
    Walt Disneys Lustige Taschenbücher » 583 issues

    Volume » Published by Egmont Ehapa Verlag. Started in 1967.

    The 'Lustige Taschenbücher' were originally published in Germany irregularly (about 6 times a year) from 1967 until 1987 and monthly since

    Short summary describing this volume.

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    They are roughly A5-sized (digest size) and about 250 pages thick. Each book has about eight stories, but the numbers of stories can vary widely from issue to issue. As of 2014, there were more than 460 books. Almost all stories come from European publishers - namely Mondadori from Disney Italy and, more recently, Egmont from Denmark.

    Most of the artists are from Italy (among the most famous and internationally renowned being Romano Scarpa, Marco Rota, Pier Lorenzo De Vita, Massimo De Vita, Giorgio Cavazzano, Giovan Battista Carpi, Luciano Bottaro) with a minority of Danish artists (such as Flemming Andersen), and very few stories are drawn by Spanish and Argentinian artists.


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