she doubted its name was Nara anymore. Her feet began to tug her forward for exploration but just as she lifted her foot a small native girl ran into Abam.

Her eyes were stained with tears and fear covered her face.”Well hello there…” she said as she looked down at the frightened girl. The girl looked back as two men ran after her. She clenched onto Abam has they grew closer. Abam’s instincts began to tug her mind screaming something’s wrong over and over. Finally the men stood before Abam and the girl. “Sorry to disturb you miss but it seems my daughter have run away.” Abam smirked. This man was not this girl’s father. She did not even have to be a telepath to know that, but being that she was she took a look inside for real intentions.

Her body started to grow tense as the information flowed into her. This man was not a father but a hence men to a slave trafficker. The girl was in grave danger.  Looking into his eyes she asked “Are you sure this is your daughter?’ “she whispered to the girl “Get behind me “Just as there the word Yes left his mouth and the girl was secure her fist collided with his face and her foot meet the other man’s crotch. As the men fell to the ground, she tossed the girl on her back with her little feet around her waist and her hands around her neck.

Abam started to run before the men got to their feet.  Moving at a fast and steady pace she maneuvered easily through the city. A bright sign flashed Hotel as the sun began to set. Abam’s feet slowed down and proceeded toward the entrance. A room for two please she said to the front desk clerk. She paid the woman upfront and she handed her the keys.

“Where is your mother?’ Abam asked as she closed the door. “She was in the market place and then those guys came after me...” “Can you picture your home in your mind”?””Yes” Do it for me please”

As the image of the girl’s house popped into her head Abam entered her small head and touched the girl’s hand.”Say hi to your mom for me” With that she made the girl disappear to dust and to her home.  Suddenly, rage entered her eyes. Flash Forward

Her feet pushed against the tainted streets, pressing harder with each step. Lady Nightmare’s heart rate was surprisingly calm as she carried two swords on the opposite sides of her body. Right behind her raced one hundred masked ninjas. Apparently they preferred their master alive rather than beheaded, but such a person cannot be tolerated especially in her home town, Nara, Japan. Lady Nightmare pushed her feet up and backed flipped into the mob of ninjas. Her sword entered two infidels just has she landed. She raised her hands to the side as the mob realized her location. Gathering energy inside her palms she releases two psionic pulses. Knocking back several ninjas and killing the close ones.6…slash...9…slash…10…slash, slash...16….The numbers echoed in her mind as her hand crafted a massacre. Ring, Ring… Lady Nightmare grappled the phone telepathically and put it to her ear. Yeah, slash, mmhmm, teleport, slash…I’ll be there. Her hand swiped pass her face and blood splashed onto her as the ninja met the fate of his master.25…Her body was taken by black smoke and reappeared in the air. “I’d like to stay and play but duty calls” she yelled down. Lady Nightmare disappeared once more.

Lady Nightmare stood with her peers as the alpha wolf explained the situation and gave  the orders. Her eyes were glue on him as she noticed his condition. Though Hunter was a strong leader she and the others could tell this was hitting him hard. William was rugged, his face becoming coved with newly formed beard.  Talon was like his cub and like any old dad he would do anything to get her back.Suddenly, the disturbed leader looked at her. Her assignment was given.

The dust from her teleporting cleared as she appeared at the Japan HQ. She began to head toward the data base to gather information on where Talon was being held. Her hand pushed opened the door and she arrived at the seat in front of the computer. Suddenly she looked around the room, something was a foot. Lady Nightmare rose from her seat and unsheathed her swords. She proceeded to walk out of the room. As she made her way into the hallways she could hear rumbling. Lady Nightmare started to run toward he sounds.

Just as she arrived before her appear angered super solider done with whatever was trying to infiltrate the base. Abam looked at the ground at a dead sleeper.”There’s going be more to come” Lady started to climbs the walls using her telekinesis to keep her up. Whoever was coming was going to be surprised.

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#34  Edited By Nightwolf3
"Tis good to see you again mon ami. Let us take dis opportunity to put any animosity between us aside. Tonight the Wolf's Lair shall burn.Why don't you run up ahead and get dee transport ready. We leave in 10."

Gambler speaking broke Nightwolf out of his deep thought. He looked at the Cajun after he finished speaking, and still noticed something in his eyes that just didn't set right with Nightwolf. He made his way to the transports as if he was following Gambler's orders, but instead stopped at the first wall, putting his back to it, Nightwolf slipped his head around the corner, and saw Jean-Luc doing something odd. He was heading to the oppisite side of where the shuttles were, to where Akira's motercycles were held. Nightwolf silently followed Gambler, sticking to the shadows.

Soon after, Nightwolf watched Gambler steal one of Akira's prized motercycles. Nightwolf pressed a button on his wrist, and his 'Wing was summoned. Hopping on the wing Nightwolf followed Gambler staying far enough behind so that he would not be noticed.

Hours later, Gambler finally stopped, they had arrived at a secret complex. it was one that Nightwolf recognized. This was where the Hidden Lotus was keeping Talon. Nightwolf floated above and heard an exchange between Gambler and the guards.


"You recognize me no?"

"SIR YES SIR. We weren't expecting you sir. I should call Mr. Overdrive and get clearance sir."

"Yes my friend, you could do dat. And then you could explain to him why your bothering him with such a trivial matter while his on a mission."

They continued on for a bit until Gambler said "And what are the odds on her escaping tonight?" and promptly slaughtered all of the guards. This was unexpected, but Nightwolf was not surprised, Gamblers personal agenda was much more important to him then any team, Nightwolf had learned this over with his time with the man. Nightwolf watched as the scene unfolded, waiting for Gambler to notice him...
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#35  Edited By The_Ghostshell
“Are…..Are…a….are..y…you…Are you Hu…un….Hunter?” asked the visibly shaken Talon. Catching Gambler off guard causing him to pause briefly before extending his hand towards her. "Yeah chere, of course it tis. Now come on we don't have much time."  But no sooner had the Master of Manipulation finished his sentence then the deadly half demon Sparda arrived with reinforcements at the ready. "Hey, french fry! If I knew you were gonna show up, I would've prepared a better welcoming party for you. As it is, it's just me.....and you. Girl doesn't count for much, I don't think, unless she can dance."

Gambler simply smiled at the insult, all the while keeping his eyes focused on Sparda while using his arm to keep Talon behind him. Her body trembling. Not from fear, but from something else. "Keep dem pretty little claws in, le petit." he whispered to her without turning to look. Meanwhile Sparda stood tall across the room with his hand already positioned behind his back, his fingers tightly wrapped around the hilt of his sword. Waiting for Gambler to make his play, and the Cajun didn't disappoint. Instantly flashing his hands forward in an attempt to whip Sparda backwards using his telekinesis. He then hurried Talon back into her cell while with a quick flick of his wrist producing a kinetically charged card which he fired into the control station. Damaging the cell doors locking mechanism as he sealed Talon and himself inside.

"Cover up" he said with a smirk as he pulled Talon's hood over her face. In one smooth an effortless motion Gambler swung his arm in a sideways motion releasing several destructive cards from his sleeve. Each one leaving a trail of kinetic energy in the air behind them. Causing a massive explosion as they made contact with the wall. Blowing out the back of the cell allowing a cold gust of frigid night air to sweep in. "Bet he didn't see that coming eh chere?" laughed Gambler. 'Lets go"

Even though Talon's memory was fading her skills and abilities were on point. As she showed be passing the speedy Cajun as they dashed towards the facility's barbwire fence. Machinegun fire raining down on them as snipers took aim. Pelting the ground with bullets to no avail. Weaving in and out of one another Talon and Gambler displayed their superhuman reaction timing before bypassing the fence with some stylish parkour.Barely leaving any tracks as they disappeared into the woods. But Gambler knew the Hunter would be able to pick up their trail, no matter how well hid they may be, and he was counting on it.

The higher into the mountains they went, the worse the unforgiving conditions increased. Talon's natural ability to heal coupled with her feral nature sheltered her from the cold. Gambler on the other hand was freezing yet continued to maintain his composure, continually gathering pieces of wood as he led Talon to a nearby cave. It was no coincidence. The King of Kings had scouted the area prior to his betrayal and had selected the cave for his upcoming confrontation with the Lycan leader Hunter. After building a small fire there was little left to do cept wait. However as the fire's shimmering light reflected off Talon's face Gambler could clearly see that this former prisoner was nothing more then a child. Younger then his own daughter even.

Try as he might to push the guilt from his mind he couldn't help but feel ashamed. Using the young on as a pawn in another one of his nefarious plots was beneath even him. Yet his burning desire for revenge kept his hatred warm and he would bring the Hunter down no matter the cost. "Have you ever thought about giving dis all up? Trying to be a normal girl? A normal person?" he questioned. Forgetting that he was playing the role of the Greystoke legend, in Talon's eyes, the line of questioning seemed oddly out of character.

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#36  Edited By talon_x23

She soon noticed the dead body’s around her. Blood all over all dead. She knew who killed them though she could almost imagine his movement in her mind. He was a brilliant fighter. Deadly and not a good enemy and she was glad that she was not the enemy. Though at the moment she could not tell his motives not yet at least. The man then spoke to her with a strong French ascent that made her listen.  "Yeah chere, of course it tis. Now come on we don't have much time."

She eyed him a moment as if scanning for something though she did not know what. Wrapping his cloak tightly around her person she continued to shiver and did her best to remain still. Her black hair hung down the sides of her face. She honestly had no clue what was going on though she intended to find out what. There was an icy breeze that chilled her to the bone. Looking around in the middle of the wilderness she could detect three scents one was the man standing beside her the other was hers and the last was some one coming to her location. And he was coming fast. From the smell of him he was no human many odd features and definitely powered some way or another. Though his powers she could not figure out. He was dangerous she knew that she looked over to the man nervously though his demean did not alter in any way.

At that point she decided something. He had saved her life by helping her escape that man who had entrapped her here. Why he helped her she did not know. But he obviously knew her to have rescued her meaning he possibly could be Hunter though she was not the type to trust with out doubt. Weather or not he was Hunter  she owed him her life and her freedom. She was a girl with not much to hold onto but honor she cared about. And in these type of situations there was only one thing that was right and she would do it. She entrusted her life with him he saved her and she was in his debt she was in a way under his word and command. And because of this she would protect him to no end. Her life was in his hands and she would do every thing in her power to protect him even to the point of death. It might have seemed drastic but she did not care one bit. It was what she could do. While in that cell she had seen things about herself that she thought vicious but she was a dangerous person and could protect those she chose to.

Finally she recognized the scent and the name filled her with anger though she could not fully identify why? His name was Sparada though nothing more she could remember of him. There was anger great anger towards him. Hew as the one who imprisoned her she could tell her scent was all over him. Meaning that once before she had engaged in battle with this man. In obviously she had lost and he had won. That know to her she expected the same thing to occur he was a deadly opponent though from the look of things this was not her fight and she was to remain out of it. Though that was the last thing she wanted to do though any how she would comply. He then bellowed addressing the her rescuer and herself.

 "Hey, French fry! If I knew you were gona show up, I would've prepared a better welcome party for you. As it is, it's just me.....and you. Girl doesn't count for much, I don't think, unless she can dance." She could hear herself growling and did not care. She was going to rip his throat out then run her claws through his skull but making sure he’d surer. Then she’d bite his leg and bulge out his eyes but always making sure that he was not dead so he could endure the suffering. After his eyes she’d jab her claws into his mouth and slice his tongue off and then lips. The blood by this time she guessed would have been pouring out meaning an easy fill. And she could just almost imagine the screams and cries that he would have given out. Then she’d cut his legs and arms off and leave his dying corps here in the wilderness for it to be devoured by wild animals.

At this point Laura realized how messed up her mind was. She could visualize it all his death how she would commit it  how he’d fight back and how she’d counter act his attacks! This scared her the most what…..who was she. Looking at her hands she could see that they had lost color and blood continued to drip from them. Though looking at both Sparada and the man she noticed that neither of them appeared to be cold. This could have had many reasons but the one she came to was that something was wrong with her and she was not cold but hot. Burning up she had a fever that was why she had mild chills and heat ups. She was sick though pushing her needs aside she went back to the main issue. “Survival”. 

