
    Atomic Knights Armors

    Object » Atomic Knights Armors appears in 15 issues.

    Anti radiation suit based in medieval armors.

    Short summary describing this thing.

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    The original Atomic Knights armors appeared with the original characters. There, Gardner Grayle modified a medieval armor suit found in a museum to use it as an anti-radiation suit. based in this modifications, the other knights also use the same techniques to built their own armor.

    When Grayle was integrated to the main earth continuity (Earth One) he start to use a more high tech armor with offensive energy weapons. This suit was built by S.T.A.R. Labs and include an energy weapon and an indestructible shield.

    A more advanced suit was used by Grayle when he was hunting the Outsiders. A golden version of the original armor with flight capabilities and energy weapons incorporated.

    When the Atomic Knights were reintroduced in continuity in Battle of Blüdhaven, they used high tech suits than resembled more medieval armors. They don't have offensive weapons incorporated but could use a cloaking system and the suit protect them from the radiation and other toxic elements from the environment.

    The armors from the Atomic Knights of Justice are more differentiated and reminds of the Justice League members. However if the users have power similar to their analogs or are the armors the ones which mimics superpowers is still unknown.


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