
    Copperhead (Price)

    Character » Copperhead (Price) appears in 17 issues.

    Nathan Prince, the new Copperhead, is a member of the Terror Titans. It is unknown how, or why, he joined with the Clock King and obtained his Copperhead costume.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Copperhead (Price) last edited by Guru_Crack on 04/02/24 01:47PM View full history


    Unlike the previous Copperhead, the life of Nathan Prince before his super-villain status is somewhat known. He is the only Terror Titan with no familial relation to his mantle's legacy.

    Being the eldest of two siblings, Nathan drowned his baby sibling out of jealousy. He was never accused of the murder. An unknown time later, he threatened his parents with a knife, only to find himself unable to attack them in their sleep, and ran away to live on the streets. During that time, he survived by soliciting himself to older men, only to kill them and rob them. Sometime later, The Clock King sought Nathan out and offered him a place among his fellow peers - young psychopaths and murderers - as a member of The Terror Titans. Nathan accepted, and become Copperhead.

    Boss Dark Side hired the Terror Titans to capture the Teen Titans for the Dark Side Club. Copperhead and Persuader were tasked to capture Ravager, which proved difficult and was nearly killed when trying to apprehend her.

    During one of the Dark Side Tournament's battles, the captive heroine TNTeena was injured, and Copperhead was assigned to guard her, only for him to fall in love. The Clock King, knowing this, ordered him to kill her. Copperhead released TNTeena, telling her that they were escaping and leaving the Dark Side Club and the Terror Titans forever. However, he took her to a device in downtown Los Angeles, to which she was bound as her powers were overloaded, causing an explosion and her death. The explosion was meant to set the stage for an attack by the Clock King's Martyr Militia, comprised of the brainwashed young heroes, only for the attack to be foiled by Ravager and Miss Martian.

    The Clock King was severely displeased with the turn of events, chastising Copperhead and the other Terror Titans, and even killing Disruptor for disobeying him by trying to kill Ravager. The remaining three were left on their own in the wake of the freed heroes.

    Dreadbolt and Persuader were seen in custody, only for Copperhead to free them, each swearing revenge; not on the Teen Titans or even Ravager, but the Clock King.


    Nathan Prince's costume is comparable to that of the original Copperhead, though the extent of its abilities are unknown. It may even be the same suit.


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