
    Cosmic Strangers

    Team » Cosmic Strangers appears in 8 issues.

    A group of superhumans gathered by the Stranger and pitted against each other in an experiment inspired by the Beyonder's Secret Wars.

    Short summary describing this team.

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    After learning of the Beyonder's Secret Wars, the Stranger sought to conduct a similar experiment and learn of human nature by abducting several superhumans, claiming himself to be the Beyonder and then forcing them to fight each other to the death with the promise of their heart's desire as the prize.


    The Cosmic Strangers were created by Dwayne McDuffie and Scott Kolins and first appeared in Beyond! #1.

    Team Evolution

    The Cosmic Strangers featured were Hank Pym, the Wasp, Firebird, Gravity, Medusa, Venom, the Hood, Kraven the Hunter and a Space Phantom masquerading as Spider-Man and as the series progressed, further members were revealed most notably Deathlok and Dragon Man. Unlike the original Cosmic Champions from the Beyonder's Secret Wars, the Cosmic Strangers quickly allied together to survive and attempt to escape Battleworld. Of interesting note Wasp and the Venom symbiote are the only characters featured who were also contestants in the original Secret Wars (although Captain Marvel was also present for both).


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