
    Dorian Gray

    Character » Dorian Gray appears in 64 issues.

    Dorian Gray is the title character in Oscar Wilde's sole novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" but has also played a role in the comic book world.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Dorian Gray last edited by NathynMasters on 10/12/21 12:32PM View full history


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    Dorian Gray was a young man obsessed with youth, opulence, and the decadence of late 19th century Victorian era London - driving him to make what he believed was a futile wish, shouting to the sky that he wished to remain young forever and have a painting created by his closed friend, Basil Howard, age in his stead. When his impulse wish was granted, Gray celebrated the positive and cursed the negative consequences.

    Character Evolution

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    Though dead by the end of the Wilde novel, the character Dorian Gray appears later in Witchblade: Shades of Gray, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Marvel Illustrated: The Picture of Dorian, Victor Locke Demon Hunter: Demon Noir and has been the subject of several film adaptations.


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