
    X-Men Unlimited #37

    X-Men Unlimited » X-Men Unlimited #37 - Sacrificial Worlds released by Marvel on September 2002.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Sacrificial Worlds last edited by pikahyper on 07/09/19 06:06PM View full history

    Amazing Spider-Man cover artist Kaare Andrews sets his sights on the X-Men in the self-contained epic! A young boy who possesses unimaginable power has fallen under the thrall of a religious zealot seeking to eradicate the stain of mutantkind from our world -- and every other! Together, the two open a gateway that thrusts countless version of the X-Men across multiple dimensions against one another in all-out war! It's Wolverine vs. Wolverine vs. Wolverine ad infinitum! Can Professor Xavier and Kitty Pryde save themselves and the boy -- and what are they willing to sacrifice to do so?

    A simple midwestern farmer makes a deal with the devil so he can exact his revenge for a tragedy that befell him years before. He summons a special little child, one that causes worlds of mutants to collide... literally. Mutants from a myriad of different realities merge into one, and as they fight among themselves, Professor X and Kitty Pryde try to get to the bottom of things. They quickly discover that the late Illyana Rasputin, Kitty's late best friend, is at the heart of the chaos.



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    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.

    Story Arcs

    none of this issue.

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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    X-Men Unlimited # 37 0

    "Sacrificial Worlds" is one of those stand-alone issues that successfully manages to tell a most profound tale within a limited amount of space. Kaare Andrews writing is both sharp and emotional, and infuses the appropriate amount of action with the restrictions imposed on it. Worlds tells the tale of Hutch, Illyana Rasputin's son from an alternate reality, who is cursed to live between realities, or risk destroying all creation. There are a number of differen...

    7 out of 7 found this review helpful.
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