But just when she wanted to attack he placed his hand out toward her stopping her from progressing forward. She looked up at him though he did not bother to look back only whispered "Keep dem pretty little claws in, le petit."She hesitated but soon obeyed his instructions and calmed herself. Then her so called protector motioned his hand in attempt to neutralize Sparada. She wanted to jump in and commence in what actions she had planned out. But sadly it was not to be with a quickly posturing and movement they re-entered the cell. It was strange and she did not expect what would happen next. He seemed not the type to be defeated and not the type to run though she tired and tired she could not fully recall Hunter and there for had no way on telling weather what he was doing was in character or not.

Then reaching his hands to her neck her pulled up the hood that was attached to the cloak that he had given her. It felt nice and warm. She was no longer as cold as before and her new attire was very fitting or so she thought.  He then said "Cover up" the man then used his abilities which seemed so numerous and blew the back of the cell wall of. With a smirk  and subtle laugh he commented. “Bet he didn't see that coming eh chere?" she nodded her head in agreement to his words and soon followed him as they ran outward onto open and exposed ground. Dogging the coming fire Laura was not frightened. This all felt natural to her so she went with the flow. Even though when running through enemy turf with a guy wanting you dead and tons of people shooting at you was not suppose to be normal it was at least to her.

And with swift movements she leaped over the fence and followed  “Him” to where ever he was taking her. The weather conditions were harsh and cold though she was not the one suffering. Though her healing factor was still not at full capacity she still was able enough to make her way through the forest and it’s deadly surroundings. Though…Hunter on the other hand she could feel his body temperature dropping and quickly became on edge. Her only thought was him her needed were irrelevant and this situation to her did not matter. His safely she would ensure under any circumstances. As they continued he piled sticks and gave them to her obviously he knew where he was heading and was planning to make a fire. And soon enough a cave came into view and the two travelers sheltered themselves from the naked eye of the storm that was now blowing harsher every minuets.

Once the first was list she sat down and observed the fire. Her emerald eyes staring at it entranced as if waiting for something. Though all the time trying to gain any other memories that she could harness for herself to give her some information about herself and about this man “Hunter”. It was a strange thing when ever she thought of the man she felt combatable and safe even content. So the fact that this man before her could be Hunter was not as far fetched as she wanted it to be. As the first burnt brightly she looked to the mouth of the cave out o the strong snow storm that appeared to be blowing in on them leaving them stranded till the storm would die. The cave was damp and dark. Never the less the fire had dried their position making it cozy enough for either of them to wait it out. Food on the other had would be an issue given how long they’d be there and she took it upon herself to get some.

But before she was able to he then spoke asking her an odd question. "Have you ever thought about giving dis all up? Trying to be a normal girl? A normal person?" the question caught her aback as she stared at him a moment. Then let out a long sigh of pain and spoke “Truly I can not say, since the knowledge of myself and my excursions are limited I only have access to a few of my memories a bit of my past. And of what I have seen it  appears from both the memories and your words that I’m not obviously normal”. She then paused a moment and stared into the fire a moment then continued “But what I know I can say this much, Yes…I have wanted to be normal all my life I’ve always wanted it. Ever since I don’t know when. It had been my one soul goal in life. “

Running her hands through her black velvet locks she stopped and leaned back a moment. Trying to gather more information about herself. “But as all of them I failed, countless times. On the verge of humanity and as you call it being normal I would always fall. No matter what I do no matter where I go one thing always and will ultimately remain the same: They will come for me and take me back”.  “They” even though she did not know who she was referring to was know as HYDRA, SHEILD, The Government and from earth 259 the monsters that had created her The M.S.B.C.U, The Mutant and Superhuman Being Containment Unite. “See sir I am not human not even a girl yes I appear to be one yes I can be one but never actually be a girl. My name is X-23 genetic clone of….of Weapons X, Assassin and Mercenary agent of The Weapon X Facility, created for on purpose and one purpose only: To kill, and I have done that or at least I think I have……Uh!” she moaned in annoyance as the memories if what she had just said she began to loose like all the others.

Bering her face in her hands she draped her hair over her face as to hide the emotions on her face and the tears and were seeping from her eyes. But gathering her composure she suppressed them and spoke though you could have detected the rush of emotions running through her from the resonation that her voice gave off in the caves. “I can never be human! Humanity’s is above me I am a worthless pieces of nothing, you should have left me to die and die in peace with nothing than to take me out here and show me something. I am a monster a murderer a beast I am an Animal with not cage no…nothing holding it back I am a feral wild beast that can never be tamed never be what is wants it o be!!” By this time she was overflowing with pain and regret for things she could not remember doing though knowing she did.

Once again she calmed herself and brushed her hair away to reveal her jade eyes staring t “Hunter”. She took a few deep breaths and looked to see even though there was a fire burning her was still cold and needed covering. So slowly to show no hostility she removed the cloak from her back and walked around to him. The placing her hand son his shoulders she tied the cloak around him fastening it so that no air would enter and he would remain warm though out the night. “Do not mind I do not require any coverage or shelter from the cold”. With that she quickly returned to her seat and spoke “We will need nutrition…..to out live the storm with out it we are not to survive. I shall go out and find something with my feral ability I have a much better chance in finding any source of food for the both of us I just hope that you are not a vegetarian” she said with a slight smirk on her face.

But seeing the concern in his face she noted in and kneeled before him. Looking up into his deep eyes “I am bound to you by honor I have given you my life and I need to repay you. I am in your debt sir and always will you have granted me freedom and life. There for do not fear I shall not desert you.” Then unleashing her claws she wrapped her hand around the blade and slit her hand. Then letting the blood drip on to “Hunters” hand she wiped if off on his palm and looked back at him. “I shall remain true to my word and not betray you”. With that she stood up and walked toward the exit of the cave and peered back at him and smiled “I will return I promise to you”. It was cold and wet and Laura soon found her self fighting against nature. Since she was not healing at normal rate she was cold and could feel that she would not survive. Bt as her luck would have it she found a young stage not to old and not to young and slaughtered the cratered. Then slinging it over her shoulder returned to hr face.

\After a few minuets of dissecting it and cooking it she had prepared a man. Though it was not the best it was all she could cook up at the moment with what she had. But because of the harsh condition part of the deer was inedible and there was only enough for on portion. There for she gave it to him even though her health was not the best it was the least she could do for him. Handing the plate over to him she said “I apologize for the crudeness of this mean but it was the best I could do, though if you wish it I will go out and catch something else.” Looking away a moment she lowed the plate beside him and sighed. “But there is one last thing”. With that she embraced “Hunter” with a hug but it was swift and soon ended. Embarrassment was in her eyes and she was quick to apologize for her action and emotion shown toward him. “I beg you forgiveness sir I was…quick and did not think….but do not worry I shall not let it happen again.”

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#37  Edited By Quality

The flight had been turbulent. Most of it had been with Mark sitting, and when he wanted something, having to wait fifteen minutes for the Stewardess to actually appear. As if that wasn't annoying enough, the plane had to make several stops at various airports for refueling and maintenance checks, amounting in an hour and a half of meaningless frolicking while Mark still sat in the same first class style chair watching countless tar mattes in which he should of seen only once and that was at his destination. After that he had simply replaced his pilot, and had done his stewardess in the slightly larger than small bathroom before throwing her out too. She seemed to like men with money, and he was target number one on her scope. That didn't bother him though, and after finishing, she had been thrown out a minute after having herself dressed, and then the pilot three minutes later.

Within another two minutes of that, a new stewardess and pilot were on the plane, not knowing that they were flying a member of The Hidden Lotus in a THT jet which many people feared simply the name, let alone one of their operators with 'abilities' not very much appreciated by those who became the victimes. However, staying completely silent avoids confrontation about the matter, and with weapons out in plain sight, people don't bother to ask you any questions. Instead they sweat with anxiety knowing that they could be killed just for turning the wrong way at the right time.

After making that one stop in which Mark made the decision to dump the whore and the pilot, the plane had gone simply through. When he asked for something, or asked for the Stewardess at any time she came. No turbulence during the flight, and everything was going good as Mark's private jet entered Germany's airspace. The pilot was playing it cool, specifying that they were dropping off a well-known buisness man for a meeting in Wiesbaden with German and French associates. Upon that small transmition, easy and self-explanatory Mark was allowed within the country.

When the jet was approaching the landing point of where Bullet Ride would be, Mark peered out his window. Still high, he could see two squares, black colored, and around ten dots near eachother. At the height he was in, he couldn't say exactly, but those people, ants from the sky, were waiting for something. Not for his flight, but for something coming soon thereafter. Immediatly Mark jolted to the Pilot's cabin. He told him to wait and circle around the perimeter for awhile. As the man did that, Mark grabbed his swords, strapped them to his back, and then waited near the air-locked door, all the while watching outside to see if any other planes were coming.

Sure enough, a large plane came. Quickly, people were jumping from it, bullets were flaring. It was chaos. Now, Mark knew who it was. It was the Heaven Clan, and to be exact it seeemed they were attacking the squad placed on the ground, presumably waiting for them. "Tick...Tock."  Mark began the noise with his tongue as he whisked open the door. Immediatly rushing air filled the plane, and he couldn't hear anything. it was serenade for someone who would jump out and here screams and bullets a few seconds later. Fear would pit anyone from jumping without a parachute, and even then there could be malfunctions in the parachute which also continued the hype.

Being a professional though, Mark knew what to do without his parachute, and now only five feet in the air, he knew exactly how to stop himself from breaking a arm or leg of skin that he had recently recieved from the wish giver supreme Gloom. As he jumped out, Mark remembered entering the shop, and how he still thought himself Duvan when he naiivishly began the change back into the best mercenary known to man, despite his disappearance, anyone claiming that would need some beef to back it up. Meaning, they'd have to do him in. Mark smiled though, he knew that the malevolant, ominous G'bandit that he worked along side would fight for the title he had grown with using for so long. However, his thoughts still gleamed upon Gloom's shop as he jumped.

 From his innermind, Duvan peered up to see a building. It was floating in midair across the street in front of him, and had the warm, glazing door that wanted you to come in. It looked as if it was placed in the air, but truthfully, it was just suspended there, using fake balance beams to 'make the illusion' that it was actually a normal building. However, Duvan knew from his memory, or the memory he thought he could trust that that had never been there before. Standing, he glanced around. It was emptier than before, as if all the light and sunshine had dipped upon the building. Including that, no people at all, no cars to make a rumbling sound. Just simple silence. It was excellence, just how Quality performed on a mission. In excess silence, performing with pure excellence.

Excellence on the building felt different. As if it was it's own thing, it's very own creation that couldn't be matched. Looking both ways of the road, Duvan slowly stepped across it. As he did, he remained slow to see if a car would come and to see if this was just his imagination. As he neared the other side of the road, where the building was located, Duvan knew this was real. This floating building, as if timeless, was a true moving being of it's own. The door itself was carved of mohogony wood, and the building looked as if made of wood and cement, yet gave it's own forebading glow as if it had been made of some non-earthly methods.

Walking towards the door, now feeling like it was calling to him. Duvan began to wonder about it. Why is this here? Of all places. The purpose? Does it remain here to help those who are lost like me? Or not? Did I draw this from my own, vivid imagination in a mind that I cannot trust? I am dreaming. That's the only possible solution. I'll fall off this cliff, end up thrity nine feet to the ground and will feel like an idiot. Then as cars pass, they'll ignore me before someone notices me and frantically calls nine one one one thinking I'm dead. I know this will happen... or am I' just imagining this now?

He couldn't hold back. As he reached for the mohogony door, he touched the handle. A pulsating jolt reached at him, grabbing his body from another realm, or the one that he was in. Holding his hand for a moment, Duvan closed his eyes. The blue lights flashed in his head, like in his dreams. Turning the knob, Duvan pushed the door open. Seeing into the room, he walked in. Walking a few steps forwards, the door slammed shut behind him. He felt as if he was in a world he knew nothing of. Despite that he managed to glance around the room. It was warm and glossy, giving the essense of a home. A home to help those in need at first.

But as a person looked around, they instinctivly thought that it was a place to wish. A wishing well of wishes to be exact. As Duvan turned his head around the room, his head aligned with his right shoulder as he saw her. She was pretty, almost beautiful, yet ominious which took you slightly back. She had a smile on her face, and near her seemed to be some sort of dog, but it didn't seem to be there. Duvan thought it was a ghost. But, with more notice, it looked like a being of the wind. Free and pride, the dog reminded him of something in his past, but his mind was locked from it.

