
    Fantastic Four #3

    Fantastic Four » Fantastic Four #3 - The Menace of the Miracle Man! released by Marvel on March 1, 1962.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    The Fantastic Four has now become world heroes! See the super family get their costumes for the first time.

    At a stage performance, a man who calling himself the Miracle Man demonstrates his amazing powers including invulnerability and strength greater than the Thing. The Fantastic Four flying home in their Fantasticar are relieved that the Miracle Man isn't a menace. However, unbeknownst to them, the Miracle Man has indeed decided to turn to crime beginning by bringing a monstrous statue to life!

    Splitting up to search for the giant monster Mr. Fantastic finds the it robbing a jewelry store and tries to stop it but the monster escapes when the Miracle Man throws a brick at Mr. Fantastic. The rest of the team then encounter the monster but as the Human Torch burns it to the ground though the Miracle Man escapes though the Invisible Girl manages to tail him while invisible. The remaining members of the team meanwhile get into a fight and Johnny Storm storms off.

    The Miracle Man discovering the Invisible Girl hypnotizes her into obeying him. Ordering her to signal the Fantastic Four he then sabotages the Fantasti-copter and attempts to flee in a stolen atomic tank and the Fantastic Four set off in chase. During the chase the Human Torch makes his flame so bright that the flash blinds the Miracle Man, rendering him powerless since all along he was merely hypnotizing people to see things. However, the Human Torch and the Thing argue once again and the Human Torch announces that he is leaving the Fantastic Four forever and flies away.


    • This is the first issue to proclaim itself: "The Greatest Comic Magazine in the World!!" on the cover - a phrase that (in slightly changed forms) would become a trademark of Fantastic Four comics.
    • This was the first issue to feature the Fantastic Four in costume.
    • This was the first issue to show a detailed diagram of the Fantastic Four's secret headquarters.

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    Average score of 3 user reviews

    Starts Off Good, Ends Badly 0

    A lot of classic Fantastic Four elements are added in this issue - the cover is the first one to bear the now familiar tag line,  The Greatest Comic Magazine in the World!!   It also includes the first appearance of the Fantasticar, and the first time the team appears in the trademark blue suits designed by Sue Storm (The Thing rips his to shreds in the first battle, keeping only the long pants).  The villain here is The Miracle Man, a stage magician who appears to be able to do practically anyt...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    The Menace of the Miracle Man! 0

    So this is finally where Lee and Kirby throw their gloves down and quit pretending that these guys (and gal!) weren’t anything but Superheroes. Showered with an assortment of gifts, the Four are given their famous costumes (which the Thing promptly rids himself of), their Fantasti-Car and of course we’re treated to a great drawing of their HQ.So an important issue for sure, but one that still finds itself lacking in the story-telling department. Aside from the gradual development of the characte...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Fantastic Four #3 0

    This is the weakest of the first three Fantastic Four issues. The villain doesn't even get on the cover. Instead they focus on the new costumes, the Baxter building and their vehicles. These days all of this creations would only serve as secondary to the toy market, so I guess times have changed. Also, it's yet to be explained how Reed Richards could have a fully functional rocket hidden in his building, or be able to afford and construct all of these vehicles and devices. It's surreal. This is ...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.
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