
    Vic the Veep

    Character » Vic the Veep appears in 22 issues.

    Vice President in The Boys, an incompetent moron that is backed by Vought American

    Short summary describing this character.

    Vic the Veep last edited by gravenraven on 11/26/23 01:44AM View full history

    Through the machinations of the Vought American corporation, the incredibly simple-minded former C.E.O of the company, Victor Neuman found his way to the vice-presidency of the United States in the year 2000. They plan to eventually have him displace the current President, then implement policy according to their wishes. It is due to his family background, blank slate mentality and loyalty that led Vought to consider the best candidate for this.

    Vic is adamantly opposed by the President himself, Dakota Bob, who never wished to have Vic as a running mate but was forced to take him on regardless by the Republican party. Vought's ultimate goal, to have superhuman power adopted as national defense, is one that Bob will do everything in his power to prevent.

    TV Series

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    Vic's character was changed greatly in the Amazon Prime TV Series. Vic is changed from a male to a female named Victoria Neuman. She is a journalist who claims that she is against Vought, but appears to be helping them. She's also a supe with the power to explode peoples heads. Her true motives are unknown.


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