Astonishment settled. Duvan began to regain his composure, and after closing his open mouth, he clenched it. Standing up straight, he walked faintly over to the woman, who seemed young, but not as young as him. As he stood before her, and she before him, her just being behind a desk that resembled a table, he couldn't muster the words. Yet, she nodded towards him, encouraging him to speak. For some reason, she seemed like a lost long parent, who knew from the looks that you were confused but used their instincts to comfort you in your dearest needs. The spirit, now resembling a fox from up close, wasn't as nice though. It growled, but upon sniffing him, backed away allowing the woman to get ahold of Duvan's attention.

"I'm Duvan."

He didn't know what to say after that, though he continued.

" Who are you?... What is this place?"

That was the basic analysis of course. Now, he still continued to muster some words.

" The house... It's warm and appreciative... I don't understand.. What am I doing here?"

He was embarressed for letting that last part slip out. If she knew why he was here, than he obviously knew why he was here too. However, just the sheer magnificance of the air was confusing him, and astonishment was returning as he peered again at the supernatural apparition of the fox. After a few moments he returned his gaze to the woman, trying to comprehend the meaning of the shop, which seemed out of worldly but still a human creation.
End Flashback

As that moment in time flashed before his eyes, Mark began his ascent towards the ground before him. Sommersaulting was the easiest part of it all, the roll once you hit the ground could be the depending factor if you broke a bone or if you landed magnificently. In this case, Mark being trained well, he rolled three feet before impact. He hit the ground with his back at first, causing dust to pile before actually dispersing as he rolled a few feet. Standing, he smiled. The whole group had been obliterated, and Mark was now standing in a desolate place, a lone soldier running for his life as Bullet Ride let him seemingly go.

" I'm here Bullet. Quality reporting for duty. Killed one."

Within mere seconds, Mark doned one of his two pistols. Aiming it lightly, he shot. The bullet spiraled through the air, and then the soldier running was dead. Falling face forward into the ground, the man had barely a moment to think after the bullet came. Now dead, the body wasn't going to move ever again. Only the blood pouring from it would actually move, but that was it for the still, non-animated body with no leading essense. Finally though, Mark was reunited with his Clan, who although didn't admit it, needed a Lethal Weapon as they needed a strong, bright leader.

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#38  Edited By G'bandit

Somewhere in Asia

Hidden inside the immensity of the stealth mode red brotherhood’s sentinel, the Bandit, Albany and P. Rain stand vigilant hovering above the hidden lotus base in Japan. “Have anyone detected our presence?” questions the sexy merc to his right hand officer P. Rain. “No.. I do good equipment, boss. We created Tiny’s stealth mode to avoid all radar detection including, sonic or thermal. We had to be very cautious or else everyone could fallow us in this gigantic machine.” replied Rain.

“Good, lets keep it that way.” rejoined the king of mercenaries.

The mercenary then grabbed his alibi, the invitation he had been given to the hidden lotus and place it in his pocket. “I’m ready” said the mercenary as he ready to bail out of the Sentinel. “So, why don’t we just blow up the place again? I mean other than the girl been in there.” question P. Rain as she looks at the mercenary. “Well, other than the package probably been inside the base, you never know, maybe a more personal approach may come more beneficial. Beside maybe some day they'll contract me and I wanna get to know the place and see if they have cocoa.” responded the mercenary to his co-captain. But P. Rain was in disbelieve, after all she knew Bandit very well. “Yeah.. Right. You just want a challenge, don’t you?” she questioned, to which the merc chuckled “Correct”

Albany sigh worried about the merc’s decisions “This trill seeking of yours one day is going to get you killed Band, mark my words.” The mercenary simply shrugs and replied “Well, I had a good run.. But that’s creepy coming from you; been a banshee and Death’s Child and all that.. Anyway, goodbye!” The merc then in a step fort he jets from inside the Sentinel and phases through its surface as he is launch through the skies all the way to the grounds, the merc rolled as he landed against the floor and wasting no time he sped up against the first two guard who died a clean silent death by the scimitar of the Bandit. “Now to get rid of the evidence.” Bandit then placed his hand on the ground and used his phasing ability to make the ground swallow the two guards seven feet bellow the earth.

Bandit then heard the noise of an incoming vehicle and swiftly he laid back against the edge of the gate. The mercenary’s triple fiver armor suit quickly merge with the darkness and became invisible to the naked eye. The Bandit peaks from the edge just to witness a chase between two individuals. Bandit reach to his ear pieces and reports it to his co captain. “P. we got two bogeys exiting the premises.” “I’m on it” responded Albany. “Was that Albany who replied, P.?” ask Bandit curious.  “Yeah, she is flying off the Sentinel and chasing the bogeys via hyper flight.” responded P Rain. “Isn’t that weird..” said Bandit before addressing the commonly quiet girl of the group. “Albany, stake out only. Go after them but do not get involve, I repeat, do not get involve. I think I know the guy on the Kawasaki and he is bad news” bossed the mercenary. “Roger.” rejoined Albany.

The mercenary of greatness using his phasing ability he walks backwards through the wall and came out from the other side. Using his X-ray night vision he could see two sentinels scouting the area.  ”How’s my perimeter, P?” he ask his eyes above. “Well other than those two before you there are pretty much all over.” replied P. Rain. “I wonder why that is.” ask himself the bandit joking around as he unleashed his scimitar. “Well maybe because we’re not suppose to be here.” said P. Rain. “Yeah, that’s probably why..” rejoin the mercenary as he grabbed his scimitar in reverse grip readies to start the slaughter.

 P. Rain was looking through the screen on the Sentinel as watching all the perimeter with Tiny’s radar. The area clears out and P. Rain turn on the green light for the bandit. “OK, when ever you are ready Band. Just try to avoid the surveillance.” “I’ll try but I can’t promise you anything, babe.” The mercenary uses his super speed and jets against a first guard chopping his head off instantly with his scimitar. He notice another guard had spotted him and reaching for his belt, in a blink of an eye, the mercenary launches a boomerang which is nailed to the guard’s forehead. “Oh,no. Band! Great way to keep a low profile!” The boomerang explodes splattering the guard all over the ground. The explosion alerted the guard all around the location. “Uhh, I forgot that those explode. Sorry about that, P.” The mercenary then reach to his belt and grabbed his grappling gun then like a ghost he is pulled away from the place. The guards never saw his presence.

Bandit was now on the roof watching as the guards speaking a foreign language they all scatter around searching for the intruder. "Hurry up and get out of there." "I've been in worse situations sweetheart." said the Bandit as he ran through the rooftop and phases though the ceiling down to a hallway. "Oh crap.." Bandit had landed in tough grounds as he notice several guards stopping right before him, the clicking sound of loading guns fill the room as they aim their guns at the sexy speedster. "We got him, Is that terrorist from America." reported one of the guards. "How the hell did he find this place?" Bandit raising his hand above his head, close to his katanas, he replies to the man's question. "Son.. I'm the king of all mercenaries, did you expect any less?"

  Suddenly the sound of unleashing blades filled the room along with the cry of agony from the several men as the speeding demon's slaughter the surrounding guards painting the hallway red as his katanas sliced away the muscles limb by limb.

 Covered by the strangers' blood and surrounded by a floor full of limbs. Arms, legs, torsos, heads all over the mercenary slowly stepped fort walking on the blood pool that filled the floors with red. Only one armless man survived.. For a purpose. The mercenary walk toward the agonizing man and putting his blade under the man's chin he asks "Where's your leader?"

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#39  Edited By The Hunter

The Lycan King had united such clans as the Navajo Skin Walkers, the Corvinus Lycans, and much more.  He had not known how many of his own kind still remained in the world, and it was somewhat disturbing when he found out how many of his kind were still in existence.  Whether they were being hunted down or simply dying in battle, the lycan race had less than two thousand scattered across the globe.  When William Greystoke assumed the kingship, he changed.  His abilities were somewhat heightened and he was suddenly able to telepathically locate lycans all over the world.  By unifying the groups under one leader, he had perhaps saved the race from extinction....

Canadian Rockies - 2 Days After the Ascension

Three hundred of Lucian's best soldiers accompanied the Hunter into the Canadian Rockies to retrieve what was his.  They were all armed to the teeth.  Hand-picked and taught by Lucian himself, each member was several hundred years old and possessed a vast knowledge of combat, weaponry, and tactics.  While most remained in their human form, some of them had already transformed into their lycan state and were on the move.  Like ghosts, the lycan army moved silently through the trees in a widespread formation as they were closing in on the compound of the treacherous Sparda.

At last, the group reached the compound.  In an unbelievably organized military fashion, the lycan hunters set up a perimeter outside the area, scouted the defenses, then reported back to Greystoke with a complete analysis.  The stench of betrayal lingered in the air as Sparda's scent became pungent.  William grit his teeth and let out a low growl as the odor filled his nostrils.  Hidden in the trees, he watched the base like a hawk.  The Hunter's magnificent golden eagle Samson flew overhead, scouting as well.  Soon, the wolves would be at Sparda's door and he would indeed pay for his treachery.  Yet, more than he wanted revenge, Greystoke just wanted to get Talon back safely.  She was inside and soon they would be reunited once again.

The king's earpiece suddenly activated as one of his lycan brethren said, "Sir, there seems to be a disturbance.  There was an explosion followed by large amounts of gunfire.  Shall we attack my lord?"

Indeed, William's keen ears picked up the explosion and gunfire.  "Talon...." he thought to himself.  Then, snapping out of it, he ordered, "Affirmative!  Move out now!"

With that, all units were ordered to attack.  Racing up to the wall, lycans silently leaped up over it and started to make their way towards defenders.  Gunfire could be heard as one detachment broke out into a firefight with Sparda's troops.  Another group transformed and engaged in hand-to-hand combat.  Amidst the sounds of lycans roaring and howling, grown men screaming and crying out, blasts of gunfire, and utter chaos, an all-out battle was taking place and the bodies were beginning to pile up.

William Greystoke leaped up onto the wall along with his fellow lycans, had drawn his bow, and was shooting down Sparda's troops in every direction.  Suddenly, he picked up yet another familiar scent in the air and it belonged to none other than Jean-Luc LeBeau.  William's eyes widened and he put away his bow.  The scents of Sparda, Gambler, and Talon were all coming from the same direction now.  The Hunter then drew his sword and raced toward the direction of the scents.  Raze and several other lycans followed him while the battle raged on below.

As he ran, Greystoke hacked and slashed his way through the onslaught.  Nothing would stop him from saving Talon.  Two of Sparda's troops came out and fired their assault rifles at William.  The bullets struck him hard, but he would not be taken down so easily.  With the bullets lodged in his chest cavity, the Greystoke legend kept running.  Then, with a precise swing of his blade, he decapitated both men.  Pausing for a moment, the Hunter closed his eyes and began to concentrate.  With his muscles tensed, he was able to "sweat out the bullets in his chest and they dropped to the ground.  After healing, he was back on the trail.

Finally William, Raze, and the other lycans came to an area which controlled the holding cells.  However, the guards were already dead.  After examining the remains, the Hunter was able to tell that it was the work of a sword and not of Talon's adamantium claws.  He had no idea who could have done such a thing.  Yet, hope was kindled as William realized that Laura was probably still alive.  After checking the cells and still not finding Talon, his suspicions were confirmed.  Indeed, she was still alive; but who had rescued her?  Sniffing the air, he picked up Talon's scent.... with the scent of Gambler right behind her.

As the Hunter and the other lycans followed the scent, they finally reached one of the targets.... Sparda.  Several of Sparda's men lay dead at his feet and a large explosion had occurred in that area.  Suddenly, the scent of Talon filled the Hunter's nostrils yet again; but this time it was fading away as if it were disappearing into the distance.  With it was the scent of Gambler.  Turning to Sparda with an enraged look in his eye, William leaped with amazing speed and landed on top of Sparda, grabbed him by the neck, then slammed him against the wall.

"You traitorous DOG!" Greystoke roared.  With that, he suddenly extracted the adamantium claws on his right hand and held them up under Sparda's chin and let out a fierce growl.  "Where is she?!" he demanded.  Before, Sparda could even answer, the Hunter retracted his claws and broke off in a run towards Talon's scent.  While four lycans all aimed their assault rifles and shotguns at Sparda, Raze and the other lycans raced after William.

