
    Adventures of Superman #609

    Adventures of Superman » Adventures of Superman #609 - Superman's Wife released by DC Comics on March 31, 1958.

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    Duke Barlow has been apprehended by Superman. He and Whitey Krell were caught robbing the Fifth National Bank. Both men are part of a gang responsible for a major crime wave in Metropolis. The leader of the organization is unknown to everyone, even those pulling the jobs. According to Barlow, who is attached to a lie detector, the leader planning everything is only called Mister X. Even Police Inspector Bill Henderson's best officer Sergeant Helen J. O'Hara is baffled by this case. She's even been trying to get into Mister X's syndicate somehow. This impresses Superman. After Inspector Henderson introduces her to him, the Man of Steel and O'Hara discuss her investigation. Our hero then does something that takes everyone by surprise. He asks O'Hara to marry him. The lovely sergeant accepts his proposal. This could prove to be dangerous for O'Hara should Mister X get wind of her nuptials to Superman.



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