
    Vesper Vasquez

    Character » Vesper Vasquez appears in 6 issues.

    The Black Hyperforce Ranger.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Vesper Vasquez last edited by gravenraven on 10/30/23 09:35PM View full history

    Other Media

    Video Games

    Power Rangers: Legacy Wars (2017)

    No Caption Provided

    Game Bio: Vesper Vasquez is a Time Force Academy cadet; her parents are Dr. Antonio Vasquez and Dr. Lucero Vaasquez; she is beautiful but tough woman, smart, and an expert in technology. The Hyperforce team accidentally travels to 2009 (RPM year), where Vesper is revealed to be an gynoid after being infected by the Venjix virus that makes her lose control and goes berserk. Despite being a gynoid she doesn't care about going unnoticed. She is very loyal to her team and will not hesitate to be aggressive in order to protect them.

    Released: 25/09/22.


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