Like a man losing his senses, the Hunter had left Sparda and was running after Talon's scent.  However, he was stopped when Raze yelled out, "My lord!  We need you HERE!"  The rest of the three hundred lycans were still fighting Sparda's forces.  If William deserted them just to find Talon, they would be left without a leader.  The Hunter stopped in his tracks at the words of Raze.  Then, looking up toward the darkening sky, he let out a loud roar of frustration.  Turning back, the King of the Lycan Underworld then raced back towards the battle to finish what he started.

However, William Greystoke would find Laura one way of another.  Those responsible for this would pay.  Indeed, they would pay....
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#40  Edited By Sparda

The tricky Gambler had used his telekinesis and flung Sparda backwards, down the hallway. The demon-hunter was thrown off his feet, but he reacted fast enough and flipped backwards to land right side up. He slid a few extra feet before coming to a stop. During this, the Cajun had locked himself in the secure room, along with Talon. Moments later, an explosion rung out. Sparda had caught on to what was happening and he knew it was too late.

"A french man running from a fight? Glad to see nothing's new.....", he chuckled at his own offensive joke.

Suddenly, gunfire broke out, ringing in the night. He walked back to the main entrance and looked out the window's. His men, outnumbered, were being rushed by an army of werewolves. Both sides were losing numbers, but for now the battle had only just begun.

"This is more like it!", he grinned. A small group had broken through his lines and rushed to the main doors. "That's right.....come to papa...."

The outer walls collapsed, half a dozen beasts rampaging through them. The dozen or so men in the main corridor fired, doing their best to defend themselves. One of them was instantly pounced upon, and another was backhanded so hard into a wall that he was out instantly. Yet, they were not hopelessly outmatched. One of the wolves was ganged by three men and gunned down, writhing on the floor. Another was fended off.

Sparda calmly walked into the main corridor, drawing one of his pistols. He fired rapidly, still moving forward. Four bullets entered one Lycan soldier's head, spraying brains against the white floor. He turned and put another two into's one's chest before he was suddenly knocked to the floor. His pistol slid from his hand. The figure lifted him off of his feet and slammed him so hard against the wall that cracks tore into it. Hunter.

"You traitorous DOG!", he screamed. "Where is she?!"

Slowly, Sparda reached behind his back to his other pistol. "Down, boy....."

Then, for no apparent reason at all, Hunter released him. Sparda dropped to the floor, and the werewolf broke off in a run. Some of his men took off after him-four stayed around the demon with weapons levelled. One yelled at him.

"Drop your weapon!"

He was all to happy to comply. As he lowered his weapon to the floor, he fired off a pulse of dark energy. It surged over the ground radially, and threw the four soldier's off their feet. Before they could land, Sparda made his move. He dashed forward, drawing his sword. As he blew past all four soldiers, he slashed, cutting them to pieces. Stopping just past them, it was like time had stopped momentarily and then had kicked back in. All four men split apart in mid-air simultaneously and blood exploded into the air and onto the walls and floors.

He picked up both pistols and holstered them, stepping over the remains of his men and the Lycans in the room. One of them was recovering from his wounds. Sparda drew and shot him in the head without stopping, and then holstered his weapon again. He pushed out the doors and looked outside. It was chaos.

About two-hundred men did battle with many more werewolves, both transformed and not. He looked around, and sighed. He didn't have the time to take care of all of them, not with Talon loose. And since most of them were Hunter's men, and Gambler had defected, he felt that if there was ever a appropriate to use it, it'd be now.

"Eh, what the hell. Devil Trigger!"

Two rings of white light appeared around his arms, and worked their way down up the limbs. Everything they passed turned to light as well, and once they reached his torso they merged, and expanded vertically, both up and down. Blinding light erupted out of where Sparda had stood just moments before, and then, an explosion occured. Smoke and dust covered the battlefield. For just a few moments, some of the combatants stopped fighting, confused as to the origins of the explosion.

The cloud was dense, and slow to fall. With the sound of a sword being drawn from it's sheathe, a blue visor's light appeared. The smoke cleared. Eleven feet tall, Sparda stood, converted fully into his true demon form. A giant, armored from head to toe in a black and gray metal. He carried a massive, transformed version of his own sword, proportionally correct to his own increased size. His hands could hold a fully grown man in them. Something that sounded vaguely like a roar erupted from the helmet. Hell had just been raised.

Swinging his blade, he caught ten soldiers, just as many his own as there were Lycans, and sent them hurtling into the air. He began his assault on the battlefield, firing off beams of energy and attacked everything in sight. Despite his decreased intelligence and increased beastiality due to his transformation, he remembered Hunter, and Gambler, and Talon-and would do all in his power to crush them. The battle had just begun.

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#41  Edited By Sylver


     "You will most likely, if not definatly, die within the next half hour or less.  It will tear you apart, not with its teeth, since it has none, but with its needle-thread like barbs that line the mouth.  They will enter your skin, burrow into your bones and lace with the marrow.  Tiny, living creatures of demonic poison will then spread through your being, eating you alive--tearing apart every blood vessel and vein as they go.  Eventually, you will, if you're like every one else, tear out your eyes with your fingernails until your heart gives out from the pain and spasms that your mind cannot understand.  So, in general, all your hard-earned training of the past ten years will come to an end here, at a very poinless, painful, excrusiating death in the hands of madness itself.  Ooookay.....any questions?"
     The captain who'd just spoken at a mile-a-minute stared into the eyes of the group he'd been left in charge with, burning into their retinas as if the small, packed sweat house wasn't hot enough.  He was a huge man, muscle bound with short cut black hair, a near opposite of most Elvin courterparts.  Expecially his attitude: far too relaxed and non-caring.  As long as he was paid, and entertained by their impending doom, it probably didn't matter if they went out screaming. It was just protocall to let them know that there was no turning back.  Stupid...really, really stupid.
     At least, that's what Sylver thought.  She sat cross-legged on the floor and leaned against the earth-wall.  They were literally in a prison of sorts, barred in until they got out alive.  The "informing" room was only large enough for about twenty people; there were fifty soldiers all together, and they'd been in there for two hours awaiting the general that would let them in to see the demon after it was summoned.  
     Sylver glanced to her right.  A few men were biting their lips, nervous...perhaps terrified.  They aught to be, Sylver thought while rolling her eyes, we're only going against a demon to get our jobs at the Capital.  No biggy...maybe they'll have a survivor this year...since the last ten haven't been so lucky.  Maybe Captain Hook'll even have dinner while watching us be eaten from the inside-out.  Gee, I've always wanted to be remembered somehow, but this is just soooo flattering.  Maybe--
     "Agent Zerre, are you intelligent enough to answer my question or has the fear already erroded your mind?" 
     Sylver looked up, slowly, green eyes impatient and sarcastic.  If the Captain had actually been serious, she might've addressed him properly, but his querky grin and beady black eyes shut her respect off faster than he could talk.  
     "Yes, Sir.  I'm completely petrified...not a bone in my body that isn't scared silly about being turned into Saturday's midday meal.  Perhaps you could rivit my troop once more on how it is that we kill this demon.  Oh wait...crazy me, you didn't tell us, did you?  We just the funny slaughter house of uniformed, trained soldiers."  Her mouth rambled off without a second thought.  Something was wrong with this test...her entire being told her to run now, something was wrong with this guy.  But why? It was just a test....right?   Just an application to the job... 
     The Captain almost answered, but was interrupted by a booming, roar.  "Soldier! Stand to attention!" 
     Awwww....dang.  Sylver was on her feet, saluting the now-arriving general.  His long, silver hair was pulled into a tight braid, showing off that his one ear was missing.  His thin, black armor showed that he was from the Capital.  He walked up to Sylver, nose to nose, and narrowed his eyes.  
     "Tell me, soldier, why it is that you can't keep your big mouth shut in front of a commanding officer?" 
     Sylver inched her face back slightly...what was that smell? Ashes...no, rotten eggs?  Aw, Crap.  Sylver's eyes nearly glazed over.  How had she been so stupid.  "Well, you see, Sir, if he wasn't a spawn of Hell itself, I might consider doing just that."
     The General and the Captain both began chuckling.  "I'm sure that his lectures haven't exactly thrilled you, Soldier, but there's no need to be disrespectful to that extent.  Now, hold yourself together, you'll get to meet that demon in a minute."  
     Sylver's thin lips formed a smirk; no wonder they'd left them in this room so long, to lose focus and become dull.  She glanced to the men around her.  In about twenty seconds flat, they'd all be dead.  Boy...good thing I don't know any of 'em. Sylver remarked miserably.  She looked back to the General.
     "Too late, Sir. I've already met two."  She said, flatly.  Her hand that wasn't saluting was slowly reaching for her knife.
     With a sideways crack of his neck, the General's eyes turned parchment yellow; black stringy needles began growing out of his lips.
     "Well then, I hope you're ready." His voice became high-pitched and vibrating.  Sylver kept her eyes on him, but noted her surroundings.  No windows, not any room to run, one door; an Elvin soldier shut the door....ok, no door.  Awwww...heck...I hate test days.
     The General-demon hissed through the pin-like teeth.  "You should've trusted your instincts deary...now we will drag you to Hell with usssss."  A tail emerged from with in the armor, that now plastered to his body as greasy scales.  "Can you face the unstopable Elf?  Can you defy the impossible?  When you're cornered and there's no solution before you, what do you do?"  
     Sylver gripped her knife.  She could feel her heart pounding, adrenaline rushed through her.  The demons crouched, ready to feast. The other soldiers were huddling in terror. She smirked.  "Get creative." 
     The demon lunged.

--Wolf Pack Scotland Base--

     Awww...dang!  The explosion of light sent Sylver flying to the other end of the circle...again.  The Death Adders zoomed towards her like a cloud of hungry locusts as the earth shuttered and cracked.  Sylver crouched, her fangs barred.  She hated men that couldn't keep their dirty mouths to themselves, the ones that thought they were above everything.  Her Staff glowed in her hand.  Everything but death.
     So he was a magician of sorts...the Dark Art sorts.  Sylver held her Staff in front of her as a sheild as the ground in front of her shot up like daggers.  Red light burst from the cracks, frying a few of the Death Adders in the process.  She hated Dark Arts magicians....demons got their power from the same sorce.  The Staff became engulfed in a white light as she began chanting in Elvish, talking small steps backwards.
     But she'd killed demons before, heck, it was her life.  This--man, would be no different.  He would not reach the mansion, and she WOULD tear out his heart.  Darkchild's earthquake shattered the ground below her; she levitated higher.  Looking down, still chanting, Sylver could see nothing but the red light, formed in mist and lava, with burning, boiling hands grasping out from within it.  Screams of agony and pain tore through the air, causing Sylver-- dead, unmoveable Sylver, to shutter.  
     A portal to Hell...how fitting, saves me the trouble of opening one myself, She mused.  As the spell neared completion, she placed the Staff's end on her chest, and turned it like one turns a key in a lock.  Her eyes glowed white.  
     "So, you think I know nothing of magics?"  The Death Adders swarmed around her, and some began biting at her leg.  She ignored the pain.  Pain was nothing; pain could be shut off.  It was a simple fear, and all fear could be overcomed.  That was the point of the demon test; to overcome fear in the face of near-impossible death.  Sylver finished the incantation.  How she had killed the demons?....she'd ripped their "teeth" out and poisoned each of them.  Get creative....
     Sylver could feel the Staff's power pulsing in her hand like a living organism, ready to fight.  Her teeth shone in the brilliant white light bursting from the Staff's crystal.  "Well, let's re-educate you.  Never test an Elf on her knowledge of magics...fool, I was there when some of it was created!!!"
     " *inger lumia* "  It was barely above a whisper, yet it breached the boundaries of the supernatural realm.  There was a demonic presence near her...making her Staff the perfect receiver of some angelic assistance.  Like a lightning rod in a lake, if you stick it in the air, lightning will come, and destroy any fish in the lake.  Sylver felt the energy sapping from her spirit; she ground her teeth, but would not give in.  This had to be done.  The Angel Fire would release--
     An unearthly shimmer burst from the Staff's crystal, burning the ground within the fire circle, cealing the crevices and searing the Death Adders.  Then if disappeared, the world as dark as it was before.  Sylver pointed her Staff towards Darkchild.  "Here, fishy, fishy , fishy..." She hissed in a creepy fashion that echoed in the stillness.  A bolt of fire streaked through the air aimed at Darkchild's heart.  

