
    Action Comics #77

    Action Comics » Action Comics #77 - Another Superman Versus Prankster Adventure! released by DC Comics on October 1944.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    “THE HEADLINE HOAX.” The Prankster disguises himself as a blind newsdealer and manufactures Daily Planet headlines to con certain people so that he can make a profit off them!

    Superman: The Prankster is back and is looking for some easy money. While in Planet Square in Metropolis, he spots crooked share dealer Amos Amster, and strikes a deal with him. The Prankster takes over a news stand and prints up special editions of the Planet to sell to particular customers. The paper he sells to Thomas Todd runs a story, supposedly by Clark Kent, that Todd's steel mill has been destroyed by an earthquake. Believing himself ruined, Todd agrees to sell the mill to Amster for a bargain price.

    Next, the Prankster sells steamship magnate Milton Marsden a paper with a story under Lois Lane's name saying his newest liner has sunk. Again, Marsden agrees to sell his steamship line to Amster.

    Finally, the Prankster sells Killer Kronk a paper saying the police are closing in on him for a murder and jewel robbery. The Prankster follows Kronk and discovers the location of the jewels.

    When Todd and Marsden call the Planet threatening to sue over the fake stories, Superman investigates. When he visits Amster, he discovers that the Prankster has double-crossed him and now demands that Amster sign the steel mill and steamship line over to him. The Prankster then plans to sell the mill and line back to Todd and Marsden for inflated prices.

    Superman decides to use the Prankster's own methods to trap him.

    First, he moves Todd's steel mill to a remote location, then he finds Marsden's prize liner in the Atlantic and evacuates all the passengers, towing them to port in lifeboats. He then gets the Planet to print fake stories claiming that the steel mill has been destroyed and that the liner has been destroyed in a storm. When the Prankster sees the headlines, he believes himself ruined, but tries to save himself by selling Kronk's jewels to Todd and Marsden. Superman captures him as he tries to complete the deal.


    1. The Headline Hoax (Superman)
    2. The Punctured Picture (Hayfoot Henry)
    3. The Rainbow Man sees Red (Vigilante)
    4. Clancy the Cop
    5. The Leaping Leopard (Congo Bill)
    6. Terror's Victim
    7. The Pranks of Pan (Zatara)

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