TPB last edited by Trentflix on 02/18/24 06:12PM View full history

    Embarking on a crucial mission to transport a valuable object, Usagi and Yukichi find themselves entangled in unexpected adventures.

    In the tale "A Ghost Story," Usagi and Yukichi encounter Shizuye, a young woman praying at a shrine dedicated to a girl murdered half a century ago by her married lover. Recognizing Shizuye's plight, Usagi and Yukichi take on the role of her protectors. Yet, the situation becomes more complex as a local priest warns them of potential supernatural threats in the area.

    Moving on to "The Secret of the Green Dragon," Usagi and Yukichi are tasked with delivering a priceless jade dragon to a merchant. Along the way, they witness a courier delivering jewels to the same merchant being killed on the road. Surprisingly, the killers abandon the jewels but abscond with the container, leading Usagi and Yukichi to realize that the box they carry may hold an even greater value than the jade dragon within.

    This collection gathers issues #27–31 of the newly introduced full-color Usagi Yojimbo series published by IDW.



    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.

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    none of this issue.

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