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#42  Edited By Akwa

Akwa watched the battle with interest. The group of soldiers he had been leading had disappeared off somewhere, maybe to fight someone else. He didn't know and he didn't particulary care. So he was leaning by one of the walls of the Scotland Fort watching his teammate Sylver and Darkchild fight it out. Darkchild...

He had not seen Darkchild for some time. He wondered how the old perv was doing. Pretty well for himself actually. He seemed to be holding his own against Sylver, their opposing magics clashing in a general orgy of destruction. He knew for a fact that Darkchild was a fairly skilled practictioner of the Dark Arts and Sylver seemed pretty good at whatever the hell she called her magic.

Akwa didn't particulary like magic. No real reason, he just didn't. It wasn't because he didn't understand it. The very concept of magic just seemed...wrong. He had seen wizards manipulate water with sorcery before. That had seemed almost blasphemous to him. When had magic done anything for him? The last time he was involved in some, he had ended up with a bunch of ghosts following him around.

And that's why he hadn't jumped in immediately to help Sylver. That wasn't the only reason though. Akwa's team spirit had always been somewhat lagging behind everyone elses. Oh, he would help her, sure. But she looked like she was doing fine without assistance. Besides, he liked Darkchild more than he liked Sylver, who he had never really talked to. Darkchild had always seemed like a nice enough chap, in his own roundabout way. Too bad that they were on opposing teams.

He watched with interest as the Star Child- I mean Darkchild used his powers to open a portal. A rush of tiny little things poured out, wriggling along on the ground. Most of them headed for Sylver but a one of them, sensing him, moved toward him.

With a complete disregard of personal safety, he picked one of them up.

"A Demon Snake!, " he cried out. "You would make such a good pet. You're a good buy aren't you, yes you are, yes you are."

He was lapsing into the baby talk that people often use to talk to pets when the Death Adder hissed and buried it's fangs into his arm. With a yelp, he dropped the demon snake on the ground. An odd tingling feeling started to go up his arm.

"Bad Demon Snake! Very bad! You're not man's best friend at all are you?"

He ignored the weird feeling in his arm and picked  the Death Adder up by it's tail.

"I can't stay mad at you! You're so cute, with your evil fangs and you're glowing red eyes. I should keep you."

With those words he managed to stuff the minor demon-thing into one of the many pockets that were cunningly hidden in his costume. He looked back over at the fight. Sylver had some funky glowing staff thing and was burning the rest of the Death Adders. He began to run towards the fight.

"No! No! Don't kill the snakes, they're so-" His words were cut off as the Death Adder in his pocket stuck out its head and tried to bite him again. By the time he had crammed it back in, it was too late. All of the Death Adders he could see had been destroyed. His heart sank. "Oh."

Standing very close to the fight he watched as Sylver directed a blast of flame at her foe.

I should probably be more helpful.

With that thought in mind, he decided he should probably pitch in, make some sort of contribution. But he felt lazy and he really wasn't sure if he should go to the effort of actually going into the battle. Wait...he had other people to fight for him! A whole bunch of them!
 But he had lost his super-soldiers.

Why not make your own?

With a wave of his hands, Akwa summoned several large balls of water hovering in mid-air. They quickly shaped themselves into roughly humanoid shapes. Long, sharp claws of ice speared out from their arms and with a click of his fingers, they were covered in icy armour as well.

"Go!" he commanded him. "Go and kill that fellow over there. Not that one, the one fighting the chick."

With those words, his elementals closed in on Darkchild, firing water blasts and slashing with their claws.

He telepathically sent a message to Sylver.

"Sylver! Need any assistance?"

Creating minions to do his bidding. He should've thought of this a long time ago.

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#43  Edited By Ronnin
Treading through some frozen wilderness, deep with in the U.S.'s neighbor to the north. His face, hair and the cape that draped over his body was covered in a thin layer of frost. "Oh this is just great, how do I always end up in these type of situation. I could have stayed home worked on my book report, that's due in a few day. But no I chose go out and look for some street urchins, that ended up getting me caught by some government agency. And now I'm stuck looking for some guy in the middle of balls freezing nowhere. To be apart of a team I never heard of, Ugh!" Franklin loudly complained to himself, while been reaching for hours now. Though his face was sheeted in frost the rest of his body was kept at a  comfortable 75 degrees thanks to his nano suit. Stopping and kneeling down, Ronnin had finally found some type of lead as the area seemed to be covered in tracks that couldn't be that old.

Los Angeles - 2 days ago

Dusk fading away the sky became covered with star. Just finishing up dinner with his guardian and teacher Taiji  Chi-Ling, Franklin cleared the table before heading to his room. Stopping at the stairwell he leaned over it and yelled, "Yes Taiji-sensei, that was an excellent meal as usual.  I know I need to work on combining the hard hitting speed attack of the leopard with the fluid swiftness of the snake. But all that'll have to wait till I'm done with my report." Tapped his pencil for while as he sat at the desk in his room looking at a blank sheet of paper. An hour and a half had gone by and he had nothing, "Geez what's up with the mental block, I know maybe I go out beat up a few thugs. That normally clears my mind." He thought to himself while eyeing over to his bed where his nano suit belt was laying. Putting on the belt he then slipped out his window," Hmmm.. maybe I should take the bike seeing that Taiji thinks that I'm up working on a report." Turning a hidden knob on the buckle compartment on both top and bottom of the belt opened and a sea of nanites covered the Clairvoyant teen, "I remember when it took me five minutes to change I love this belt." he said as he teleported away.
Perched on a corner ledge of a building he looked down on the city, its pulse was as lively as every. The lights and sounds of everything from cars, stores and parties blared from the street below. It had been over two hours and not a bit of action had presented itself to the teen. Though boring it was still a beautiful night, a light breeze kissed his face while wavering his cape that cascaded over the edge of building. "Just when I was going to go home disappointed." the register tone of his voice was barely audible as he rose to a fully vertical state and slowly turned around. With over a dozen red dots along his torso, with a smirk on his face he flung his cape open reviling his split bo staff. Charging the swat type unit of ten he leaped in the air, and with a corkscrew summersault Ronnin landed on the shoulders of one driving him to the ground before sweep kicking the legs from under three more. Twirling the two halves of his staff around he came up send the end one piece under the chin his would be captor, while sending the second across one of the others face. Spinning around to deliver a kick to a another, the numbers game caught with the clairvoyant one. As he fell to the ground, thanks to the 5,000 watt of the EMD that went through his body.
"Well that wouldn't be good for me now would it." He thought to himself as he was still standing on the ledge with the a dozen EMD's looking at him. Not reviling his hands, Franklin just leaned backwards falling from the building. Sailing down to the street, he smiled and vanished. Landing on top of a desk in one of the rooms in the building he just threw himself from. Slinging his cape open and over his shoulders, Ronnin took of running and right before he hit wall a light on his buckle flashed and he teleported form the room. "OH Crap! Misjudge! Misjudge!" He screamed out as he drew to mid-size R-shaped shurikens and stabbed them into the brick wall he was about to make contact with. An unheard crack as he hit the wall and began to crawl up the building with the help of the shurikens. Finally reaching the top, Frankie bent over with his hands on his knee breathing shallowly. "W-what a t-time... not to h-have... my bike. " By time the words left his mouth, he found himself in the center of a spot light form a helicopter. Laughing he waved to the copter and went to press a button on his buckle, only to find nothing happening. Confused on what's was going on and why he was still standing their, the procog teen wonder found himself blacking out after being trapped under and electrified net.

Unknown Location - 1 day ago

Sitting in a chair slumped over a table, Franklin finally woke up. Groggy and his vision blurry, Ronnin's head slowly lifted it up. "Ugh! I got my T.A. class first period, so let me sleep in." he blurted out before noticing that he was seating in the center of what looked to be an interrogation room. "Ronnin or should I call you Franklin? No you're not at home, and it's not time for school." he heard a voice behind him say, as he was surprised he didn't find himself bounded. But he was in his nomal street clothes, with his belt just out of arms reach. Not being able to tap into his precognive abilities, he decided to try to stall by talking. "Well then maybe you can tell me why I feel like I just bit into an electric eel that was jammed into a closed circuit breaker."  Finally able to to put a face with the voice he had heard as a man in his mid 40's wearing a black suit stepped out from behind him. "Shouldn't you already know, seeing that your that your the teen wonder boy that can see into the future and all?" Franklin's eyes never left the wall in fornt of him as he tried to focus and speak. "Amuse me will ya', I just woke up thinking that I was at home and had to wake for school." Slamming  hands on the table has leaned in almost touching noses, not wanting to stick around anylonger Frankie grab the man's tie and pulling down on it he ran his face into the table while grabing his belt. But as he put it on his belt a squad enter the and disabled him, "nope that's not good..." he thought to himself as he could feel the warmth of his interrogator's breathe, while the foul aroma of gressy bad nachoes lingered on his breathe. As the man went to speak Ronnin gabed his tie and slammed him face first on the table and then pushed him back into the door that squad would use to enter the room. But unknown to him their was a second door behind him that a second squad entered through tasering him once more.
"You're seeing the angles right now arn't you?" The man said as he noticed the dailation of the teen's pupils. "Well as I'm pretty sure, you've seen that we've planed for every outcome you think of when we found out it was you. " the man began pacing back and forth, "The only thing you seem to got from your father was some facial features, your lack of respect and smart alacness is a total enigma. Look I'm Agent Thomas, and at this point your abilities are needed." Franklin sat back in his chair and gave the agent his full attention. "We know you've been to Japan a few time recently, and we all know the places you've visited." Frankie eye'ed his belt for a moment before speaking, "Ok. now that we've got that we've got the question of why I'm here, how about you he tell me what would stop me from saying no?" Agent Thomas stopped and placed his hand on the Vinithium powered belt, "No isn't an option for you. See the nice people would be very happy to recieve this nice toy you barrowed from them. And then lets not speak of the other things from your past, like Angela or the all the robberies. Your choice join The Hunter's team or spend the rest of your life in a cage." Rising to his feet he let out more of a sigh then a reply, "Fine I'll do it." Recieving his belt and other equipment, Franklin activated his nano suit. "So where can I find The Hunter?" Signaling for a plane to be prep, Thomas excourted Ronnin to the aircraft hanger. "Well known location was somewhere in Canada."

Over Canadian Rockies- earlier today

"Ok Ronnin this is the drop zone, The Hunter was spotted here so at this point he could anywhere within a 15 mile radius of here." After his short brifing, the Clairvoyant fighting machine made his way to the cargobay door. Grabbing a rail next to the door, he opened the doors. Like is was being through a vaccum, Ronnin's cape and hair was pulled in front him. Then steping to the edge with out a second thought he leaped. Gripping the sides of his cape and brought them to his side, Frankie began to to pick up speed and the chains that gravitiy had wrapped around him pulled him faster to the surface. Looking like a eagle swooping down on its prey, Ronnin extended his arms and used his cape as glider as he gracifully sailed downward. Almost reaching the frozen concret known as snow he hit a button on his belt and vanished, only to reappear in mid summersault stoping in a kneeling position before began his search. After about five hours of trying to track down the Lycan king, he came across a number of track and began to follow them in hopes of finding The Hunter. "Hmm.. something doesn't fell ri--"  he was cut off as he was bearly able to backflip out of the harmful path of an attack that would have surely knocked the percog wonder teen out.
Landing Ronnin returned back to a vertical base, as he stared down the muscular feral man that just almost took his head off. His hands came from under his cape and went upward, to show that he was there to fight. "I'm looking for a man that goes by The Hunter, have you seen him?" The feral man had a look of caution on his face as he replied in more of a  growlled then a normal voice, "What do you want with Lord Greystoke?" Lifting his nose he sniffed a few times, before looking confused at the teen, "And once more, why not do have the scent of fear pouring from your body human." Lowering his arms and concealing himself back in his cape Ronnin smirked at the Lycan warrior that stood before him as he replied, "Look I've seen every possible ending. None of them are good for you. So if you would just be so kinda as to tell me where I can fin him I'll be on my way." Seeming to become impaticant with Franklin, the Lycan bared his teeth as he responded, "Don't test me boy! But seeing that you appear to be telling the truth and don't carry the scent of the betrayer so I will lead you to him. But know this if you try anything you will be ripped to piece before you have your second thought." Annoyed by the Lycan's threats Franklin spoke once more, "Whatever Rex, just lead the way already." Not truely know what awaited him Ronnin began to follow the Lycan in hopes that he was indeed being led to The Hunter.   
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#44  Edited By Darkchild

Her words reached nothing as Darkchilds mind was set on one thing, an one thing only tearing her apart but not before using her as his own personal play thing. The world went dark for a moment as the sky lite up like the fourth of july. A fire surged down onto the ground an bouncing up spreading all along the floor ceiling his attacks and seizing them immediatly, then a second bolt slammed into the ground and bounced off soaring towards Darkchild "Oh sh!t GUH" the bolt slams into Darkchilds chest sending him flying as it still pushes against his chest. Trying to prevent it from bursting through his skin he flexes his chest in hopes to stave it off, only for it the break the skin and splash out the other side of his body. His body flails in the air an slams hard into the wall. His body goes limp as it slides to the ground, for a moment he appears to be dead motionless and no signs of life. Then suddenly he lets out a loud roar as he screams "I really f@#king hate Angels!!!!!!!!" His body erupts in a spray of blood it splatters the walls and even Sylver drenching her cloths and face with his crimson blood.

