
    Avengers 1999 #1

    Avengers 1999 » Avengers 1999 #1 - Day of the Remains released by Marvel on July 1999.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    After Onslaught Jarvis reigns supreme 0

     The narrative of this story is from the perspective of Jarvis, who´s writing a letter to Natasha and from the beginning it shows Captain America as team leader, as the man who won´t settle for less when the sky is the limit, he´s the true symbol of perfection, the Army aspect in the Avengers routine. From the butler´s eyes we see the true spirit of the Avengers, also the affair that one like Jarvis must face on the daily basics. This new Avengers era is probably one of the best that will...

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