
    Booster Gold #1

    Booster Gold » Booster Gold #1 - "The Big Fall" released by DC Comics on February 1986.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    After negotiating a movie deal, media darling Booster Gold is put to the test when he battles Blackguard in the streets of Metropolis in "The Big Fall."

    This issue starts out with managing editor of Blaze Comics Skip Andrews getting frustrated over the comic business. Then he gets the idea to write a book about Booster Gold.

    Meanwhile...Booster is in a athletic club working out and talking to Conrad. Conrad is trying to make a deal for a Booster Gold Movie. As they talk Booster goes from his workout to the locker room to the lobby. The whole time people say hi to him and greet him you can tell Booster has been going to this club a lot. Even the senator is there but he keeps getting Booster's name wrong. After Booster corrects the senator that his name is not Buster, he orders a Spa Shake. This is important because a mysterious man named Myron collects the glass for fingerprints. He works for a yet unknown man.

    Later Booster has a literal run in with Blackguard and some 1000 cronies. Booster and skeets take quick care of them and find out that they were stealing a satellite guidance system from S.T.A.R. Labs. They go to return the device and are ambushed by Mindancer. The issue leaves Booster on the ground unable to get up.

    A side story is Skip gets a hold of Boosters agent Dirk Davis about the comic book deal. Also Booster's secretary Trixie Connors tries to get in touch with the Justice League. Booster really wants to get in the league. Trixie is a.k.a. Goldstar.

    There is also an appearance of Henry Ballard a.k.a. the Director.


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    Average score of 3 user reviews

    Buster? Booster-Who? 0

    I was forced to read about Booster Gold because I was reading DC's famous 52 series. I remembered that I owned this first issue from 1986 and decided to take a look at it. I discovered that its the first appearance of Booster Gold ever. And this issue, at least, was both written and drawn by Dan Jurgens. I was definitely more interested after knowing these facts. It is noteworthy that this series starts in early 1986, when DC was releasing their Crisis on Infinite Earths event. The perfect time ...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Boosteriffic 0

    This is the first appearance of Booster Gold ever.  It is really cool to read these books and see the evolution of the character.   Like Booster wearing cape or Booster use of the language.  He is a little more dorky than usual.  All this said the core of the Booster's character has stayed the same.  The art in the book is awesome and Dan Jur gens is the one of the greatest.    The down sides are as with most first issue comics the story is a little awkward and there are many hints of stories ...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.
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