
    Cloud Nine

    Character » Cloud Nine appears in 2 issues.

    She is the female general of the black order.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    Cloud Nyne is the only female Exorcist general. One half of her face is covered by hair, and the other side has burn scars (although in the anime the burn scars do not appear as severe). She seems to be a gentle woman, as she is seen weeping for her deceased team.

    After her Exorcist team (consisting of Tina Spark, Gwen Frere, and Sol Galen) is killed, Cloud Nyne returns to the Black Order headquarters in order to meet with the other generals. Later, she is seen drinking wine with fellow general Cross Marian. Though she asks him why he chose her as a drinking partner, she does not seem entirely unwilling. When the Noah, Lulu Bell, attacks the headquarters, she teams up with Cross, Zokalo, Tiedoll, and Allen to mount a counterattack.

    Cloud Nyne's Innocence is a little monkey that rides on her shoulder. This Parasitic-type Innocence, called "Lau Jimin", is the first sentient Innocence shown in the series. When activated, the monkey transforms into a monster that attacks with balls of energy that form at its fists. Lau Jimin can also convert into a long-range mode, the effects of which have not been clearly demonstrated. She also has a whip, which is seen while she was fighting a Level 4 akuma in the manga. It is not known if it is her anti-akuma weapon.


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