Bringing his arms to the ground he pushes up with mighty thrust righting himself as if rising from the grave. "You know what I really do HATE those kinds of attacks, if your lucky and it misses the intended area it just scatters within your body before blasting out the other end. Nice touch the littlest vampire." His body is covered in tiny and large holes as the energy escaped all around his body. He looks around the entire room as its drenched in blood "Hmmm normal people that would have killed them huh? Hell normal demons." brushing himself off "But little one I am far FAR from normal." Leaping forward he grasped his axe and thrusts his arm forward launching the axe forward, it hurtles towards her aiming for her chest. Using the weapon as a decoy he lands on the ground slapping hard a puddle of his own blood and brushes a symbol on the ground "SCATTER!!" and as he screams and every drop of his blood forms into long spikes all around him. The puddles erupt in a explosion of spikes an splinters, soon they envelope the entire room screaming around him and around her. He stands his hands still drenched in blood and he smiles "Tsk tsk, should have wiped the stuff off." FLicking his fingers he points to the blood all over her cloths an face "I do hate having to do this. FOLLOW!!" He flicks his hand adding to the blood and the spikes all around the room follow his blood namely the amount Sylver is drenched in.

"GAH!!" a water element slams its fist into Darkchilds back. He turns looking to Akwa, then grabbing the shotgun from his back he blasts the elementals "GET LOST!!" his demonic self showing for a moment as he roars at Akwa.

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#45  Edited By Sylver

Place: Wolf Pack Scotland Base
Time: Ah, heck...who cares anymore?!

     Hearing someone curse for no reason is annoying.  But if they're cursing while their flesh is being burnt off thier bodies by a heavenly fire, it's pretty dang hilarious!!!  At least, those were Sylver's personal thoughts on the matter.  After releasing the overpowering energy that had been received into her Staff, Sylver dropped to the ground, her strength sapped by the attack's magnitude and her magic wards around the house.
     Sylver rested on her hands and knees, trying to re-allign her focus.  She looked up; Darkchild's motionless body lay in the garden shed after smashing through the wall.  Behind her was a small garage, now missing a wall and a half due to her and Darkchild's ongoing battle.  And just behind it, by a few yards, was the mansion. Dangit, Sylver chided mentally, I've got to get him away from the house...we're getting too clo--
     Something in the garden shed moved.  Sylver's pointed ears purked up; her pale blue eyes widened.  Darkchild's body sat up straight, unnaturally, like a puppet on strings.  
     "I really f------ hate Angels!!!!!"  He screamed, somewhat of an insult, but mostly from the pain.  Seeing what was coming, Sylver threw her hands up but was still drenched in a bucket-load of blood that erupted from his body.  She jumped to her feet, backing up onto a pile of debris.  The deep red liquid covered her pale skin and soaked her black leather outfit.  Sylver locked her eyes onto him with the kind of stare that defined the phrase "if looks could kill".  She certainly hoped it would.
     "Little boy, I am going to tear you about five new holes to equal the size of your fat mouth.  Then I'll burn out each of 'em.  Nobody, ever, drenches this leather with body fluids."  Sylver growled, as serious as ever.  Darkchild pushed himself out of the pile of bricks, still smiling that cocky grin that made Sylver wonder if his five new holes would do the same.  One was aggrivating enough.
     "You know what I really do HATE those kinds of attacks, " He began.  Sylver rolled her eyes. No, and I don't care...but you wanna know what I hate? There's no popcorn for these kind of speeches when you need it.  "if you're lucky and it misses the intended area, it just scatters within your body before blasting out the other end. Nice touch, the littlest vampire."  
     Noticing the large, burning wounds covering his body ,Sylver bowed theatrically.  "Why thank you.  I do enjoy my handiwork."  As usual, he ignored her.  Sylver smirked; but it would get to him...mentally.
     "Hmmm...normal people, that probalby would have killed them, huh?"  Sylver crouched a little lower, like a cat, as Darkchild began to walk towards her.  Her Staff pulsed in her hand. Yeah, most likely dumby.  "Hell, normal demons,"  Yup...done them too. 
     "But little one, I am FAR from normal."  What is it with the "little" thing?  I am not--
     Darkchild, in the blink of an eye, grabbed his axe and hurled it towards Sylver.  It struck the Staff with a force Sylver hadn't expected, catching her off guard and throwing her through the garage behind her.  Its momentum didn't stop there.  The experience almost remind Sylver of flying...only backwards and with an axe half her size pushing her through the air.  Yeah, nevermind, it wasn't like flying.
     Suddenly, the axe seemed to hit an invisible wall.  It was yanked out of Sylver's Staff, then imploded in bright blue flames.    Had Sylver not been still soaring backwards, she would've sighed.  Oh...the wards...thank heav--
     *Chreeeech---thud*  Bright, multicolored glass rained all around Sylver and the now-splintered floorboards. Her Staff was sent flying across the room. Thrusting herself off of her back and onto her feet, Sylver cracked her neck and stepped  into the gaping hole of the mansion's wall and window.  She paused, trying not to gasp.  Spikes, of blood, closed off the exit and surrounded her, forming a prison sphere.  Sylver looked around for an opening.  She frowned.  Well, this is new.
     "Tsk, tsk, tsk, should have wiped that stuff off."  Sylver spun around.  Darkchild was gesturing his finger back and forth, like you would to a disobedient child.  Sylver growled, deep and beast-like.  
     "Go ahead," She hissed under her breath, trying to catch a glimpse of her Staff, "you son of the Devil, do it."  He seemed to hear her, as he points his finger at the spikes. 
     "I do hate having to do this--"
     "DO IT!!!!!" Sylver roared.  She had no time for these games. People were dying, people were going to die because of him.  A feral rage built up inside of her; it would help surpress the pain.  Sylver braced herself.  Screw him...screw his whole darn team!!!
     The spikes barreled forward.  Sylver closed her eyes.  Impact.
     What would've been silence was filled with a sound-breaking scream, tearing through night, invoking pandamonium into anyone who heard it.  Every window, every glass cup, every mirror, every lightbulb, and every porcelin object exploded.  The lights sizzled and ruptured, leaving the house pitch black.
     The screaming stopped.     
     A red, sleek figure stepped out of the dark void.  Blood soaked the body and deep gashes split the smooth skin.  Sylver moved into the moonlight, her fangs luminous against her scarlet mantle.  
     "Tsk, tsk, tsk," She pointed a finger at Darkchild, "should have wiped that stuff off."  The wounds began to close as the blood was absorbed into them.  The gashes healed, leaving only small smudges of red on Sylver's clothing and hair.  With an aura that shook of the feeling of death and rage, Sylver ,slowly, walked towards Darkchild, Staff in hand.
     She glanced at Akwa, not too far away, and winked.  She'd received his telepathic message earlier, while being impailed.  Thus, preventing a responce.
     Half-way to Darkchild, Sylver unexpectedly catapulted off of the ground, flew forward, and slammed herself, Staff-first, into his body.  Staff pressing into his chest, glowing like a green-lantern, Sylver's face was a frieghtening, jade mask of calmness and pure instinct of a killer.  "Well, doesn't this look familiar, dog?"  Without warning, her fist cracked into his skull.  It wasn't meant to kill him...right away.  "Don't worry, I've had enough of your blood for awhile; I won't be biting you again tonight."  She stood; this time, it was her Staff that bashed his head.  She snickered as the blood began to pour out.  
     Faster and with more strength than anything human, Sylver flipped Darkchild's body over, pushing his face into the dirt.  The Staff burned onto the back of his neck, sputters of green flame jetting out.  She leaned next to his ear, forcing his body down with unrelenting strength.  "Let's try this one more time.  And don't worry darling, I'll scream right along with you if it makes you feel better."
     Her hand broke through his back, through skin and muscle, and fastened around his beating heart.  And Sylver did scream. Sonic.  As loud as she possibly could into his ear.  Her eyes were coal black and pupilless.  
     If his heart didn't burst, his skull and brain would.

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#46  Edited By Darkchild
She pounced onto his body without warning slamming the staff and her fist into his head swiftly. His head cracked and bleeding he couldnt help himself as he grabbed her body pulling it close as he let out a burst of laughter not even reacting to the pain of the head trauma. "Its been quite sometime since a lady like yourself has made the first move." He wanted to tear her body to pieces but only after having her his own way. Then with a flash of speed she flipped him over slamming his face into the dirt of the outside grass, the smell of dew filled his nostrils as she pinned him down "Let's try this one more time.  And don't worry darling, I'll scream right along with you if it makes you feel better." Slamming her fist hard into his back it went straight through and he could feel her hand wrap itself around his heart. Then taking in a deep breath she screamed at the top of her lungs into his ear. The world almost trembled as the power of her bellowing scream his head shacking blood poured from his eyes, nose, ears and his mouth. Dripping down onto the green grass, soon her screaming seized and she still had his heart in her hands. The energy that it took to withstand the scream was massive and he still had one last trump card to pull. With lighting quick speeds he reached around pulling her close to his body, he could feel her grip tightening around his heart.

Holding her close to his body he smiled a toothy grin "Expand." And he could feel her body tremble as the blood she consumed worked against her four spikes burst from within her but they also shot out impaling Darkchild himself. Wincing through the pain he let her go , and he pulled hard hoping that her hand with release as he pulled himself off her arm. Her nails had cut deep into his heart as he pulled away. He winced in pain as he stood "Do not drink what you have no right having in your body." Bringing his leg up he slams it hard towards the right side of her body hoping to break numerous ribs. Then spinning around with the other leg quickly he slams the other leg towards the other side, finally stopping the spin and towering over her "This has been fun love, I can honestly say their are parts of me that I never thought could be broken." His heart barely beating he slammed his fists into the ground, the energies from the very earth were now being drawn into him. His skull healing up and along with the outwardly wounds they healed, but his innards were still royally screwed and he needed prolonged time to heal them.

With a smile he forced because he knew the next move would prove fatal for one of them "Little Vampire, You will survive this encounter hopefully. But not without a few scars." His body began to glow a bright red as he was now using the energies he siphooned from the earth as a source of power "Farewell. Maybe next time, instead of biting and clawing out of hate....it can be more...planned and fun." With a devilish grin he releases all the energy within his body it fires from his body in a wave domeing at all around the two fighters the heat from the blast burned the grass and surrounding area the dome swelled to a monstrous size devouring the base Darkchild and Graft were sent to destroy not 4 yards from their battle as it swelled with energy then


A massive explosion erupts and the sound of the explosion is heard for miles. Darkchild walks from the cloud of dust holding his chest tapping his comlink "Graft, Get out of here. They are not so easily downed. Akwa is somewhere so get out of here, no need to continue the armory was in the explosion. What we were sent to get rid of is gone, I am staying behind to make sure the lass is dead or at least unconcious. Meet you back at the base." Grabbing the com link from his ear he crushes it balling his fist. Then without turning he calls out to her "Neither of us are willing to die today, maybe someday we will be willing. But our lack for a better term spirits wont allow it on our first encounter lass. Now smart up as I am, and if your still able to walk....walk away. You like the others of your team will have countless times to make a chance at my life. So leave and I wont have to kill the only strong member of your team...yourself." Turning back around he looks into the cloud of dust waiting for her responce.
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#47  Edited By The_Ghostshell

Gambler's body shivered uncontrollably in the steadily declining climate deep within the sanctuary of the cave. While outside the storm violently unleashed its furry with a mixture of wind and snow making visibility all but impossible. Try as he might the Cajun was unable to mask his discomfort prompting the young Wolf Pack member to remove the very cloak Gambler had given to her earlier. "Do not mind I do not require any coverage or shelter from the cold”. she said. Standing behind the Living Legend as she draped it over his shoulders, the heat instantly offering a reprieve from the cold. Talon then made her way around to the other side of the fire taking up a crouched position before saying, “We will need nutrition…..to out live the storm with out it we are not to survive. I shall go out and find something with my feral ability I have a much better chance in finding any source of food for the both of us I just hope that you are not a vegetarian” A slight smirk raced across her face as she allowed herself to feel a brief moment of happiness.

