
    Alloy 12

    Character » Alloy 12 appears in 2 issues.

    An unwilling victim of Dominators experiments who developted superpowers.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Alloy 12 last edited by Thor_Ul on 09/06/21 08:06PM View full history

    Five Years Laters

    In the Five years later continuity, Alloy 12 was one of the many superpowered beings prisioners of the Dominion in special chambers around the world. These chambers were used by the Dominators to create new superbeings and at the same time it worked to put the occupers under mental control, as superpowered slaves for their conquerors.

    After the chambers of Metropolis were taken by the Subs, the Dominion Governor of Earth commissioned four subjects from the chambers of New Zealand to capture them. Alloy 12, leading Ghost 6, Elastic-Kid 5 and Flare tried to kill the subs, but they were defeated thanks to Monica Sade, also victim of the Dominators experiments, who gained teleporting powers causing the deaths of Elastic-Kid and Ghost. Alloy, a lot more resilent, went against Stone Boy, who was capable to defeat the enhaced strengh of Alloy.

    This Four Subjects team had similarities with the Fantastic Four.


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