
    Convergence #2

    Convergence » Convergence #2 - The Planet Incarnate released by DC Comics on June 2015.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    The Planet Incarnate last edited by deactivated-66295eae3a574 on 11/02/23 12:06PM View full history

    As Telos, the Planet Incarnate, easily defeats the survivors of Earth 2, Thomas Wayne and Dick Grayson set off to find help in the pre-Flashpoint Gotham City. The emotional implication of these worlds colliding comes crashing down when Thomas Wayne confronts this world’s Batman, as father meets son!

    Plus, Alan Scott’s attempts to connect with the Green yield unexpected results, setting our team on a quest to escape the planet. And the cyborgs of Futures End engage in a battle to the death against the reimagined heroes of the Just Imagine Universe, while the city of Superman Red and Blue takes on the opposing forces from GENERATIONS!


    • The third cover is a homage of the cover of Flash Comics #1.
    • Some characters appear on the variant covers only.

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    Average score of 4 user reviews

    Out of Balance 0

    The ability to create anything generally considered good is always a struggle, so many production realities to contend with. Take Convergence for example. It is the main series of the ongoing event that has to simultaneously anchor the spin-offs (though that doesn’t seem like much of a problem now), lead into the mini-relauch in June, and tell its own self contained story. That is a lot of plates for television writer, showrunner, and comic writer new guy Jeff King to balance. King has be...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    A Meeting In Time 0

    I get that this is basically a filler story while DC moves their offices from NYC to California. But the issue I have with Convergence is that if you aren’t reading the Earth-2 book or don’t know of these characters then everything is confusing. I thought that the books would be tales from characters we hadn’t heard from in a while. But this is much similar to Marvel’s Secret Wars that is about to happen. Multiverse characters coming together to battle each other for thei...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    Father and son 0

    OK story that continues directly after the last one's conclusion, with Earth 2 heroes trapped and then fighting Telos, but by the end there is still not much of plot developmentThere is a lot of focus on Grayson as he becomes the narrator of much of this issue. This was a great decision in my opinion, first with a flashback to the last seconds of Earth 2 which was good, very emotional; then the fight with Telos which was the weakest part of the issue with a lot of unnecessary dialogue and not ve...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.
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