However Gambler immediately started to stand. Worried that if he were to let Talon wounder off on her own she would not return. Perhaps she had realized that he wasn't the man she thought he was, and was now formulating a plan of escape. But suddenly Gambler's fears were laid to rest with a simple yet very symbolic act of loyalty. With one quick motion X-23 popped a single claw before running it across her hand allowing her blood to flow freely. Wiping it along his palm. “I shall remain true to my word and not betray you. I will return I promise to you." she said before exiting the cave. Before long the lone huntress returned with her fresh kill eager to share her spoils with the man she viewed as a father, or so she thought. The meal was a far cry from the extravagant lifestyle Gambler had enjoyed as the Prime Minister of France. Yet his years of training under thee illustrious Assassins Guild deep in the swamps of New Orleans had prepared him for such hardships.

He slowly wiped the top of his hand across his lips removing any remnants of the meal. Before nodding to Talon in approval. "Thank you chere. Dat was a meal fit for a King" he said with his trademark Cheshire Cat grin. "I apologize for the crudeness of this mean but it was the best I could do, though if you wish it I will go out and catch something else.” she replied. "Nonsense le petite." chuckled the Cajun. What happened next caught the King of Kings completely by surprise as Talon stood up and walked over to him. "But there is one last thing." she whispered as she wrapped her arms around Gambler embracing him in a hug. The move had caused the deciptive assassin to pause before returning the affection. Talon quickly withdrew back to the otherside of the cave as if she had crossed a forbidden line and was now ashamed of herself. "I beg you forgiveness sir I was…quick and did not think….but do not worry I shall not let it happen again.”

Just as the Living Legend prepaired his reponse a wild howl resonated up the mountain echoing throughout the cave. Causing the red tint in the Cajun's eyes to illuminate. "Hunter" he said softly under his breath. His prey had finally arrived. No doubt waging war on Sparda's compound at the base of the mountain. Gambler made his way towards the entrance of the cave looking out into the white blizzard. Then suddenly he turned slightly to address Talon. "Go. Get out of here. Follow the same route down the mountain and return to the base. There you'll find youre precious Hunter, you're true family. I release you from your blood pact. Your life is yours once again."

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#48  Edited By talon_x23

He did not seem taken back by what she did that gave her a sense of comfort. Though it did feel odd to her the hug it was a the moment he only sing of thankfulness she could conjure up. He seemed like a cold man one that had undergone many hardships and much pain. She doubted that affection like that would ever be shown to him again. Though she would make sure that it would. It was strange that he was compatible with her. A young girl with a legend a man such as him was strange and why he chose to mask his true Identity intrigued her at the most. Weather he did not want her to know or just did not like it was beyond her. He had a reputation of his own she could tell.
A man like that would not blend into obscurity so easily. He was of great power and danger. To why had had not attempted to kill her was unknown.

He seemed to be about to speak when he was stopped by the howling of a wolf. But it was no ordinary beast this thing had a howl filled with emotion anger any way Laura howled herself when she could and when she did it always had an emotion attached with it. This one was anger and longing. Though for what she did not know for who. Her legs where crossed and the coldness of the storm began to get to her. She was shaking but was it out of cold or fear. And if fear it was why was she afraid.  She could see that the man before her also had a hit if nothing at all of fear and concern and she saw him utter the words “Hunter”. Though she retained he composure and stared at him awaiting a response if there was going to be any.

Then looking at her he spoke with haste "Go. Get out of here. Follow the same route down the mountain and return to the base. There you'll find your precious Hunter, you're true family. I release you from your blood pact. Your life is yours once again." She looked at him for a moment then smirked slightly. “I know, well knew most of what you have said, I know that you are not the man that  remember I know that you are not Hunter and some one else”. Biting her lip slightly she continued “Your scent was completely different to that of what I do remember from Hunter so I knew from the beginning that you obviously were not him.” Standing up she approached him and took his hand.

“Though I think you not an enemy but friend, you saved my life whether you intended to harm me I do not need to know but even though you release me I owe you my life and freedom. If there ever comes a time where you require service or I find you are endanger I will come for you no matter who you were to me whether an enemy or a target, you are  now my friend and I do not choose every one to be that.” Reaching into her pocket she pulled out a piece of carved wood. “While I was awaiting for my prey I twiddle with some wood using my claws I was able to carve uh something.” She had used her claws to care something that appeared to be shaped as an arrow head with the words: “Honorable Cajun”. “That was the name I could recall from you though I was not sure if you were called that.

Then on the back there was a red smudge that was permanent, it was her blood. “Just wanted to make sure you would not forget me”. With that she turned to exit but just before leavening she swiftly turned around and ran toward him unleashing her claws. Then just before she was able to come in contact she leaped over him, filliping. Lowering her claws just enough she made one of then snag on his cloak. And on impact with the ground she pulled his cloak over her and smiled. “Though friendship should never be thought to go with consideration, and considering that I have a feeling that Hunter is not a friend of yours I must if to remain in good consideration with him do an act to give you less than comfort…..but you will survive the cold and if not I will return to save you”……

So with those final words she ran out of the cave to face the harsh weather that awaited her. Though she knew not exactly who this Hunter was she was more than ready to meet the real him. And fid any one else was going to parade as his she would not be as caring as she was to the Cajun. She wanted answers about herself that she could only hope that Hunter knew. Though it was doubtful from what she already knew of herself that she would have told any one about who she was or about her past. As she raced through the woods she could feel the her body heat rising to great amounts as she already had a fever it was not getting worse.

Her body was shaking and she was so cold she had been shivering this whole time. Though the cloak did warm her to a point. Yet she was sick and from what she could tell she had a high fever and she could tell that healing was out of the question. But if she was correct she would be nearing the location that she had just fled from only hours ago. She could see the rising smoke and smell the smell of dead flesh and could feel that who ever this Hunter was she dearly hoped that he was on her side. She reached the clearing where she saw clearly what had happened or what was in progress. Wolf like creatures brutally fighting the troops of the Demon Sparada. At that point fear ran through her but not because of what she had seen but because of what she knew.

The gruesome sight had caused a memory to surface one that told her who she was or at least what she was. That single memory made everything clear and nothing obvious. She was scarred not because of what she would face but of what she had faced. And what she had done. Then the words that she had uttered some time ago she remembered “I kill not because I have to but because I want to, I’m a monster that enjoys to kill enjoys to watch the blood drop from my opponent I like to her the cries and screams for mercy that they shout while I kill them, Killing is what I was meant to do created for and no matter what I can never change that fact. Killing? I am it…”\

Laura stood there a moment motionless just standing there staring into space. When she snapped out of her zone and soon picked up a scent. That of which she knew to be Hunters. Scanning the battleground she soon locked onto a figure. He was tall with many good features she could feel and see that he was Hunter. Part of her wanted to run to him though a much stronger part of her knew that there was no point. Yes she could be happy but for only a moment then……then everything would go back to being the same. She would be the weapon and she would endanger him like she had now…

So with the power she contained she turned her back and dashed off back into the thick wilderness. Whilst the storm raged on her she kept running with all the power she could muster. Tears san down her pail cheeks at she gasped for air. Her vision had already began to blur and strength was minimal. The only think that kept her going was the her will to get as far away as possible from him from this and to be no more trouble or danger to any one. I killed her to do this. She could have been with him right know as she was running she could have been standing beside him talking to him. He would have been talking to him she would have heard his voice in her ears.

As she kept running she could feel the steep incline that exhausted her body even further. As she snow piled on her she clenched her fists. Pain ran through her like the blood in her veins. Eventually it became obvious to her she was on some sort of mountain slope. Knowing this she slowed herself down and began to walk. She wanted to get away yet it seemed pointless to plummet off the edge of a cliff. Soon she reached the panicle of the mountain. Peering down ward she could vaguely see the bottom though a pastel blue was visible suggesting that there was a lake below her. Looking onward she could see the peeks of the mountains. It became relevant to her that running back down the mound just for safety was relevant and she needed to get away fast. And running back the way she came he would obviously encounter he and she had no interest in engaging him in battle.

So leaving her with only one alternative. Taking a few paces back she took a deep sigh. Then with out any other doubts she raced toward the edge and dived off it. Water was below her though the height she leaped off was great and would cause great pain on impact. Her only hope was that the water was deep enough to sustain her once she hit the water. Only a few second later she hit the water. The icy chill froze her instantly she her whole body changed from boiling point to rabidly cooling and below safely limitations. Quickly she swam back up to the surface and gasped for air. Soon she realized that swimming was not her greatest strength. After taking on large breath she quickly looked toward shore it was a few meters away but no impossible to reach. So without hesitation she swam toward it. Her blood cold her head aching and her sight barely able to see any thing. 

Eventually she reached the shore and collapse there. Staring up at the darkened sky. Rain soon fell down soaking her already drenched body. She crawled upward toward a tree and leaned he back against it. While laying there she remember something of irrelevance though she knew it was something. “I’m not real you can’t make me real!” “Yes I can” “No…,you..you can’t I won’t!” “It was what she wanted X23 it was her last wish” “She’s dead! Dead! And you want me! To be her!” “You are her, you’ve always been her now you will just know you are.” “I don’t want to I don’t want any of this get out now! And let me live my messed up life.!” “I know you want to accept my offer X23 and you can weather you are or are not real you can and will be” “And how can you make me real?” “Simple” “how?” “Take my hand”.

She rubbed her hand and moaned in agony. The words echoed in her head “Your not real, you’re a clone your not her no matter what you think. Stop deluding yourself child your nothing like her but I can help you..” Coughing she soon saw that blood flowed out. “I’m going insane” she said. Soon her ears picked up a growling tone. She soon wildly looked around and her eyes focused on an animal. It was wild like most likely a mountain lion or cat like creature. “I can’t deal with this” she whispered. It approached her it’s eyes staring right at her. Having no choice she got to her feet shaking slightly and unleashed her claws. Pain ran through her.

The animal leaped toward her. Quickly reacting she dogged out of the way but because of her state her agility was limited. There for the beast was able to rip her flesh on the shoulder off. She rolled out of the way and awaited the second attack. Though the best just stood there. Slowly she stood up and retracted her claws and stared at the feral like creature and spoke “We’re not that much different, you kill to survive so do I”. With that she turned her back about to walk away when she heard it charge toward her. By that time it was already to late. The mountain lion had jabbed its claws into her back as it did she let out a shriek o pain and fell to the ground.

Trying to push herself up she looked at the beast that stared face to face with her. Why it had not killed her yet puzzled her immensely. It then looked behind her and it’s eyes he could tell filled with fear. And it soon jetted off in a hurry. A chill ran through her she slowly turned her head as she looked behind her though there was nothing there. But soon the pain of the attack and of her journey had gotten to her. It was amazing with her healing factor rapidly decreasing and her claws causing her to suffer fro metallic poisoning that she was still alive. But no longer could her body take it. Her arms fell limp and she fell back onto the hard cold ground embracing unconsciousness and death and all the pain or bliss it had to offer.

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#49  Edited By Lady Nightmare

Steadily she crawled back to the main frame clinging to the ceiling. Her mind was racing as several ideas began to emerge in her mind. All of these unanswered questions were beginning to make her antsy. She released herself from the ceiling and dropped down in front of the door of the main frame. Looking down at two super solders down the hall she called out to them. “You two, come guard the door.” She quickly lifted her hand and pushed opened the door. Her feet urgently paced until she reached the chair. As soon as took a seat, a rush of determination washed over her face.

Lady Nightmare lifted her hand to her chin as her face  began to crease.  Mountains of inferences piled up in to her brain…Suddenly, it hit her like a defense linemen.”Computer, give me the composite of electrical out puts in uninhabited places in Japan.” 

Quickly a map of Japan appeared on to the screen. Bright yellow light indicated wear the electrical outputs were.  To anyone else but her this would appear pointless, but it was the contrary.Her eyes peered at screen as one place began to light up. “Computer, show only the mountains” 

The computer immediately zoomed in on the mountains. Bright lights appeared there even though they were supposed to uninhabited. Lady Nightmare knew this is where the Hidden Lotus Head Quarters was located but, she had to be sure.

“Guard!”, she called out. The pitter patter of a super solider echoed the room as he ran toward her.”Yes, ma’am” She looked up at him with all seriousness on her face.”Send, two of your men to this location…”She pointed to the screen.”They are only there to make an observation. Tell me everything you see and if the White Lotus resides there” ”Yes, ma’am” The solider proceed to run out of the door way.

1 hour later

The solider began to run through the door to an impatient Lady Nightmare. “Ma’am there seems to be a facility there. I also have reason to believe that that is in fact the Hidden Lotus Head Quarters. I also think I spotted one of your team mates” ”Which one”  ”G’bandit, ma’am”  “Have four of your men meet me here stat! “Lady Nightmare eyes were fixated on the solider.  She duly noted that one seemed to missing. Immediately she assumed that he was either captured or terminated.

“Computer, send the coordinates of the mountain composite I had to pull up earlier to every Wolf Pack base and indicating that it is the Head Quarters of the Hidden Lotus” 

Four super soldiers barged through the door just as soon as she finished her command. “We are attacking the Hidden Lotus Head quarters tonight.” Her chestnut eyes her fiery as she stood firm in front of them. ”One of you will set of several bombs in front and fight off the guards. Two of you will infiltrate: one on the east and one on the west. After you infiltrate will gather as much information possible, especially the location of Talon. Another one will be with me. Now let’s go! Move you’re a$$es!”

Quickly, she teleported to the weapons room. All around her were rows and rows of equipment. The lights shined down on to her as she grasped a mini utility belt and strapped it to her thigh. She swiped some explosive gel, bombs, several knifes and two pistols. Lady Nightmare's swords were all ready strapped to her back. Black smoked filled the room.

Finally. she arrived at the helicopter bay. The black copper’s noise filled the air as four ready soldiers were packed into it. Lady Nightmare ran to the entrance of the helicopter bay where she met two soldiers.”Guard this facility! I sense that there may be an attack soon!” she screamed. She teleported into the helicopter. Once inside she signaled the pilot to go. The sound of it blades became more distant as they began to take off.

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#50  Edited By Sylver

Wolf Pack Scotland Base

     Sylver never liked movies.  They were sooooo predictable, so....unrealistic.  The whole point of them was a feel-good emotion somehow brought about by some unlikely hero who defeats impossibly powerful evil and gets the damsel in distress to fall for him.  And if it wasn't that, it was some horror flic about random idiots who purposfully walk into some of the most disturbing ways to die.  And they do die.
     But that wasn't the point.  The point was, in most movies, the bad guy, somehow, dies.  The hero finds some way, an abandoned sword, something poisonous, a nail, to kill him.  And he usually, if not definatly, dies.  Even in the horror flics...people die! They don't magically survive...they die.  Forever. Dead, done, gorged, smothered, decapitated....dead.
     And for all the reasons Sylver hated movies, she was jelous.  People just didn't die enough in real life.  And expecially not the ones she wanted to kill.  And for the undead life of her, she couldn' t figure out why they wouldn't let her; after all, if they cooperated, she would make it quick.  But, as usual, there was always one that was a real thorn in her side.  Or rather, bursting out of her sides.
     Sylver was still stratling Darkchild, screaming in his ear, gripping his pounding heart, as the blood began to flow freely from his face.  Nose, mouth, ears: the works.  If his skull didn't shatter within the next few seconds, at least he'd bleed to death, Sylver thought.  But then, he said something:
     "Expand."  The simple, one-word command was almost silent and pain-filled, but he was still grinning.  As always.  Why'd he say that? Sylver wondered.  What's there to...oh cra--
     Sylver arched her back, trying to continue screaming...but couldn't.  Her nails dug into his back, her one hand still locked around his heart.  The blood...his blood, was circulating through her body.  Suddenly, it became cold; then, without warning, rushed back to the center of her body, causing her to shake violently and release Darkchild's heart.  For a split second, shock held Sylver stone-still; she had no idea what to do.  
     Four red-solid spikes ripped out of her body, splattering red and blackish-maroon blood all over Darkchild.  Sylver fell onto her back, clutching the gaping holes in her sides.  She heard him say something...something about her and rights.  Sylver closed her eyes for a moment.  
     Sylver cried out, spitting dark colored blood in the process.  He'd kicked her where the spike had burst out.  She knew a couple ribs had snapped, but it didn't matter.  She could heal quick...she could--
     He'd kicked her again.  This time, she'd hissed at him, angry and feeling trapped as he stood over her.  Sylver barred her fangs.  Never, ever try to trap a vampire.  
     "This has been fun, love.  I can honestly say there are parts of me that I never thought could be broken."  He said rather smugley.  
     "Yeah, want me to find a few more?" Sylver muttered to herself, gritting her teeth as the wounds began to close.  Something white caught the corner of her eye.  Inconspicuously, she turned her head to see.  It was her Staff!  Sylver looked back to Darkchild, who was now moving just a few feet away from her, and was facing the field.  She extended her arm out, her fingertips barely brushing shaft.  If she could just get it, she could--
     The ground shuttered, knocking the Staff slightly farther away.  Sylver spat out curses for death and damnation in at least ten different languages.  She was getting tired of this.  Forcing herself to her knees, ignoring the cracked ribs since they were technically dead bone and didn't receive much feeling, Sylver dove for the Staff before anything else could happen, and spun around,  pointing it in Darkchild's direction.
     He rose from the ground, hands covered in dirt, and was lacking the scrapes and slashes he had before.  On the outside.  If Sylver listened carefully, she could hear his heart thumping...slower than it should have.  She couldn't help but smirk.  At least something had gone half-right tonight.  If her luck ever desided to show up, it might have provided him with a heart-attack.  But that was too good to be true, and too good of a death for him.
     "Little Vampire, you will survive this encounter, hopefully. But not without a few scars."  Darkchild's body began to glow a dull red.  Sylver gripped her Staff tighter.  Why the heck was he glowing?  I don't like glowing...glowing's not good.  Why the freak goodness aren't those wards doing anything? We're close enough...
     A pounding ache began to swell in her head.  Sylver looked around; there was so much fire.  White, angel fire...black hellfire.  She observed her own body.  It was covered with more than just Darkchild's blood.  Sylver groaned softly, as an overwhelming tiredness started to settle on her body and mind, feeling as if someone was filling her with liquified metal, and it was slowly solidifying.  She'd used too much magic--
     "Farewell.  Maybe next time, instead of biting and clawing out of hate...it can be more...planned and fun."  He suggested, his dark smile causing Sylver's undead blood to boil.  He began to glow brighter, and heat iginited the air around her. 
     Oh crap, Sylver fumed, he's going to explode...the mansion....it'll blow.  I don't know if I can cast more spells--
     The grass around Sylver started smoking and burst into flames.  No!  Sylver looked back and forth furiously, looking for an escape...an answer.  Dang! This never happens in movies...they are sooo---unrealistic.  Wait, that's it! Not real...
     Faster than a bullet, Sylver flew in between Darkchild's burning form and the mansion.  She didn't know if it would work, but it had to be tried.  She thrust the Staff up in one hand, facing the mansion, and held her other hand out facing Darkchild.  The dome of blazing red energy was enlarging rapidly, engulfing the garden shed, the garage, and the forest behind him.
     Levitating directly over the water-moat that surrounded the mansion, Sylver screamed,  " *Trofeu a iluzie!!!* "
     The Staff burned of white and blue flames which shot out in all directions, forming a doming-cacoon over the mansion.  Sylver grinded her teeth, blood trickling out her nose, and set her mind firmly to one thing: no one was getting in that base.  Her team needed her to protect it, and she would.  Maybe she couldn't stop Darkchild right now physically....but mentally, she would give him what he wanted to see.  The shield was an illusion caster.  Oh, the mansion would be destroyed, and the arsonal would explode...but for Darkchild's viewing only.
     The glowing red dome clashed into the flaming shield; red sparks ran up the white-blue dome like veins, bursting and frazzled.  Sylver grunted and hissed, aware of the two energies engulfing her: one, cool and empowering, the other, hot and painful.  Jagged lines of agony raced up and down her arm, which she could no longer move.  
     "Enough!" Sylver screamed. Giving this last assult everything she had left, Sylver tilted her head back and let herself fall.  The illusion dome amplified itself a hundred-fold, streaking out in all directions White light engulfed the area, more brilliant than burning.  For a moment, all sound failed.  There was nothing but a calm, gentle fall for Sylver, holding her in glorious light.  She could see the illusion playing out for Darkchild in his mind: the mansion had exploded, fire was raining down all around him, barbaqueing all the vegitation.  Believing what his mind told him, he began to walk away, and even called Graft on his comlink, telling him that the job was done and that he'd meet him at base-
     Cold water filled Sylver's nostrils as it flooded over her face.  Thrashing awkwardly, and with not much strength left, Sylver emerged from the moat coughing on scumy junk.  Oh, not healthy, not healthy! Need higher ground!  Sylver scrambled out of the ditch and whipped the water weeds out of her hair.  She saw that the flaming shield had reduced itself to small, floating balls of blazing light.  They resembled floating spirits, Sylver thought, crossed with a Japanese lantern.  They circled the mansion, still holding to the dome form, keeping the illusion strong and unbreakable.  Sylver snickered, placing her forehead on the muddy, yet burnt ground.  Darkchild was standing at the field's edge, watching the illusion, smiling as if he'd won the lottery.  The illusion was secure, and he would never hear or see her while she was within the "shield".
     Crushing his comlink in his hand, Darkchild, while walking away, called out, apparently to her: 
     "Neither of us are willing to die today, but someday we will be willing."  Sylver snorted.  Yeah, you be my guest; see how willing an immortal vampire is to die.  "But our lack for a better term spirits won't allow it on our first encounter, lass.  Now smart up as I am, and if you're still able to walk...walk away.  You, like the others of your team, will have countless times to make a chance at my life.  So leave, and I won't have to kill the only strong member of your team.....yourself."  He turned to face the mansion.
     Sylver slowly, still shaking, rose to her feet, Staff in hand.  "No, we won't need countless times to kill you.  Just once," Her eyes began to burn scarlet, "and I may not be the strongest: I'm just the only undead one with a Staff, and I like it that way.  Darling, " She said, grinning as if she were trying to show her fangs off as trophies, as she stepped out of the dome, able to be seen and heard now. "I can do more than just walk.  I can kill.  I will kill.  You in particular...maybe a few others tomorrow."  Sylver raised her Staff, lining the end of it with her eye and aiming the crystal at Darkchild, as a sniper would line up his target.  "Anyway, it never would have worked out between us, pet.  I'm too good for you."
     Simultaneously, the Staff glowed purple and a binding spell circle appeared under Darchild's feet.  " *A transporta Mariners Trench* "  Sylver cast the spell and the binding circle began to shrink, until it exploded in a shower of sparks that faded away.  Good, she breathed, now I can hold true to what I promised him.  His friends will envy the death I gave him...it was far too kind.  Although, if the pressure doesn't kill him at the bottom of the deepest place in the world, at least it'll keep him there.  Stumbling to her knees, Sylver placed the Staff on her chest, her vision beginning to fade.
     "Duende." The Staff melted back into her body as she collapsed to the ground.  Grabbing a handful of dirt and grass, Sylver knew that she needed to rest since the spells had drained her, but she didn't want to.  She didn't like letting the darkness take her; it felt like death, and that was something she only gave time for once.  The house's magic wards disappeared completely and the shield evaporated, revealing the safe and mostly-not-destroyed base.  The colors and lights began to mix, and before sleep claimed her, Sylver whispered softly:
     "Hey....Akwa....I require that assistance now....please..."